Adjusted KR Classic to recent changes in the game protocol. Items are detectable once again.
Added support for 윈드 KR Classic Wind server.
Improved server detection when uploading character's data. It could happen that character was uploaded as from Integrated/Apheta Beluslan server instead of the main server.
Improved updating loot table picked up items. It could happen that information who picked up the item was not updated even when was available on the client side.
Updated Classic data paks.
A new version is required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.
Added NPC Loot Table. You can select the NPC to see what items were looted from it.
Loot Table is shared on the website for PvE Sessions. If the DPS meter user checked the loot as first - the loot table is marked as complete. We will calculate drop rate base on sessions with complete loot tables later on.
Improved detection of amount of stacked items looted by another player if the stack was rolled.
Improved detection of amount of personal loot items acquired by another player.
Added option in App Settings to set default selected target. It works in a way that it should always set the default target after starting a new session or switching back to the current session. In a case of loading a session from a file, it should always set the selected target as - [All Targets]. This might be useful for people who play with [In-Game Target].
Fixed a bug when it could happen that selected target was blank after starting a new session or loading a session from a file.
Fixed a bug where it could happen that after resetting ranked boss buffs from a previous attempt were taken into account.
Fixed a bug where Race filter didn't work properly and didn't add new characters of the same race which started dealing damage.
Fixed a bug on Live servers where character level was incorrectly updated during glory level update.
Changed message for uploaded unranked sessions to "PvE session from boss {bossName} has been uploaded. The session has been marked as unranked, because one of the participants used a buff or a skill which is not allowed for ranked sessions. 30/50% PvE event buffs and Wild Card event skills are not allowed in ranked sessions. You can see the session details at the address: {url}".
Updated Classic data paks.
Updated Live data paks.
Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.
Added Mudfish - WFP Enabled configuration to the menu Network -> Port/VPN.
Removed Battleping configuration from the menu Network -> Port/VPN.
Npcap filter narrowed to only listen on the game protocol port as the online character count is no longer sent from the server to the client in the login protocol.
Added option to expand app from right to left instead of default left to right expansion behaviour. It should help users who prefer to keep app close to the right edge of the screen.
Added option in App Settings to change font size. There are 5 sizes available.
Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution are loaded asynchronously now. Navigation between tabs should be faster.
Character's legion should be updated more frequently on the website based on information sent along with the battleground status.
Fixed a bug where Unassigned Damage was not filtered by the selected target.
Fixed a bug where offline profile was opened instead of online one - when using context menu on selected character.
Fixed a bug where a link to website profile was broken in offline profile after loading session from a file.
Updated Classic data paks.
Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.
Improved faction detection in Arena of Cooperation and Classic 2.7+ Dredgion.
Restored faction detection based on team side for Tiak for Classic 2.7+.
Fixed a bug that caused Damage Distribution to be displayed incorrectly in Relic Mode.
Fixed equipment decoding when inspecting a character in Classic 3.0.
Fixed characters abyss ranking decoding in Classic 3.0.
Updated data paks.
Added information about the Oath Skill in items for Live servers.
Character's faction, class, rank and level should be updated more frequently on the website based on information sent along with the battleground status.
Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.
Fixed a bug where delayed skill effects could be assigned to the wrong character when several of the same delayed skills were activated on the same target within the delay time window.
Fixed a bug where drain skill effects were assigned to the wrong character.
Fixed a bug where a PvE session listed character(s) from the opposite faction.
Fixed a bug that caused Arena of Glory (FFA) not to be uploaded to the MyAion service.
Fixed a bug in 2.7+ game protocol where skills with new dash type effects were not parsed.
Fixed a bug in 2.7+ game protocol where 6v6 battlegrounds displayed the incorrect character race.
Fixed a bug where a session could become incomplete if the boss's aggro was captured by a long-range auto attack and its packet was received much earlier than the boss's aggro packet.
Updated data paks.
Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE and PvP sessions. Please update your DPS meter.
