
Boss: SVR-07 Special Tank in Beninerk's Manor (normal)
Session: 26.03.2023 17:13:32 - 17:17:29
Game Version: 8.2
App Version:
Duration: 3min 57s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 73.734
DMG: 17.505.118
Heal: 923.965
Buffs: Blessed Light 3 [Evolution] Weda's Splendour (Level 1) Nezekan [Evolution] Soul Wave (Level 1) [Evolution] Repeated Jolting Strike (Level 1) 2 [Evolution] Weda's Splendour (Level 1) 3 Attack: Increases Attack Power 9 Attack: Increase Crit Strike 9 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 3 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 4
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Chain of Suffering 54 0 0 0 0 0 4.135 136.878 59.312 3.202.859 (18%)
Chain Discharge 16 7 (44%) 0 0 0 0 10.438 347.013 146.253 2.340.051 (13%)
Thunderclap 12 6 (50%) 0 0 0 0 8.152 255.134 157.575 1.890.910 (11%)
Punishing Earth 26 11 (42%) 0 0 0 0 3.957 127.647 59.466 1.546.121 (9%)
(Improved) Call Lightning 4 0 0 0 0 0 20.727 403.613 287.220 1.148.883 (7%)
(Improved) Lightning Bolt of Retaliation 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 11.369 344.855 141.558 1.132.469 (6%)
Shocking Thunderbolt Strike 24 14 (58%) 0 0 0 0 2.807 87.581 46.140 1.107.381 (6%)
Paralysing Blow 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 29.572 551.675 299.217 897.652 (5%)
Chastise 47 4 (9%) 0 0 0 0 1.147 59.555 16.264 764.415 (4%)
Attack: Additional Damage 15 0 0 0 0 0 34.020 44.226 42.184 632.772 (4%)
Boosted Thunder 8 3 (38%) 0 0 0 0 5.318 166.114 74.020 592.166 (3%)
Slashing Wind 8 5 (62%) 0 0 0 0 4.221 127.020 64.345 514.767 (3%)
Legendary: Ignite level 3 46 0 0 0 0 0 3.600 24.960 9.253 425.640 (2%)
Punishment Energy 24 8 (33%) 0 0 0 0 3.485 34.818 17.607 422.578 (2%)
Power Smash Strike 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 6.829 191.758 92.609 370.436 (2%)
Earth's Wrath 8 3 (38%) 0 0 0 0 2.301 77.893 28.067 224.537 (1%)
Infernal Blaze 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 3.631 116.469 62.914 188.742 (1%)
Word of Destruction 32 1 (3%) 0 0 0 0 2.450 6.919 3.210 102.739 (1%)
Summary 342 70 (20%) 0 0 0 0 1.147 551.675 51.184 17.505.118

Time Status Damage Heal Target
17:13:39 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:40 0 0 Zohe
17:13:41 0 0 Zohe
17:13:42 20.727 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:43 6.657 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:44 3.945 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:45 3.957 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:45 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:46 Critical 4.210 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:47 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:47 3.631 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:47 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:48 1.843 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:48 2.301 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:49 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:49 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:49 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:49 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:50 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:51 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:51 3.957 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:51 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:51 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:52 Critical 4.210 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:52 0 0 Zohe
17:13:52 Critical 15.658 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:53 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:53 0 0 Zohe
17:13:53 Critical 15.658 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:53 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:54 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:54 Critical 12.228 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:54 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:54 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:54 Critical 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 8.152 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 8.152 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:55 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:56 Critical 29.572 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 Critical 6.332 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:57 5.318 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:58 19.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:58 Critical 17.055 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:58 Critical 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:59 6.829 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:59 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:59 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:13:59 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:00 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:00 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:01 0 4.607 Zohe
17:14:01 0 4.172 Einmiststueck
17:14:01 0 4.213 Oosa
17:14:01 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:01 0 4.213 Cendrier
17:14:01 0 0 Guzcut
17:14:01 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:01 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:01 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:02 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:02 3.957 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:02 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:03 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:03 Critical 4.210 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:03 0 2.520 Cendrier
17:14:03 0 2.520 Oosa
17:14:03 0 2.495 Einmiststueck
17:14:03 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:03 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:04 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:05 Critical 2.766 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:05 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:05 0 1.406 Cendrier
17:14:05 0 2.520 Oosa
17:14:05 0 2.495 Einmiststueck
17:14:05 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:05 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:06 2.301 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:06 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:07 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:07 3.957 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:07 0 2.495 Einmiststueck
17:14:07 0 2.520 Oosa
17:14:07 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:08 2.807 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:08 1.720 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:09 0 0 Zohe
17:14:09 Critical 15.658 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:09 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:09 0 2.520 Oosa
17:14:09 0 2.495 Einmiststueck
17:14:09 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:09 0 0 Zohe
17:14:09 10.438 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:10 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:10 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:11 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:11 Critical 5.936 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:11 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:11 0 2.520 Oosa
17:14:11 1.720 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:11 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:12 Critical 4.210 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:12 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:13 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:13 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:13 0 1.825 Oosa
