
Boss: SVR-07 Special Tank in Beninerk's Manor (normal)
Session: 23.02.2023 12:45:19 - 12:47:31
Game Version: 8.2
App Version:
Duration: 2min 11s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 72.423
bossDMG: 9.518.734
Heal: 69.693
allDPS: 73.387
allDMG: 9.645.449
Buffs: Blessed Light 3 Nezekan Attack: Increases Attack Power 7 Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 5 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 10 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 11
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Chain Discharge 12 7 (58%) 0 0 0 0 11.568 517.487 161.278 1.935.338 (20%)
Thunderclap 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 281.477 506.658 418.681 1.256.044 (13%)
(Improved) Call Lightning 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 20.268 908.440 318.352 955.056 (10%)
Punishing Earth 16 9 (56%) 0 0 0 0 4.931 224.517 59.496 951.941 (10%)
(Improved) Lightning Bolt of Retaliation 5 3 (60%) 0 0 0 0 14.453 461.160 158.377 791.885 (8%)
Paralysing Blow 1 0 0 0 0 0 669.357 669.357 669.357 669.357 (7%)
Shocking Thunderbolt Strike 16 7 (44%) 0 0 0 0 2.797 127.395 27.072 433.165 (5%)
Additional damage when attacking from behind 30 0 0 0 0 0 7.200 26.000 13.778 413.360 (4%)
Attack: Additional Damage 10 0 0 0 0 0 34.020 44.226 41.164 411.642 (4%)
Slashing Wind 5 4 (80%) 0 0 0 0 5.782 252.780 59.206 296.030 (3%)
(Improved) Chain of Suffering 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 279.386 279.386 279.386 279.386 (3%)
(Improved) Boosted Thunder 5 4 (80%) 0 0 0 0 11.232 151.518 40.636 203.184 (2%)
Word of Destruction 3 0 0 0 0 0 49.145 96.071 64.787 194.361 (2%)
Earth's Wrath 6 4 (67%) 0 0 0 0 2.250 103.246 32.240 193.444 (2%)
Power Smash Strike 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 8.681 165.837 62.179 186.539 (2%)
Chastise 23 4 (17%) 0 0 0 0 1.247 88.968 8.075 185.727 (2%)
Infernal Blaze 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 4.616 157.659 81.137 162.275 (2%)
Summary 144 48 (33%) 0 0 0 0 1.247 908.440 66.102 9.518.734

Time Status Damage Heal Target
12:45:23 0 0 Soapy
12:45:25 7.050 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:25 3.636 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:26 0 0 Soapy
12:45:26 Critical 27.069 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:26 0 0 Soapy
12:45:26 15.038 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:27 0 0 Soapy
12:45:28 4.616 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:30 Critical 13.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:30 Critical 14.601 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:31 14.453 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:31 Critical 4.589 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:32 Critical 5.265 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:33 8.681 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:34 6.410 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:34 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:34 3.636 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:35 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:36 6.410 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:36 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:37 Critical 6.546 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:38 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:38 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:39 26.348 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:40 6.410 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:41 Critical 6.546 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:41 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:41 0 0 Soapy
12:45:41 15.038 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:42 0 0 Soapy
12:45:42 15.038 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:43 Critical 11.538 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:43 Critical 6.546 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:44 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:44 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:47 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:52 Critical 10.408 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:53 Critical 11.232 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:53 Critical 20.013 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:54 Critical 3.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:55 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:55 Critical 4.050 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:57 5.424 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:57 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:57 3.077 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:58 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:58 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:58 0 0 Soapy
12:45:58 11.568 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:58 0 0 Soapy
12:45:58 Critical 20.823 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:59 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:59 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:45:59 Critical 8.876 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:00 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:00 2.797 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:01 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:01 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:02 20.268 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:04 Critical 12.021 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:04 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:05 Critical 8.876 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:05 Critical 5.035 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:07 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:08 4.931 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:08 20.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:08 Critical 5.035 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:09 20.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:09 5.782 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:09 Critical 11.232 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:10 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:10 Critical 20.013 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:10 1.961 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:11 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:11 2.250 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:11 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:14 Critical 8.876 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:14 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:14 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:14 1.247 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:14 2.797 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:15 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:15 0 0 Soapy
12:46:15 Critical 20.823 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:15 0 0 Soapy
12:46:15 Critical 20.823 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:15 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:16 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:16 Critical 8.876 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:16 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:17 2.797 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:17 1.247 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:17 7.200 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:20 1.247 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:23 1.247 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:23 4.931 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:24 2.797 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:25 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:25 0 0 Soapy
12:46:26 1.247 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:26 Critical 4.589 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:27 2.925 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:27 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:28 Critical 13.530 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:28 Critical 14.601 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:28 Critical 126.715 0 IDF8_House_Temp_01
12:46:29 276.246 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:29 Critical 220.620 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:30 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:30 69.546 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:31 0 0 Soapy
12:46:31 Critical 517.487 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:31 0 0 Soapy
12:46:31 Critical 494.277 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:31 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:32 Critical 210.721 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:33 Critical 119.576 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:33 2.245 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:34 165.837 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:34 9.360 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:37 0 0 Soapy
12:46:37 0 0 Soapy
12:46:37 0 0 Misloh
12:46:37 0 0 Oosa
12:46:37 0 0 Misssys
12:46:37 0 0 Blacklyn
12:46:37 0 0 Returnofdarknes
12:46:38 0 7.084 Soapy
12:46:38 0 15.509 Misloh
12:46:38 0 7.998 Oosa
12:46:38 0 0 Misssys
12:46:38 0 16.852 Blacklyn
12:46:38 0 0 Returnofdarknes
12:46:40 0 7.705 Soapy
12:46:40 0 7.711 Blacklyn
12:46:42 96.071 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:42 0 3.834 Blacklyn
12:46:44 Critical 908.440 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:44 0 0 Soapy
12:46:45 48.915 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:45 49.145 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:45 Critical 75.708 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:45 34.020 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:46 Critical 252.780 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:46 151.518 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:47 Critical 461.160 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:47 49.145 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:47 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:48 Critical 279.386 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:48 0 3.000 Returnofdarknes
12:46:49 Critical 207.475 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:50 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:50 65.403 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:50 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:50 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:50 0 0 Soapy
12:46:50 272.652 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:51 0 0 Soapy
12:46:51 Critical 504.702 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:51 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:51 Critical 157.659 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:51 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:52 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:52 Critical 224.517 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:53 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:53 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:53 Critical 127.395 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:53 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:55 669.357 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:55 15.600 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:55 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:55 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:55 Critical 506.658 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 Dodge 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 26.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 281.477 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 Dodge 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:56 26.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:57 Critical 467.909 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:57 Dodge 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:57 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:57 26.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:58 0 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:58 Critical 88.968 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:58 44.226 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:58 26.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:59 Critical 103.246 0 SVR-07 Special Tank
12:46:59 26.000 0 SVR-07 Special Tank