Adjusted DPS meter communication with MyAion service to be compatible with Couldflare. Starting tomorrow, we will start using Cloudflare for better stability and performance. To continue using MyAion service features in the app, please update your DPS meter.
Removed NPC details tooltip from Targets list. It should help with freezing list after sieges. NPC details is still available after hovering selected NPC (above players list).
Fixed bug for Classic 2.7+ when [Supplies] Tahabata's weapons were not detected in animation speed check and could cause false positive flag for dual wield gladiator or assassin.
Fixed bug when Loot Table showed incorrect amount of looted consumable items when it was consumed in between two loot actions.
Fixed bug when Clean option didn't reset looted item counter.
Fixed group filter for Classic.
Fixed alliance filter for Classic.
Fixed bug when Tahabata session was not detected as ranked on EU Classic.
Please update your Npcap to the newest version 1.60. It fixes a bug which could cause sessions not being uploaded to MyAion. Loopback Adapter users (Battleping Connection 2, PingZapper, NoPing Routing System Mode 2) should stick to their current version of Npcap.
Improved application performance, especially during sieges.
Fixed bug when DPS meter could not find game connection, because of incorrect locally stored configuration.
Removed Connection Mode choice in Network menu. Mode 1 was deprecated and removed. DPS meter always uses Mode 2 now which was successfully tested in past months.
MyAion DPS meter works in 64 bits on x64 machines now!
Added support to EU Classic. It should work tomorrow on the launch.
Players and NPCs' active buffs and debuffs are now displayed in Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution. When a ranked PvE session is started then it switches to total buffs and debuffs with counter of usages during the session.
Summons, Spirits and Energies auto-attacks are displayed separately now.
Reworked navigation between Online and Local Profile. It should be easier to navigate to the desired type of profile and understand which one is displayed by having new buttons on the profile info bar and new indicators in the top right corner of the profile page.
Added option to copy item rolls by right mouse clicking on the rolls list. There are two options: Copy Rolls (all) - simply copy all rolls with better format to paste it outside of the game, Copy Rolls (limited) - copies 255 characters, so it can be pasted in the game.
Added extra scroll bar for item rolls list and limited height of the table to show max 6 rolls at the same time.
ESC button can unselect players from the list. It can be useful to display Loot Table for all players together.
DPS meter switch protocol version (Live / Classic) when loading saved sessions of different protocol versions. Note: It's possible to load sessions of different protocol versions only when the DPS meter is in offline mode.
Sessions downloaded from the website (if recorded on DPS meter version) should display Unassigned Damage after loaded into DPS meter (if feature is enabled in App Settings).
The Amount of unassigned damage is displayed now.
DoT (Damage over Time) skills are also assigned to NPCs on Classic now.
Fixed Tahabata ranking. It's possible to upload PvE sessions from Tahabata once again.
Fixed buffs and debuffs decoding for KR 8.4 version.
Fixed style of all tooltips to be aligned with the chosen theme.
Added option to display unassigned damage to any players. It can be enabled in App Settings. As you might know, we are unable to assign some of the activation effect's damage to players. These are: Apply Lethal Venom, Promise of Wind, Blessing of Wind, Blessing of Fire and godstones. The reason for that is because Classic game protocol doesn't contain information about the source of these effects when they are sent from server to client. However, this damage is still registered and can be viewed when you enable this feature and select "Unassigned Damage" below the Players List.
Fixed bug when DPS meter didn't start when Npcap was not installed. Now a message will be displayed with information about the potential source of the problem and a link to Npcap download.
Added automatic update of character's equipment during PvE session upload if info about equipment is available.
Added automatic save of ranked session into file in case when it was not uploaded because of server error or not sufficient damage. It can be used to further analysis if reported on our discord server.
Improved stability of MyAion connection for Exitlag users.
Fixed bug when it could happen that MyAion couldn't reconnect to game server while switching game server.
Fixed bug when connection status icons were cropped after initial installation.
