
Boss: Raging Magma Protector & Angry Heat Protector in Makarna of Bitterness (difficult)
Session: 11.03.2023 21:39:59 - 21:41:20
Version: 8.2
Duration: 1min 21s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 452.475
DMG: 36.449.917
Heal: 0
Buffs: Tiamat Attack: Increases Attack Power 6 Attack: Increase Crit Strike 3 Grim Vision: Enchanted Orb 7 Protection: Boost Crit Spell II Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 2 Leibo Jam - Special Boost Buff Ascension Jam (PvE)
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Titanic Vacuum Explosion 27 11 (41%) 0 0 0 0 169.375 408.612 260.310 7.028.384 (19%)
Elemental Smash 14 14 (100%) 0 0 0 0 262.298 523.020 386.871 5.416.205 (15%)
(Improved) Decaying Mind 7 5 (71%) 0 0 0 0 235.910 569.396 456.282 3.193.980 (9%)
(Improved) Boosted Soul Theft 12 11 (92%) 0 0 0 0 132.923 285.612 257.527 3.090.333 (8%)
Magic Explosion 18 3 (17%) 0 0 0 0 148.510 235.701 163.692 2.946.462 (8%)
(Improved) Magic Implosion 24 0 0 0 0 0 93.382 137.137 114.022 2.736.546 (8%)
(Improved) Infernal Pain 15 3 (20%) 0 0 0 0 117.672 211.875 137.414 2.061.210 (6%)
(Improved) Cyclone of Wrath 25 3 (12%) 0 0 0 0 40.542 173.238 78.677 1.966.943 (5%)
Wilderness Grip 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 922.016 997.275 959.645 1.919.291 (5%)
(Improved) Wilderness Rage 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 439.229 575.811 515.801 1.547.403 (4%)
Erosion 29 5 (17%) 0 0 0 0 20.290 126.487 52.148 1.512.303 (4%)
(Improved) Summon Cyclone Servant 12 2 (17%) 0 0 0 0 0 114.455 72.249 866.991 (2%)
Sandblaster 24 5 (21%) 0 0 0 0 27.697 50.682 33.294 799.072 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 11 0 0 0 0 0 46.920 46.920 46.920 516.120 (1%)
Backdraft 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 132.573 249.242 190.907 381.815 (1%)
Summon Wind Servant 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.027 19.523 234.276 (1%)
Stone Shock 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 56.115 125.696 90.905 181.811 (0%)
Chain of Earth 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 11.427 26.931 16.924 50.772 (0%)
Summary 242 70 (29%) 0 0 0 0 0 997.275 150.619 36.449.917

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:40:00 48.775 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:01 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:01 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:01 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:02 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:02 Critical 42.396 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:03 93.382 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:03 Critical 235.701 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:04 Critical 211.875 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:04 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:05 64.865 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:05 Critical 173.238 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:06 29.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:06 Critical 997.275 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:06 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:06 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:06 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 152.337 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 Critical 569.396 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 Dodge 0 0 Omegga
21:40:07 62.210 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 Critical 523.020 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:07 Critical 324.658 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:08 124.720 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:08 0 0 Omegga
21:40:08 Critical 285.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:08 24.570 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:08 90.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:08 0 0 Omegga
21:40:08 Critical 285.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:09 0 0 Omegga
21:40:09 Critical 285.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:09 29.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:09 Critical 126.487 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:10 152.337 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:10 Critical 575.811 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:10 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:10 90.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:10 62.210 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:11 Critical 408.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:11 124.720 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:11 Critical 26.931 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:11 Critical 125.696 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:12 29.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:12 90.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:12 Critical 569.129 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:12 47.910 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:12 Dodge 0 0 Omegga
21:40:13 152.337 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:13 Critical 491.857 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:13 Critical 305.316 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:13 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:13 Critical 118.952 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:13 62.210 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:14 124.720 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:14 Critical 384.452 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:14 90.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:15 Critical 50.682 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:16 152.337 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:16 Critical 397.979 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:16 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:16 45.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:16 Critical 160.687 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:17 124.720 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:17 188.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:17 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:18 Critical 113.738 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:18 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:19 152.337 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:19 188.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:19 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:19 84.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:19 Critical 249.242 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:20 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:20 188.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:21 27.027 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:21 84.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:21 58.327 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:21 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:22 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:22 191.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:23 84.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:24 27.027 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:24 191.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:24 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:24 22.075 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 Critical 509.308 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 117.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 84.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 0 0 Omegga
21:40:25 Critical 467.819 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 Critical 290.396 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:25 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:26 136.527 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:26 Critical 229.825 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:27 27.027 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:27 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:27 Critical 389.823 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:27 22.075 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:27 60.781 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:28 Critical 202.695 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:29 Critical 371.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:29 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:29 0 0 Omegga
21:40:29 Critical 259.199 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:29 148.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 0 0 Omegga
21:40:30 Critical 259.199 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 0 0 Omegga
21:40:30 132.923 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:30 23.010 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:31 190.256 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 119.270 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 Critical 516.741 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 112.332 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 0 0 Omegga
