
Boss: Raging Magma Protector & Angry Heat Protector in Makarna of Bitterness (difficult)
Session: 17.03.2023 01:07:19 - 01:08:39
Version: 8.2
Duration: 1min 20s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 446.858
bossDMG: 35.717.391
Heal: 0
allDPS: 459.186
allDMG: 36.702.751
Buffs: Tiamat Attack: Increases Attack Power 7 Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 3 Ascension Jam (PvE)
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Titanic Vacuum Explosion 24 12 (50%) 0 0 0 0 158.628 419.744 265.702 6.376.848 (18%)
Elemental Smash 16 14 (88%) 0 0 0 0 134.456 518.383 330.256 5.284.096 (15%)
Magic Explosion 21 3 (14%) 0 0 0 0 75.255 278.350 152.447 3.201.389 (9%)
(Improved) Decaying Mind 8 4 (50%) 0 0 0 0 220.946 545.841 374.565 2.996.520 (8%)
(Improved) Magic Implosion 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 137.455 99.204 2.579.321 (7%)
(Improved) Boosted Soul Theft 12 8 (67%) 0 0 0 0 126.281 293.532 209.934 2.519.208 (7%)
(Improved) Cyclone of Wrath 30 4 (13%) 0 0 0 0 39.397 151.215 77.212 2.316.367 (6%)
(Improved) Infernal Pain 16 4 (25%) 0 0 0 0 102.407 203.155 129.720 2.075.524 (6%)
Wilderness Grip 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 816.747 884.351 850.549 1.701.098 (5%)
Erosion 26 6 (23%) 0 0 0 0 21.530 138.250 60.747 1.579.427 (4%)
(Improved) Wilderness Rage 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 257.752 591.222 429.080 1.287.241 (4%)
Sandblaster 25 4 (16%) 0 0 0 0 19.652 71.274 40.898 1.022.453 (3%)
Backdraft 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 277.026 339.563 299.429 898.288 (3%)
(Improved) Summon Cyclone Servant 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 0 115.312 80.595 644.766 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 9 0 0 0 0 0 66.240 66.240 66.240 596.160 (2%)
Summon Wind Servant 15 2 (13%) 0 0 0 0 0 46.877 27.010 405.161 (1%)
Attack: Area of Effect 3 0 0 0 0 0 55.200 55.200 55.200 165.600 (0%)
Stone Shock 1 0 0 0 0 0 45.716 45.716 45.716 45.716 (0%)
Chain of Earth 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 22.208 22.208 22.208 22.208 (0%)
Summary 249 71 (29%) 0 0 0 0 0 884.351 143.443 35.717.391

Time Status Damage Heal Target
01:07:21 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:21 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:22 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:23 121.629 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:23 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:24 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:24 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:24 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:25 Critical 884.351 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:25 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:25 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:26 239.235 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:26 75.255 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:26 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:26 Critical 413.638 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:26 Critical 246.621 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:27 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:27 Critical 233.999 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:27 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:27 126.281 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:28 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:28 Critical 270.873 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:29 Critical 387.716 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:29 75.255 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:29 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:30 Critical 149.365 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:31 Critical 203.155 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:31 Critical 130.155 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:31 55.200 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:31 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:32 Critical 71.274 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:32 75.255 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:32 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:32 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:32 82.707 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:33 279.918 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:34 Critical 493.813 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:34 Critical 294.423 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:34 47.602 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:34 116.125 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:34 82.707 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 215.253 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 41.352 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 75.255 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 115.312 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:35 Critical 591.222 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:36 82.707 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:36 Critical 419.744 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:37 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:37 47.602 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:37 116.125 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 Critical 339.563 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 41.352 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 75.255 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 82.707 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:38 115.312 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:39 189.116 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:40 Critical 151.215 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:40 27.390 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:40 Critical 120.970 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:40 116.125 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:40 55.200 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:41 41.352 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:41 93.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:41 Critical 336.945 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:41 115.312 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:41 Critical 22.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:42 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:42 45.716 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:42 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:43 27.390 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:43 182.587 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:43 116.125 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:43 44.220 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:43 125.425 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:44 Critical 254.182 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:44 41.352 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:44 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:44 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:45 61.897 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:45 Critical 60.679 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:46 27.390 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:46 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:46 233.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:47 Critical 403.664 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:47 Critical 240.676 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:47 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:47 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:47 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:47 Critical 228.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:48 22.625 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:48 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:48 Critical 228.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:48 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:48 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:48 Critical 228.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:49 38.320 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:49 Critical 326.861 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:50 Critical 455.261 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:50 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:50 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:51 0 0 Alexiaista