Reverted change related to PvE session validation introduced in version It's required to be in the range of 100m of boss when taking its aggro. Otherwise the session will be incomplete. Taking this validation off resulted in unexpected problems.
Minor UX improvements related to NPC details:
Added NPCId into NPC tooltip.
Added NPC tooltip over selected NPCs list.
Added NPC details and link to Aion PowerBook above Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution tabs.
Minor UX improvements related to dialog windows:
Added confirmation dialog for Pause/Clear session (Keybind shortcuts still bypass it).
Added Close button to App Settings dialog.
Added Save/Cancel buttons to Hotkeys Settings dialog.
All dialogs can be closed with ESC and confirmed with ENTER buttons.
Adjusted Dredgion instance score decoding for KR Classic after last update.
Added Discord and Reddit integration. You are able to link your character's profile with those social profiles. Link to connected social profile will be displayed in your character's profile on MyAion website.
Reworked YouTube and Twitch integration using authorization system. Old manually provided links are removed. You need to connect to these services again if you want them still being linked to your character's profile. Reminder: connecting with YouTube and Twitch allows you to promote your videos/broadcast on MyAion's website in your profile and under PvE Sessions and PvP Live Scores. For more details, check Update - "Content Creators" changelog.
Reworked game server connection status and added new - MyAion connection status. It has three states: offline, idle - waiting for character selection and online. Only when MyAion connection is online it's possible to upload Profile Settings, PvE Sessions and PvP Instance Scores.
Reworked how dialog windows are displayed. App Settings and Profile Settings window should spawn on side of the main window (on the right, if there is no space on the screen then on the left), other dialogs are modal windows now and should spawn at the centre of the main window.
Improved PvE session validation. It allows sending sessions even if boss aggro was taken out of range (100m), but still dealt damage equal to boss HP. It should help in a case when a boss is pulled by another group's member from a long distance, for example in Padmarashka's Cave.
Adjusted PvP instance score decoding for KR Classic after last update.
Updated external libs.
Updated data paks for all regions.
Keep your dpsmeter and Npcap up-to-date for the best experience!
Added Position Number as optional to be displayed on Players List.
It can be enabled in menu App -> App Settings, in Player List section by checking "Display Position" option:
Added skill descriptions in stigma tooltips.
Decreased delay before showing tooltips on items and skills.
Fixed several skill descriptions.
Fixed bug when skill attack status was overridden by second effect of the skill. It could cause some skills with extra effects (like reducing MP for example) never shown as critical.
Fixed bug when auto attack could not be parsed under certain circumstances.
Fixed bug when PvE session was reported as incomplete because of disease effect applied on boss.
Fixed support to 어비스 classic server and added support to 에레슈란타 classic server.
Adjusted skill packets decoding. Skills should be displayed in Skills Rotation and Skills Distribution tabs. PvE sessions should be possible to upload once again.
Added new class Soldier/Executor. Keep in mind that the new class might show false positives (0 motion) on animation speed check. It will be adjusted in next update after gathering enough data.
Updated certificates. Please update your dpsmeter before 26th of May to be able to communicate with MyAion service.
Animation speed detection - skills performed without detected weapon will be marked now as uncertain (orange) instead as possible modified (red) to avoid situation when dpsmeter's data pack is behind client and doesn't contain information about newly added weapons.
Fixed bug when Apostle transformations were incorrectly detected as different transformations.
NA region uses 8.2 protocol now - items and buff are detected correctly now.
Added new TCP connection mode. It should fix problems when the DPS meter is getting disconnected in the middle of session caused by network packet loss. If you have such problems, please switch to Network -> Connection Mode -> Mode 2.
Added option to validate animation speed detections in saved session. You can find new feature in menu App -> Validate Session. It will send all data related to animation speed detection to MyAion service and it will be validated on server side.
Changed conditions for flag (exclamation mark) showed next to character with possible modified animation speed:
- detected at least two unique skills with possible modified animation speed,
- detected at least five skills and at least three unique skills with possible modified animation speed,
- detected at least ten skills and at least four unique skills with possible modified animation speed.
