
Boss: Dorakiki the Bold (Normal Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 02.01.2023 22:53:35 - 22:56:24
Game Version: 2.4
App Version:
Duration: 2min 49s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 1.325
DMG: 223.245
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessing of Health I Blessing of Rock I Casting Speed Increase 2 Increase Magic Boost and Magical Accuracy
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Flame Spray I 5 0 0 0 0 0 10.620 11.523 10.800 54.003 (24%)
Flame Harpoon IV 9 0 0 0 0 0 3.722 4.486 4.035 36.317 (16%)
Flame Bolt V 13 0 0 0 0 0 2.312 2.567 2.444 31.782 (14%)
Flame Cage IV 40 0 1 (2%) 0 0 0 0 755 668 26.758 (12%)
Inferno III 2 0 0 0 0 0 9.644 10.710 10.177 20.354 (9%)
Flame Fusion II 8 0 0 0 0 0 1.726 1.726 1.726 13.808 (6%)
Wind Cut Down IV 4 0 0 0 0 0 3.049 3.307 3.113 12.454 (6%)
Erosion I 39 0 0 0 0 0 197 209 199 7.779 (3%)
Refracting Shard I 8 0 0 0 0 0 858 858 858 6.864 (3%)
Blaze V 4 0 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 2.367 1.702 6.811 (3%)
Arcane Thunderbolt II 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.587 3.587 3.587 3.587 (2%)
Stamina Absorption II 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.728 2.728 2.728 2.728 (1%)
Summary 134 0 2 (1%) 0 0 0 0 11.523 1.666 223.245

Time Status Damage Heal Target
22:53:35 680 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:39 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:39 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:42 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:42 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:43 0 0 Heavymagic
22:53:45 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:45 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:48 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:48 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:49 680 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:51 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:52 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:53 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:54 0 0 Heavymagic
22:53:54 0 0 Heavymagic
22:53:56 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:56 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:56 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:58 10.620 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:59 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:53:59 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:00 10.710 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:01 755 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:02 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:02 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:03 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:04 2.367 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:04 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:05 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:06 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:07 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:07 3.049 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:08 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:09 4.133 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:10 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:10 755 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:11 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:13 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:14 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:14 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:14 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:15 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:17 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:17 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:18 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:18 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:20 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:20 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:21 755 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:21 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:23 4.133 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:24 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:24 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:27 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:27 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:28 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:28 755 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:30 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:30 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:32 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:33 10.620 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:34 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:35 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:35 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:37 4.133 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:38 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:38 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:39 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:41 680 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:42 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:42 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:44 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:44 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:45 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:45 Resist 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:46 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:47 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:48 3.722 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:49 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:50 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:50 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:51 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:52 Resist 0 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:52 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:53 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:54 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:55 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:56 4.133 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:57 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:57 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:54:59 3.049 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:01 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:01 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:04 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:04 3.722 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:05 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:07 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:08 10.620 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:09 0 0 Heavymagic
22:55:10 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:11 2.567 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:12 755 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:13 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:15 2.728 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:16 712 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:19 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:19 3.722 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:21 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:21 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:22 2.131 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:23 680 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:26 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:29 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:32 641 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:35 680 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:36 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:38 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:39 209 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:41 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:42 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:43 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:43 0 0 Heavymagic
22:55:46 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:46 11.523 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:48 3.307 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:49 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:51 4.486 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:52 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:53 2.508 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:53 2.313 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:55 197 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:55:55 3.587 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:03 0 0
22:56:09 9.644 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:13 2.312 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:15 1.726 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:16 3.049 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:20 10.620 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:21 858 0 Dorakiki the Bold
22:56:23 4.133 0 Dorakiki the Bold