
Boss: Silikor of Memory in Theomobos Lab
Session: 03.11.2022 09:43:36 - 09:44:25
Game Version: 2.4
App Version:
Duration: 0min 49s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 855
DMG: 41.875
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 2 Blessing of Stone I Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 9 Intensity Mantra II Effect 9 Magic Mantra IV Effect 9 Boost Crit Spell Increase Movement Speed Casting Speed Increase Increase Natural Recovery Serum Increase Physical Attack and Magic Boost Drop Rate Increase
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Cyclone of Wrath II 15 0 0 0 0 0 715 794 745 11.187 (27%)
Erosion V 16 0 0 0 0 0 501 556 527 8.445 (20%)
Vacuum Choke III 4 0 0 0 0 0 1.710 1.781 1.745 6.982 (17%)
Auto-Attack 26 0 0 0 0 0 162 321 245 6.387 (15%)
Weaken Spirit IV 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 2.391 3.444 2.917 5.835 (14%)
Spirit Detonation Claw IV Earth 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.671 1.671 1.671 1.671 (4%)
Spirit Disturbance IV Earth 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.368 1.368 1.368 1.368 (3%)
Summary 65 1 (2%) 0 0 0 0 162 3.444 644 41.875

Time Status Damage Heal Target
09:43:38 0 0
09:43:38 0 0
09:43:40 0 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:42 0 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:42 1.368 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:42 1.671 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:42 534 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:43 0 0 Dracks
09:43:44 0 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:45 232 Silikor of Memory
09:43:46 501 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:47 763 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:47 279 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 239 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 2.391 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 501 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:49 715 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:51 203 Silikor of Memory
09:43:51 715 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:52 1.781 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:52 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:52 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:52 501 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:52 556 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:53 222 Silikor of Memory
09:43:53 715 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:55 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:55 321 Silikor of Memory
09:43:55 230 Silikor of Memory
09:43:55 715 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:56 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:57 270 Silikor of Memory
09:43:58 556 0 Silikor of Memory
09:43:59 216 Silikor of Memory
09:44:01 794 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:01 247 Silikor of Memory
09:44:02 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:03 214 Silikor of Memory
09:44:03 1.710 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:04 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:05 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:05 253 Silikor of Memory
09:44:05 Critical 3.444 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:06 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:07 259 Silikor of Memory
09:44:08 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:08 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:08 1.710 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:09 556 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:09 204 Silikor of Memory
09:44:10 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:11 207 Silikor of Memory
09:44:12 1.781 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:12 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:14 244 Silikor of Memory
09:44:15 794 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:16 178 Silikor of Memory
09:44:16 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:16 556 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:18 162 Silikor of Memory
09:44:18 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:19 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:20 197 Silikor of Memory
09:44:20 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:22 199 Silikor of Memory
09:44:22 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:22 523 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:24 747 0 Silikor of Memory
09:44:24 206 Silikor of Memory