Feature is enabled again on classic servers.
Keep in mind that auto-detected skills with possible modified animation speed are marked with red color. Skill marked with orange color means that app cannot determinate if animation speed was modified or not and it requires manual analyse.
Character profile:
Added character general info, equipment, cube and transformations update dates.
Added character previous names.
Added rank and legion name.
Characters search:
Added option to search characters by their previous names.
Added rank info on search result list.
Fixed bug when dpsmeter was searching for characters on live and classic servers if server filter was set for All.
Added option to display legion name under character's nickname on DPS list.
Added workaround for Kerubic artifact bug. Skills used when transformed into Kerubim won't be red marked, instead it will be marked with orange. Orange colour means that app cannot determinate if animation speed was modified or not and it requires manual analyse. Skills marked with orange colour don’t trigger animation warning (exclamation mark) next to character’s nickname. Keep in mind that exclamation mark is disabled for Classic for now. ETA on bringing it back is set for end of this month.
Updated data.paks.
Excluded zero motion skills from animation speed check.
Improved damage check when uploading session. It should fix bug when session was not uploaded because of untracked Promise of Wind, Blessing of Wind, Blessing of Fire or godstone effects.
Excluded several zero motion skills from animation speed check.
Allowed to hide Equipment, Cube, Transformations Collection and still participate in PvE Rankings.
Added option for non MyAion users to hide/show profile details by in-game note:
Note should looks like: MyAion|<command>|<parameters>
Available commands:
Available parameters:
PvE - PvE Sessions,
E - Equipment,
C - Cube,
T - Transformations Collection,
All - everything above.
You can use multiple parameters, each separated by |
Example note: MyAion|Hide|C|T - command will hide your Cube and Transformations Collection.
Your command will be executed shorty after any MyAion user with updated app uploads your request. It can happen in three ways:
if you have open details and you get inspected by MyAion user,
after ranked dungeon if any group member is using MyAion DPS meter,
when you get in range of MyAion user and he uploads data manually by pressing Upload button in Character Profile tab.
Fixed bug when players search didn't work if you try to search on specific server.
Added Equipment, Cube, Transformations Collection icons in players search list.
Updated data packs for all regions.
Added new filter which allows to switch between ranking of all characters and ranking of characters with complete profiles.
Added Transformations Collection to Character Profiles.
Reworked Character Profile page. Panels: Equipment, Cube, Transformations Collection, PvE Sessions, PvP Sessions, Recent Videos can be collapsed and reordered by dragging and dropping. Its order will be stored in cookies.
Added option to reorder region panels on main page. You can set your home region as first one.
Added Transformation Collections in Character Profiles. Collections can be uploaded manually by using "Upload" button in Character Profile tab. It will be also auto-uploaded together with PvE sessions. If someone doesn't want to share his transformation collections, he should disable auto upload of PvE sessions.
If someone has uploaded transformation collections, it will be possible to check it out in his character profile under icon.
Website part is not ready yet. It will released in next days.
Added Roll List to Loot Table. It's possible to check rolls for selected item. Clicking on item in Loot Table will show table with roll details.
Fixed bug when skills of player transformed into Ancient Caryatid was incorrectly marked as with possible modified animation speed.
Added Cube info in Character Profiles. Cubes can be uploaded manually by using "Upload" button in Character Profile tab. It will be also auto-uploaded together with PvE sessions. If someone doesn't want to share his cubes, he should disable auto upload of PvE sessions.
If someone has uploaded cubes, it will be possible to check it out in his character profile under icon.
Fixed PvE sessions uploading for South Korea region. It was broken since servers merge.
Fixed bug when it happened to upload gear from another character when switching to character who was on integrated server.
Fixed Area of Discipline round number in Instance Scores.
Added option to resend session if it didn't go through because of error (0), error (4) or time-out. There will be exclamation mark over notification icon. Resend button will be available for 5 minutes.