01:07:51 Critical 426.223 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:51 Critical 254.124 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:51 22.625 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:51 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:51 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:52 38.320 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:52 Critical 139.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:53 Critical 164.648 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:53 54.093 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:53 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:53 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:54 Critical 311.154 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:54 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:54 77.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:55 38.320 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 Critical 311.154 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 21.530 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 102.407 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 77.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:56 Critical 57.761 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:57 Critical 105.482 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:57 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:58 43.050 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:58 Critical 311.154 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:58 77.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:59 Critical 438.267 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:59 102.407 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:59 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:59 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:07:59 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:00 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:00 36.462 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:00 41.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:00 77.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:01 99.610 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:01 43.050 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:01 Critical 327.592 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:01 Critical 138.820 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:02 102.407 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:02 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:02 167.996 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:03 36.462 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:03 41.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:03 220.946 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:04 99.610 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:04 43.050 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:04 Critical 382.012 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:04 Critical 227.762 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:04 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:05 158.628 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:05 102.407 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:05 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 Critical 816.747 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 36.462 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 41.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:06 Critical 277.026 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:07 99.610 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:07 Critical 326.861 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:08 125.425 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:08 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:08 Critical 233.349 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:09 Critical 121.886 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:09 36.462 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:09 55.200 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:10 34.229 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:10 76.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:10 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:10 Critical 251.198 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:11 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:11 Critical 228.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:11 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:11 128.819 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:12 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:12 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:12 44.117 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:12 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:13 Critical 517.575 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:13 19.652 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:13 Dodge 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:14 225.517 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:14 134.456 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 77.381 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 44.117 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:15 Critical 188.421 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:16 Critical 120.714 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:16 19.652 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:17 Critical 338.554 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:17 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:17 42.852 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:18 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:18 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:19 Critical 338.554 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:19 48.095 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:19 117.325 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:19 19.652 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:19 42.852 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:20 58.856 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:20 46.877 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:20 Critical 69.936 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:21 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:21 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:21 42.852 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:21 193.200 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:21 Critical 319.044 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:22 117.325 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:22 257.752 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:23 23.442 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:23 42.852 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:23 46.877 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:23 182.996 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:23 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:24 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:24 158.927 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:24 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:24 77.546 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:25 117.325 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:25 188.707 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:25 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:25 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:25 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:25 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:25 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:26 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:26 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:26 23.442 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:26 46.877 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:26 Critical 545.841 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:27 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:27 39.397 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:27 Dodge 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:27 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:27 Critical 518.383 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:27 Critical 309.070 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:28 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:28 117.325 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:28 209.133 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:28 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:28 Critical 138.250 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:29 39.397 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:30 101.324 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:30 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:30 Critical 407.810 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:30 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
01:08:30 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:31 137.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:31 39.397 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:31 Critical 278.350 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:32 50.587 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:32 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:32 150.529 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:32 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:32 150.529 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:33 39.397 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:33 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:33 Critical 293.532 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:33 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:33 26.605 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:34 204.237 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:34 Critical 363.199 0 Young Protector
01:08:35 Critical 504.277 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:35 105.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:35 174.167 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:35 50.587 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:35 0 0 Alexiaista
01:08:35 Critical 447.130 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:35 Critical 266.584 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:36 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:36 170.448 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:36 Critical 303.117 0 Young Protector
01:08:36 26.605 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:37 Critical 281.699 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:38 66.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:38 105.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:38 174.167 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:38 50.587 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:38 170.448 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:39 Critical 175.872 0 Raging Magma Protector
01:08:39 40.567 0 Raging Magma Protector