
Boss: Ahbana the Wicked (Normal Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 19.11.2022 16:50:29 - 16:51:43
Game Version: 2.4
App Version:
Duration: 1min 14s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 1.279
DMG: 94.219
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Word of Inspiration I 4 Word of Protection I 4 Blessing of Stone I Hit Mantra I Effect 13 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 13 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 15 Crit Strike Attack Speed Increase Increase Movement Speed Increase Natural Recovery Serum Boost Critical Hits and Accuracy
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 25 16 (64%) 0 3 (12%) 0 0 0 3.406 1.349 33.749 (36%)
Ferocious Strike V 4 3 (75%) 0 1 (25%) 0 0 0 3.425 1.900 7.602 (8%)
Divine Blow III 5 1 (20%) 0 0 0 0 731 2.496 1.505 7.528 (8%)
Weakening Severe Blow V 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 461 1.938 1.388 5.552 (6%)
Robust Blow V 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.174 3.376 2.775 5.550 (6%)
Shining Slash IV 3 0 0 0 0 0 451 4.099 1.783 5.351 (6%)
Punishment V 2 1 (50%) 0 1 (50%) 0 0 0 5.092 2.546 5.092 (5%)
Wrath Strike IV 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 1.324 3.569 2.446 4.893 (5%)
Provoking Severe Blow IV 5 0 0 1 (20%) 0 0 0 1.227 781 3.907 (4%)
Righteous Punishment I 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.452 1.809 1.630 3.261 (3%)
Slash Artery II 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.631 2.631 2.631 2.631 (3%)
Blunting Severe Blow II 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.834 1.834 1.834 1.834 (2%)
Swinging Shield Counter 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.826 1.826 1.826 1.826 (2%)
Shield Bash IV 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.510 1.510 1.510 1.510 (2%)
Doom Lure I 2 0 0 0 0 0 447 1.029 738 1.476 (2%)
Holy Shield IV 8 0 0 0 0 0 168 168 168 1.344 (1%)
Divine Justice II 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.113 1.113 1.113 1.113 (1%)
Summary 69 30 (43%) 0 6 (9%) 0 0 0 5.092 1.365 94.219

Time Status Damage Heal Target
16:50:30 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:31 1.029 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:32 1.809 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:33 0 0 Magnangemon
16:50:33 Critical 1.938 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:34 Critical 2.496 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:34 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:35 1.227 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:36 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:37 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:37 1.189 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:37 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:38 Critical 5.092 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:39 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:39 801 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:40 Critical 2.122 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:41 Critical 2.174 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:42 1.324 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:43 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:44 Critical 2.258 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:45 1.113 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:46 Critical 1.834 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:47 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:47 1.240 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:48 1.170 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:49 Critical 1.829 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:51 Critical 2.055 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:51 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:52 0 0 Magnangemon
16:50:52 Critical 2.631 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:53 Critical 2.306 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:53 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:55 Critical 1.197 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:55 Critical 1.826 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:56 Critical 1.510 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:57 Critical 1.129 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:57 0 0 Soulform
16:50:57 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:58 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:58 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:59 522 Ahbana the Wicked
16:50:59 0 0 Magnangemon
16:51:00 461 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:00 168 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:01 731 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:02 631 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:03 496 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:04 Critical 786 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:05 451 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:06 Critical 800 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:07 Dodge 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:08 Critical 1.064 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:08 447 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:09 0 0 Soulform
16:51:09 0 0 Soulform
16:51:09 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:10 0 0 Soulform
16:51:10 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:11 Critical 945 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:11 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:12 Critical 742 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:13 1.780 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:14 2.047 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:15 Dodge 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:16 Dodge 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:17 Critical 3.425 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:18 Critical 3.376 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:18 Critical 3.569 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:20 Dodge 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:21 Critical 3.406 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:23 Critical 3.164 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:23 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:25 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:25 2.097 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:26 4.099 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:27 2.068 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:28 Critical 1.505 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:30 781 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:31 Critical 1.373 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:32 1.014 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:33 879 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:35 1.452 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:36 Critical 1.224 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:36 0 0 Soulform
16:51:36 0 0 Soulform
16:51:36 0 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:38 Dodge 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:39 Critical 1.272 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:41 Dodge 0 Ahbana the Wicked
16:51:42 Critical 2.969 Ahbana the Wicked