Added options to open session and logs folders. You can find it in App menu.
Fixed bug when application was getting resized when NPC name was too long.
Fixed bug when application didn't start during restart when switching OBS mode.
Fixed when Raging Oris session didn't get uploaded when boss base HP was changed.
Fixed bugs related to NPC list. It didn't affect app operations in any way, but it was generating quite big error logs.
Added NPC's details (current HP, casting skill info with target, castbar and count down). Thanks to Kelekelio for help with NPC icons.
App Settings contains three different ways to display NPC on the list:
auto detected ranked bosses
manually selected from targets list
auto detected in-game target
It possible to mix all of them in any combination. When all 3 options are chosen, app will displayed up to 3 NPCs at the same time.
Added option to check NPC Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution.
Added Check for updates option in App menu.
Fixed bug when Release Notes window was hidden behind app when new version was detected (it will work from next update after this one).
Fixed bug when some sessions were incorrect marked as incomplete.
Fixed bug when some sessions didn't go through because of error (4).
Fixed bug when Rune had incorrect skill (gear needs to be uploaded again).
Fixed bug when skills description wasn't displayed in Damage Distribution.
Added Runes and Odians to Character Profiles (in app and on website) - details need to be uploaded again.
Added gold and silver icon frames to items in app and on website.
Added global loot table - it's visible when none of players are selected (Hint: you can unselect player with CTRL).
Added Loot table filter: Show items dropped for each member of group. When you uncheck it, it will hide items which are distributed individually for each member of group.
Fixed bug when some sessions were marked incorrectly as incomplete.
Fixed updating Honour Points (Glory Points) rankings (there was a problem on servers with less than 300 players in ranking).
Option to upload image to your MyAion character's profile.
Integration with Youtube.
If you connect your character with youtube channel, new icon will show up next to your character's nickname and your recent videos will be displayed in your MyAion character's profile.
What's more if you record any ranked session and you link this session at beginning on video's description, that video will show up in session's page and particular boss ranking's page. Synchronization of videos are done everyday at 15:00 CET. If you linked your character with youtube channel or uploaded new video after that time, you need to wait for next day's synchronization.
Integration with Twitch.
If you connect your character with twitch channel, new icon will show up next to your character's nickname. When you go online, it will switch for icon and your broadcast will be visible in your MyAion character's profile. What's more if you are participating into any battleground or arena, your livestream will be visible in PvP Instance Score's page of that particular run.
Combat Weapon's ranking.
Buff counter. There will be number in right bottom corner of each buff saying how many times buff was activated during a session.
New skills to animation speed pool check.
AT modified animation detection. Big thanks to 15TAN, who found out some patterns, delivered useful information and run plenty of tests.
Number of participants on target's tooltip. Tip: It might useful to see how many players are participating in events like world bosses or sieges.
Clear button on messages list.
User setting to disable uploading PvE sessions.
Profile setting to exclude from PvE rankings and censor nickname in PvE sessions.
Support to NoPing new version connection.
Support for Japanese region.
Modified animation speed detection when uploading PvE session.
TCP session detection and stability. It should eliminate some random disconnects for people who had this problem.
Bug when weapon switch was not detected after leaving Hell Pass, Hidden Minionate Warehourse in some specific cases.
Uploading sessions from 3rd Dragon Lord Ereshkigal (Senekta).
Connection for WiFi adapter dongles (these which are supported by Npcap).
PvE Ranking System!
When you kill one of ranked bosses (there are 17), your session will be automatically uploaded to server. Your top DPS from each boss will be ranked. You will be able to see all uploaded sessions and check damage distribution, skills rotation and action list of each participant. There are also details like ping (just for uploader), number of death and relevant buffs. You can also copy DPS/Damage to your clipboard or download session file to load it in your app.
Skills level and description:
Confirmation window when exiting application, to avoid closing it by mistake.
Server's performance. Live instance scores shouldn't lag any more.