17:14:13 4.135 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:14 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:14 Critical 5.936 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:14 1.720 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:14 2.807 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:15 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:15 2.450 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:15 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:15 4.221 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:16 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:16 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:16 Critical 7.978 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:16 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:17 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:17 11.369 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:17 1.720 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:18 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:19 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:19 3.957 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:20 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:20 2.807 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:20 1.720 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:21 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:21 1.843 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:22 2.301 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:22 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:23 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:24 0 5.327 Zohe
17:14:24 0 4.287 Einmiststueck
17:14:24 0 4.329 Oosa
17:14:24 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:24 0 4.860 Cendrier
17:14:24 0 4.245 Guzcut
17:14:24 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:27 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:27 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:27 0 15.359 Zohe
17:14:27 0 12.360 Einmiststueck
17:14:27 0 12.482 Oosa
17:14:27 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:27 0 12.482 Cendrier
17:14:27 0 12.238 Guzcut
17:14:28 0 11.451 Guzcut
17:14:29 0 5.076 Guzcut
17:14:29 0 5.126 Einmiststueck
17:14:29 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:29 0 5.694 Liroj
17:14:29 0 2.904
17:14:29 0 6.493 Daylaila
17:14:30 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:31 0 0 Zohe
17:14:31 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:14:31 0 0 Oosa
17:14:31 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:31 0 0 Cendrier
17:14:31 0 0 Guzcut
17:14:31 Critical 3.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:32 0 6.207 Guzcut
17:14:32 0 0 Frierren
17:14:32 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:14:32 0 6.331 Oosa
17:14:32 0 6.269 Rotaran
17:14:32 0 6.964 Liroj
17:14:33 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:35 0 6.207 Guzcut
17:14:35 0 0 Frierren
17:14:35 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:14:35 0 681 Rotaran
17:14:35 3.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:36 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:39 0 7.789 Zohe
17:14:39 0 0 Leptosoma
17:14:39 0 6.331 Oosa
17:14:39 0 0 Rotaran
17:14:39 0 2.904
17:14:39 33.368 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:43 34.275 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:45 0 0 Zohe
17:14:46 0 0 Zohe
17:14:47 357.735 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:47 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:48 121.848 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:49 72.622 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:50 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:50 Critical 78.659 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:51 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:51 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:51 0 0 Zohe
17:14:51 Critical 292.232 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:52 0 0 Zohe
17:14:52 194.820 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:52 3.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:53 0 0 Zohe
17:14:53 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:54 73.853 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:55 49.873 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:55 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:55 74.954 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:56 Critical 135.787 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:57 193.525 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:57 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:57 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:57 0 0 Zohe
17:14:58 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:58 Critical 116.469 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:59 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:59 Critical 59.555 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:14:59 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:00 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:00 Critical 121.382 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:01 Critical 86.626 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:01 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:01 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:01 175.167 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:01 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 Critical 255.134 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:02 35.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:03 Critical 255.134 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:03 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:03 72.667 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:03 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:03 316.405 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:04 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:04 Critical 161.605 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:04 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:05 35.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:05 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:05 63.354 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:06 Critical 65.459 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:06 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:07 0 0 Zohe
17:15:07 162.117 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:08 0 0 Zohe
17:15:08 162.117 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:08 35.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:09 Critical 92.186 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:09 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:10 43.639 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:10 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:11 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:11 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:11 35.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:12 60.826 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:12 28.178 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:13 40.497 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:14 Critical 91.292 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:14 76.643 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:14 35.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:15 160.217 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:16 Critical 40.608 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:16 27.131 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:16 34.290 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:18 58.929 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:18 38.388 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:19 31.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:20 0 0 Zohe
