
Boss: Dorakiki the Bold (Hard Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 03.02.2023 14:34:31 - 14:39:53
Game Version: 2.4
App Version:
Duration: 5min 23s
Deaths: 3
Ping: N/A
DPS: 1.865
DMG: 601.720
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessing of Health I 3 Blessing of Health II Blessing of Rock I 3 Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 9 Word of Protection I 4 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Celerity Mantra I Effect Hit Mantra I Effect 99 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 51 Magic Mantra IV Effect 50 Casting Speed Increase 3 Increases your Magic Boost, Magical Accuracy, Maximum MP, and Maximum Flight Time Increase Natural Recovery Serum Quick Polar Bear
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Flame Bolt V 55 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 0 0 0 0 4.195 2.678 147.325 (24%)
Flame Spray II 9 1 (11%) 0 0 0 0 11.469 17.203 12.535 112.822 (19%)
Glacial Shard I 5 1 (20%) 0 0 0 0 14.994 22.491 16.493 82.467 (14%)
Wind Cut Down V 9 1 (11%) 0 0 0 0 3.892 5.838 4.108 36.974 (6%)
Inferno III 3 0 0 0 0 0 10.488 10.488 10.488 31.464 (5%)
Lava Tsunami I 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.463 3.035 30.356 (5%)
Flame Fusion II 13 2 (15%) 0 0 0 0 1.878 2.817 2.022 26.292 (4%)
Summon Whirlwind II 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.993 2.394 23.944 (4%)
Flame Harpoon IV 5 0 0 0 0 0 4.502 4.502 4.502 22.510 (4%)
Blaze V 8 1 (12%) 0 0 0 0 2.318 3.868 2.609 20.877 (3%)
Flame Cage IV 24 1 (4%) 0 0 0 0 702 1.234 848 20.366 (3%)
Refracting Shard I 9 2 (22%) 0 0 0 0 932 2.796 1.346 12.116 (2%)
Summon Rock IV 3 0 0 0 0 0 3.516 3.516 3.516 10.548 (2%)
Stamina Absorption II 3 0 0 0 0 0 2.966 2.966 2.966 8.898 (1%)
Arcane Thunderbolt II 2 0 0 0 0 0 3.596 3.596 3.596 7.192 (1%)
Erosion I 18 1 (6%) 0 0 0 0 215 340 253 4.554 (1%)
Delayed Blast III 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.015 1.507 3.015 (1%)
Summary 188 12 (6%) 1 (1%) 0 0 0 0 22.491 3.200 601.720

Time Status Damage Heal Target
14:34:32 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:33 0 0 Xobi
14:34:37 14.994 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:37 3.516 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:40 Critical 17.203 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:41 3.596 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:43 Critical 5.838 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:44 0 0 Xobi
14:34:46 10.488 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:47 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:48 2.318 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:49 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:50 0 0 Xobi
14:34:51 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:53 Critical 4.195 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:54 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:55 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:55 3.015 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:55 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:56 2.966 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:57 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:58 Critical 4.195 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:58 6.463 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:34:59 0 0 Xobi
14:34:59 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:00 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:01 Critical 2.817 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:01 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:03 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:05 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:07 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:08 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:09 823 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:11 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:13 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:14 11.469 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:16 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:16 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:17 Critical 2.817 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:19 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:19 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:21 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:21 Critical 3.868 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:22 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:23 4.502 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:25 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:25 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:27 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:29 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:30 Critical 340 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:32 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:34 322 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:37 322 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:40 322 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:43 322 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:46 322 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:48 0 0 Xobi
14:35:50 14.994 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:51 0 0 Xobi
14:35:54 11.469 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:56 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:57 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:35:59 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:00 2.579 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:00 5.810 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:01 Critical 2.796 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:03 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:04 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:09 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:11 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:12 823 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:14 4.502 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:16 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:17 Resist 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:18 227 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:19 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:20 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:21 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:22 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:23 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:24 0 0 Xobi
14:36:24 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:25 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:27 11.469 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:27 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:28 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:30 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:31 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:32 2.966 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:33 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:35 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:35 2.579 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:37 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:39 4.502 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:40 3.516 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:43 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:45 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:36:58 0 0 Xobi
14:37:01 14.994 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:02 0 0 Xobi
14:37:02 0 0 Xobi
14:37:05 11.469 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:07 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:08 2.318 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:09 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:11 10.488 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:13 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:14 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:16 3.596 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:18 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:19 Critical 2.796 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:21 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:24 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:25 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:28 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:30 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:31 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:33 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:34 5.810 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:34 0 0 Xobi
14:37:35 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:38 12.758 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:39 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:40 Critical 1.234 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:41 4.502 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:43 1.171 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:43 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:44 2.579 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:46 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:46 1.053 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:49 1.053 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:51 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:52 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:52 1.053 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:54 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:55 1.171 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:56 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:37:59 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:00 823 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:02 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:03 0 0 Xobi
14:38:03 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:04 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:06 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:06 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:07 227 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:08 0 0 Xobi
14:38:09 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:10 14.994 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:11 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:12 781 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:13 12.758 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:13 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:15 702 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:17 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:17 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:17 2.318 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:19 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:19 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:23 215 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:36 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:38 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:39 0 0 Xobi
14:38:40 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:42 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:42 5.810 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:45 12.758 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:47 3.516 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:48 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:49 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:50 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:51 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:52 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:54 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:56 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:56 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:57 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:58 2.993 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:38:59 4.502 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:02 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:02 2.966 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:03 0 0 Xobi
14:39:04 0 0 Xobi
14:39:07 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:08 3.892 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:10 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:11 0 0 Xobi
14:39:14 10.488 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:17 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:19 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:19 2.318 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:21 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:23 11.469 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:24 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:26 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:33 Critical 22.491 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:35 1.878 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:37 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:40 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:44 2.797 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:46 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:48 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:50 6.463 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:51 932 0 Dorakiki the Bold
14:39:53 2.514 0 Dorakiki the Bold