Bug when all actions were shown for selected NPC.
Bug when charged skills fired on different stages weren't grouped together in damage distribution.
Bug when app couldn't create logs without admin permission.
Delays on Npcap version newer than 0.9989 without VPN.
Bugs which occurred when sending instance score to server.
Minor packet parsing bug which didn't cause any problems, but generated error logs.
Bug when item icons weren't displayed because of incorrect path.
New targets system:
Heroic and Legendary bosses will have special icon next to their name.
Tooltip with detailed information about target (NPC) - Id, spotted and killed times, level and HP.
Instance Scores new features:
PvP Damage(DPS) / Heal(HPS) details per player.
Option to copy PvP Damage(DPS) and Heal(HPS) from all members in battleground.
The same options are available on website.
Support to Raging Valley (EU) / Chaotic Vale (NA) battleground.
Decreased amount of RAM used by app. From 327MB to 152MB at start. What's more, RAM usage increment caused by data gathering should be lower now.
Decreased size of app (exe from 700MB to 280MB) and installers (msi from 82MB to 70MB).
Decreased CPU usage, especially during big fights, when many players hit the same target (gate, boss) and when new NPCs show up on targets list.
Reduced app start time by few times.
Bug when app was crashing at startup, because user.config file was corrupted.
Bug when any adapter wasn't selected. It happened when the adapter's name got changed - npcap version change, driver version change.
Bug when instance score was created for maps we don't support.
Bug when both players in Arena of Discipline were shown on the same side when one of them left.
Bug when couldn't scroll over the instance score list.
Minor visual bug when Port -> Exitlag highlight border was blinking when mouse cursor was in position between Exitlag and Custom Port.
Added HP / Contribution rankings on website. You can see them by choosing server on main page.
Added option to auto-upload data to MyAion website. When you have it checked, each time when you preview someone's details in-game, you are going to send it to MyAion.
Added option to show other player profiles directly from DPS list.
Added option to show other player profiles from instance score view.
From now you can find link to your web profile in app profile.
Fixed bug when two players were shown on same side in Arena of Discipline.
Fixed bug when damage and DPS weren't refreshed in real time. If you still have some delays, please downgrade your Npcap to 0.9989 version.
Added Instance Score feature. You are able to see details of live and completed instances in app and on website. It works for Arena of Discipline, Arena of Cooperation, Ashunatal Dredgion, Illumiel, Kamar Battlefield, Runatorium and Training Arena of Discipline. When you enter one of these instances and you open Instance Score window it will show current instance details. You can get link to it and share with friends by clickin on icon . What's more website shows up to 100 ongoing or recently completed arenas and battlegrounds. You can also search any instances in app by player name, instance type and date range.
Fixed bug when couldn't check player details with improved greater and powerful stigmas.
Fixed bug when parsing player details on EAS was looped and generated tons of logs.
Fixed bug when uploading player details where armfusion has less sockets than main weapon.
Fixed bug when couldn't upload player details on EAS integrated.
Fixed bug when Search button stays disabled.
Improved error handling on uploading player details.
Users of version needs to install new version manually. Previous version has a broken auto-updater and it will cause app crash at launch.
Added workaround for client bug when transformation are not visible on transformation list and does not affect character's appearance.
Added workaround for client bug when Counter-Attack in some specific conditions (marchutan transformation and double dagger) were using incorrect speed.
Improved transformation/gender detection. If new transformations / potions are added to the game and the application is not updated in time, it will still not cause false positives.
Fixed bug in Loot Table feature: not showing time when updating already owned item.
Improved Character Details feature: it will show now items acquired and worn during the session without relogging.
Fixed bug reported in last version when app was mixing items after switching character.
Improved uploading own details. You don't need to relog any more to upload your updated details (for example after switching any of your items).
Added option to check players details in current session without searching in MyAion database if you have checked their details in-game. You can do it by clicking right mouse button on player in dps list and choose 'Open details'.
