
Boss: Raging Magma Protector & Angry Heat Protector in Makarna of Bitterness (difficult)
Session: 10.03.2023 21:56:28 - 21:57:23
Version: 8.2
Duration: 0min 55s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 426.328
DMG: 23.475.045
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessed Light Tiamat [Evolution] Repeated Jolting Strike (Level 1) Attack: Increases Attack Power 6 Attack: Increase Crit Strike 3 Leibo Jam - Special Boost Buff Ascension Jam (PvE) Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 3 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 2
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Titanic Vacuum Explosion 25 13 (52%) 0 0 0 0 157.496 458.038 275.571 6.889.284 (29%)
Elemental Smash 10 10 (100%) 0 0 0 0 178.761 461.708 294.734 2.947.348 (13%)
(Improved) Decaying Mind 5 2 (40%) 0 0 0 0 243.472 609.007 368.215 1.841.077 (8%)
Wilderness Grip 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 594.486 900.022 747.254 1.494.508 (6%)
(Improved) Magic Implosion 17 0 0 0 0 0 54.208 133.165 84.853 1.442.512 (6%)
Magic Explosion 14 0 0 0 0 0 83.315 165.081 95.743 1.340.409 (6%)
(Improved) Infernal Pain 10 2 (20%) 0 0 0 0 112.275 186.439 128.023 1.280.237 (5%)
Erosion 20 5 (25%) 0 0 0 0 21.560 144.074 60.238 1.204.762 (5%)
(Improved) Boosted Soul Theft 6 3 (50%) 0 0 0 0 122.126 282.258 196.517 1.179.107 (5%)
(Improved) Cyclone of Wrath 15 2 (13%) 0 0 0 0 40.627 144.443 76.018 1.140.282 (5%)
(Improved) Wilderness Rage 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 317.132 455.122 386.127 772.254 (3%)
Enhanced Major Erosion 18 1 (6%) 0 0 0 0 15.470 50.587 22.791 410.245 (2%)
Summon Wind Servant 12 3 (25%) 0 0 0 0 0 47.197 34.096 409.158 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 7 0 0 0 0 0 43.056 55.972 52.281 365.972 (2%)
(Improved) Summon Cyclone Servant 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 0 104.035 78.026 312.105 (1%)
Backdraft 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 265.785 265.785 265.785 265.785 (1%)
Additional damage when attacking from behind 9 0 0 0 0 0 20.000 20.000 20.000 180.000 (1%)
Summary 177 45 (25%) 0 0 0 0 0 900.022 132.627 23.475.045

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:56:29 Critical 101.061 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:29 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:31 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:31 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:31 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:32 162.855 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:32 36.625 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:32 24.097 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:33 Critical 900.022 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:33 87.245 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:33 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:33 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:34 124.792 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:35 Critical 340.872 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:35 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:36 15.470 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:36 Critical 180.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:36 Critical 340.872 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:37 85.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:37 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:37 Critical 144.443 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:38 47.197 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:38 Critical 340.872 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 15.470 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 243.472 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 Critical 380.615 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 Critical 198.402 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 112.275 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:39 43.056 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:40 79.962 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:40 85.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:40 174.806 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:40 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:40 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:40 122.126 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:41 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:41 122.126 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:41 43.056 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:41 47.197 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:41 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:41 Critical 238.146 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 Critical 121.565 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 15.470 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 79.962 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 112.275 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:42 Critical 374.959 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:43 85.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:43 27.117 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:43 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:43 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:44 79.962 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:44 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:44 47.197 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:44 166.601 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:44 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:45 54.015 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:45 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:45 112.275 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:45 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 166.601 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 79.962 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 85.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 15.830 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:46 Critical 427.766 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 Dodge 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:47 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 Critical 342.926 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 Critical 178.761 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 20.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:47 104.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:48 157.496 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:48 21.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:48 112.275 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:48 Critical 130.147 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:49 85.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:49 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:49 15.830 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:49 Critical 323.117 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:50 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:50 Critical 455.122 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:50 104.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:51 71.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:51 21.560 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:51 165.701 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:52 Critical 104.758 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:52 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:52 15.830 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:52 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:53 44.722 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:53 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:53 0 0
21:56:53 0 0 Arcuu
21:56:53 71.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:53 Critical 343.204 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:53 104.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:54 26.043 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 Critical 343.204 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 41.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 57.063 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 71.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 54.208 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:55 131.750 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:56 44.722 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:56 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:56:56 0 0
21:56:56 0 0 Arcuu
21:56:56 122.306 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:57 180.686 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:57 16.730 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:57 71.982 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:57 Critical 186.439 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:58 22.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:58 Critical 458.038 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:59 44.722 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:59 76.151 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:59 83.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:56:59 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:00 Critical 609.007 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:00 16.730 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:00 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:00 55.972 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:00 Critical 461.708 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:00 Critical 240.678 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:01 116.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:01 201.093 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:01 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:01 Critical 273.959 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 55.972 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:02 140.492 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:02 0 0
21:57:02 23.400 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:02 Critical 282.258 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 83.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:02 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:03 Critical 144.074 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:03 16.730 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:04 Critical 341.851 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:04 116.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:04 Critical 50.587 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:05 0 0
21:57:05 Critical 341.384 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:05 83.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:05 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:06 40.202 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:06 243.840 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:07 Critical 370.985 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:07 Critical 193.386 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:07 116.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:07 Critical 332.250 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:08 29.512 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:08 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:08 83.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:08 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:09 40.202 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:09 164.763 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:10 116.082 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:10 Critical 104.166 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:11 29.512 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:11 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:11 44.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:11 83.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:11 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:12 Critical 439.045 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:12 95.408 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:13 317.132 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:13 41.577 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 29.512 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 594.486 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:14 0 0
21:57:14 0 0 Arcuu
21:57:14 44.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:14 109.288 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:15 177.877 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:15 40.627 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:15 33.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:16 72.997 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:16 225.150 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:17 40.627 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:17 Critical 265.785 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:17 0 0 ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
21:57:17 0 0
21:57:17 0 0 Arcuu
21:57:17 44.467 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:17 133.165 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:17 55.972 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:18 165.081 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:18 55.972 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:18 16.460 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:19 22.422 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:19 40.627 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:19 Critical 450.919 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:20 316.992 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:20 55.972 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:20 Critical 381.185 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:20 Critical 198.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:21 40.627 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:21 175.068 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:21 86.530 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:21 56.760 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:57:21 55.168 0 Raging Magma Protector