21:40:32 Critical 474.644 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 Critical 294.635 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:32 148.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:33 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:33 31.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:33 Critical 439.229 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:33 23.010 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:34 Critical 342.969 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:35 Critical 45.215 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:35 119.270 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:35 112.332 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:35 148.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:36 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:36 Critical 342.969 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:36 Critical 145.338 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:37 23.010 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:37 Critical 324.610 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:37 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:38 119.270 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:38 53.651 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:38 27.697 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:38 112.332 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:38 148.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:39 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:39 75.990 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:39 173.404 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:39 11.427 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:39 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:40 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:40 176.872 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:40 24.845 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 119.270 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 75.990 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 27.697 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 20.290 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 148.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:41 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:42 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:42 Critical 110.305 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:42 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:43 191.744 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:43 75.990 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:43 24.845 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:44 27.697 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:44 191.744 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 75.990 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 267.064 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 41.732 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 Critical 478.357 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:45 Critical 296.935 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:46 59.328 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:46 Critical 48.396 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:46 24.845 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:47 181.433 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:48 110.294 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:48 79.194 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:49 22.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:49 Critical 377.954 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:49 137.137 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:50 Critical 230.841 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:50 29.667 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:50 0 0 Omegga
21:40:50 Critical 264.059 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:50 0 0 Omegga
21:40:50 Critical 264.059 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:51 41.427 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:51 0 0 Omegga
21:40:51 Critical 264.059 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:51 Critical 922.016 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:52 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:52 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:52 22.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:52 Critical 526.432 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 Dodge 0 0 Omegga
21:40:53 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 41.427 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 Critical 483.551 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 Critical 300.163 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 29.667 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 149.172 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:53 Critical 116.946 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:54 Critical 199.992 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:54 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:55 41.427 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:55 Critical 532.363 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 29.667 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 149.172 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 Critical 367.328 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 12.414 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:56 44.267 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:57 56.115 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:57 41.427 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:57 114.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:57 117.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:58 186.389 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:58 Critical 47.918 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:59 149.172 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:59 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:59 182.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:40:59 44.267 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:00 77.514 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:00 114.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:00 117.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:01 Critical 356.694 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:01 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:01 56.598 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:01 29.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:02 149.172 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:02 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:02 40.542 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:03 195.531 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:03 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:03 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:03 114.455 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:03 132.573 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:03 117.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:04 26.220 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:04 169.375 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:04 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:04 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:04 40.542 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:04 29.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:05 52.405 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:05 46.920 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:05 149.172 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:05 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:05 235.910 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:06 Critical 422.556 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:06 Critical 262.298 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:06 40.542 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:06 117.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:07 174.832 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:07 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:07 Resist 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:07 26.220 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:07 29.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:08 22.492 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:08 Resist 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:08 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:08 40.542 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:09 Resist 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:10 Resist 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:41:10 26.220 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:10 29.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:11 22.492 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:11 110.786 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:12 0 0 Omegga
21:41:12 Critical 271.437 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:12 0 0 Omegga
21:41:12 Critical 259.281 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:41:12 0 0 Omegga
21:41:12 Critical 259.281 0 Raging Magma Protector