Added option to live check own details. There is a small icon on the bar below search filters. When you switch set in-game it switches in app too. You can see what you are going to upload to MyAion database.
Added option to clear past sessions. You can find it in App menu.
Added MyAion Database feature. You can search players and check their details. It's also possible to contribute to this project. You can gather and upload data.
Added Loot Table feature. You can track items looted by you or your group members. You can filter it out by item's quality. You can copy and paste item in-game by selecting it and using right click mouse button -> Copy menu or CTRL + C keyboard shortcut.
Added CTRL + C keyboard shortcut for copying selected player damage details.
Re-organized Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution menu. Got rid of expanders. It's in new left menu now.
Improved skins. Added custom template for checkbox control. Fixed button and popup templates.
Created new installer which contains all required software: Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, .Net Framework 4.8 and newest Npcap 0.9986. This should help people who were unable to make the program work.
Added support for 7.2 version for EU region and kept 7.0 support for NA region in the same time. Players from both regions should be able to continue using MyAion DPS Meter. Reporting feature has been disabled for EU region until we will be sure that it works 100% correctly in new patch.
Reporting service is available again. For security reason this function is available only for non-VPN users. Also keep it mind that you can report sessions only recorded on new version. Reporting works for both regions: EU and NA.
Added legion filter. You can filter out player list to see only your legion members.
Added Discord Rich Presence integration. If you are connected to game with MyAion DPS Meter, extra information will be visible in your Game Activity status.
Added Auto-saving session option (it's going to save your previous session while new one is created - for example during integrated server switch).
Added option to remove single player from the list (until you change filters).
Improved UI - added loading throbbers for saving/loading sessions and context menu for player list.
Improved performance - using less RAM while saving/loading sessions and using less CPU overall.
Improved stability - should eliminate disconnects for VPN uses.
Fixed bugs while decoding packets with 7.0 new stuff. Damage should be 100% accurate now.
Copy All button is copying all damage without clipboard character limit - use it to copy paste damage out of the game. Copy button is copying all damage with 255 clipboard characet limit - use it to copy paste damage in game. If you want to copy single player damage/heal details, right mouse button click on him and use Copy option from context menu.
Update .Net Framework version to 4.8 and all libs to newest versions.
Added option to save and load session from file. You can share your sessions with other players. Saved sessions can be found in AppData\Roaming\MyAion\Sessions folder.
Added option to define hotkeys. It can be used even with app running in background.
Added group/alliance filters. Group filter works also for single group in alliance. Filters show members of your group/alliance who dealt any damage on selected target. It's getting updated if member join or leave your group/alliance.
Added option to hide DPS.
User interface improvments by Mats. All the controls default templates got overrided. App looks much better now despite system or system theme.
New Theme "Tiamaranta" by Mats.
Peformance improvments.
Exitlag connection fixes.
User settings will be kept now when updating to new version.
Improved errors handling. If you don't have installed required software, you should get notified.
Fixed bugs:
Not counting reflected damage
Parsing skill in some specific conditions
Self filter doesn't work on integrated server
Team update:
Mats who was testing app till now, he will take care about user interface. You can see his first work in this update.
Existing session will have priority now. If you play on double client, app will keep session from client where you logged first.
Added connection activity indicator. You can see it in right top corner. If it's green it means that you can active connection. If you wish to start new session, it needs to be off.
Reset connection option in app menu. If you play on double client and you have active session from frist logged in client and you wish to start new session on second client you can simple reset connection. Connection will be also automaticly closed when you log out, quit game or go to server selection screen.
A lot of performance improvments. App should handle siege much better now.
Cannot run more than one instance of app now.
Added pause button.
Added 'Self' filter. You can filter out player list to see only own damage now.
Changed font family to 'Roboto'.
Reduced limit of characters copied to clipboard from 300 to 255.
Fixed bug: Damage was added to selected session instead of currect session.
Fixed bug that app stopped counting damage for Exitlag VPN users when they switched for integrated server.