17:15:20 29.223 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:21 0 0 Zohe
17:15:21 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:15:21 0 0 Oosa
17:15:21 0 0 Rotaran
17:15:21 0 0 Cendrier
17:15:21 0 0 Guzcut
17:15:22 31.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:22 366.808 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:23 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:24 Critical 127.647 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:24 33.686 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:25 31.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:25 Critical 87.581 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:26 0 0 Zohe
17:15:26 Critical 347.013 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:27 0 0 Zohe
17:15:27 239.483 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:28 90.785 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:28 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:28 31.485 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:28 64.465 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:28 Critical 34.818 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:29 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:29 42.391 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:30 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:30 Critical 77.893 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:30 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:31 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:31 Critical 121.624 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:32 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:32 Critical 86.361 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:32 Critical 27.114 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 23.562 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 166.128 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 Critical 241.012 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:33 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:34 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:34 166.128 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:34 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:35 Critical 101.469 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:35 Critical 166.114 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:36 23.562 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:36 Critical 344.855 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:37 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:38 136.878 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:39 23.562 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:39 Critical 122.021 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:40 Critical 86.643 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:40 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:40 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:42 23.562 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:42 0 3.864 Oosa
17:15:42 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:43 0 5.184 Zohe
17:15:43 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:15:43 0 4.213 Oosa
17:15:43 0 0 Rotaran
17:15:43 0 0 Cendrier
17:15:43 0 0 Guzcut
17:15:44 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:44 0 1.712 Oosa
17:15:44 0 0 Daylaila
17:15:44 0 0 Guzcut
17:15:44 0 2.106 Zohe
17:15:44 0 0 Frierren
17:15:44 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:15:45 23.562 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:45 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:45 0 845 Zohe
17:15:46 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:47 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:47 0 0 Zohe
17:15:48 0 0 Zohe
17:15:48 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:49 Critical 6.919 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:49 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:50 1.843 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:50 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:51 Critical 3.451 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:51 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:51 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:51 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:52 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:52 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:53 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:53 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:53 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:53 Critical 5.936 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:54 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:54 2.807 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:54 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:55 0 0 Zohe
17:15:55 10.438 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:55 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:55 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:56 0 0 Zohe
17:15:56 Critical 15.658 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:56 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 4.221 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 Critical 4.531 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 5.318 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:57 0 2.520 Oosa
17:15:58 11.369 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:58 Critical 10.244 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:59 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:15:59 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:00 Critical 5.936 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:00 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:00 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:01 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:01 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:02 0 0 Zohe
17:16:02 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:02 0 0 Oosa
17:16:02 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:02 0 0 Cendrier
17:16:02 0 0 Guzcut
17:16:02 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:03 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:03 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:04 0 19.694 Zohe
17:16:04 0 15.848 Einmiststueck
17:16:04 0 16.005 Oosa
17:16:04 0 15.848 Rotaran
17:16:04 0 0 Cendrier
17:16:04 0 15.692 Guzcut
17:16:05 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:05 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:06 1.147 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:06 0 18.786 Zohe
17:16:06 0 15.117 Einmiststueck
17:16:06 0 0 Oosa
17:16:06 0 15.117 Rotaran
17:16:06 0 0 Cendrier
17:16:06 0 14.968 Guzcut
17:16:07 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:07 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:08 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:16:08 0 313 Frierren
17:16:08 0 6.207 Guzcut
17:16:08 0 7.277 Daylaila
17:16:08 0 7.789 Zohe
17:16:08 0 4.750 Rotaran
17:16:09 76.057 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:09 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:10 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:16:10 0 0 Frierren
17:16:10 0 6.207 Guzcut
17:16:10 0 7.939 Daylaila
17:16:10 0 7.789 Zohe
17:16:10 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:11 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:13 0 14.005 Guzcut
17:16:13 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:15 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:16 0 6.207 Guzcut
17:16:16 0 0 Frierren
17:16:16 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:16 0 7.789 Zohe
17:16:16 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:16:16 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:17 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:18 0 0 Zohe
17:16:18 0 15.039 Zohe
17:16:19 0 574 Zohe
17:16:19 0 5.076 Guzcut
17:16:19 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:19 0 535 Einmiststueck
17:16:19 0 0 Leptosoma
17:16:19 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:19 3.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:21 0 0 Zohe
17:16:21 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:21 0 10.226 Oosa
17:16:21 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:21 0 9.129 Cendrier
17:16:21 0 9.654 Guzcut
17:16:22 0 6.370 Zohe
17:16:22 0 6.493 Daylaila
17:16:22 0 5.126 Einmiststueck
17:16:22 0 5.778 Leptosoma
17:16:22 0 5.126 Rotaran
17:16:24 0 15.670 Zohe
17:16:24 0 12.610 Einmiststueck
17:16:24 0 12.735 Oosa
17:16:24 0 12.610 Rotaran
17:16:24 0 14.296 Cendrier
17:16:24 0 0 Guzcut
17:16:25 0 0 Zohe
17:16:26 0 7.789 Zohe
17:16:26 0 7.939 Daylaila
17:16:26 0 6.269 Einmiststueck
17:16:26 0 7.066 Leptosoma
17:16:26 0 6.269 Rotaran
17:16:26 0 7.618 Oosa
17:16:26 0 7.543 Einmiststueck
17:16:26 0 7.543 Rotaran
17:16:26 0 5.352 Zohe
17:16:28 0 7.543 Einmiststueck
17:16:28 0 7.618 Oosa
17:16:28 0 7.543 Rotaran
17:16:28 0 9.373 Zohe
17:16:28 0 7.469 Guzcut
17:16:28 0 0 Zohe
17:16:28 0 12.102 Einmiststueck
17:16:29 0 5.177 Oosa
17:16:29 0 0 Frierren
17:16:29 0 6.493 Daylaila
17:16:29 0 5.126 Einmiststueck
17:16:29 0 5.126 Rotaran
17:16:30 0 9.373 Zohe
17:16:30 0 7.618 Oosa
17:16:30 0 7.469 Guzcut
17:16:30 0 7.543 Rotaran
17:16:30 0 7.543 Einmiststueck
17:16:31 0 5.232 Oosa
17:16:32 0 5.181 Rotaran
17:16:32 0 7.543 Einmiststueck
17:16:32 0 7.618 Oosa
17:16:32 0 7.009 Zohe
17:16:32 0 6.921 Rotaran
17:16:32 0 7.469 Guzcut
17:16:33 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:33 0 5.177 Oosa
17:16:33 0 0 Frierren
17:16:33 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:33 0 0 Zohe
17:16:33 0 5.126 Einmiststueck
17:16:34 0 7.618 Oosa
17:16:34 0 7.469 Guzcut
17:16:36 0 0 Zohe
17:16:36 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:36 0 9.056 Oosa
17:16:36 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:36 0 0 Cendrier
17:16:36 0 5.079 Guzcut
17:16:37 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:37 0 0 Oosa
17:16:37 0 0 Frierren
17:16:37 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:37 0 0 Zohe
17:16:37 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:38 0 2.059 Cendrier
17:16:41 0 0 Zohe
17:16:41 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:41 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:41 0 0 Leptosoma
17:16:41 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:43 0 0 Zohe
17:16:43 0 0 Daylaila
17:16:43 0 0 Einmiststueck
17:16:43 0 0 Leptosoma
17:16:43 0 0 Rotaran
17:16:46 0 0 Guzcut
17:16:46 0 0 Liroj
17:16:46 0 0 Makiita
17:16:46 0 1.669 Cendrier
17:16:50 0 0 Guzcut
17:16:50 0 0 Liroj
17:16:50 0 0 Makiita
17:16:50 0 0 Cendrier
17:16:56 0 0 Zohe
17:16:56 0 0 Zohe
17:16:57 0 0 Zohe
17:16:58 403.613 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:16:59 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:00 68.642 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:01 129.676 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:02 Critical 115.602 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:03 54.187 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:03 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:04 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:04 0 0 Zohe
17:17:04 209.321 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:05 0 0 Zohe
17:17:05 209.321 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:05 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:06 Critical 127.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:06 106.639 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:07 212.742 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:07 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:08 Critical 191.758 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:09 74.390 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:09 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:10 Critical 80.638 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:11 Critical 223.466 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:11 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:11 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:11 152.083 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:11 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:12 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:12 Critical 228.126 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:12 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:13 Critical 551.675 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:13 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:13 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:14 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:14 32.972 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:14 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:14 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:14 42.629 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:15 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:15 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:15 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:16 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:16 32.099 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:16 69.677 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:17 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:17 21.437 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:17 Critical 74.212 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:17 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:18 0 0 Zohe
17:17:18 Critical 267.652 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:19 0 0 Zohe
17:17:19 172.467 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:19 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:20 21.437 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:20 65.382 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:20 Critical 29.379 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:21 Critical 69.639 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:21 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:22 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:22 Critical 105.258 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:23 21.437 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:23 88.369 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:23 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:24 181.337 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:24 26.662 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:25 68.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:25 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:26 Critical 72.446 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:26 21.437 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:27 Critical 47.641 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:27 24.960 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:27 Critical 59.371 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:27 84.327 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:28 5.400 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:28 Critical 34.365 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
17:17:29 Critical 104.292 0 SVR-07 Special Tank