
Boss: The Great Virhana (Hard Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 07.08.2022 21:09:00 - 21:09:53
Version: 2
Duration: 0min 52s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 2.018
DMG: 105.580
Heal: 1.226
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 4 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Word of Wind I Victory Mantra IV Effect 9 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 10 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 10 All Damage Absorption Crit Strike Attack Speed Increase Increase Movement Speed 2 Increase Crit Strike, Accuracy, Evasion and Maximum Flight Time Increase Natural Recovery Serum Dignified Daeva Candy Drop Rate Increase
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 41 24 (59%) 0 0 0 0 845 3.044 1.740 71.376 (68%)
Rupture IV 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 620 1.655 1.357 5.429 (5%)
Cleave IV 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 1.021 2.254 1.649 4.948 (5%)
Weakening Severe Blow V 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.586 1.678 1.634 4.903 (5%)
Ferocious Strike V 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 577 1.404 1.026 4.106 (4%)
Robust Blow V 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 627 1.386 1.001 4.004 (4%)
Severe Weakening Blow VI 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.353 1.402 1.377 2.755 (3%)
Shattering Wave I 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.437 2.437 2.437 2.437 (2%)
Great Cleave II 3 0 0 0 0 0 658 1.001 811 2.435 (2%)
Crushing Blow I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.223 1.223 1.223 1.223 (1%)
Reckless Strike III 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.105 1.105 1.105 1.105 (1%)
Aerial Lockdown III 1 0 0 0 0 0 859 859 859 859 (1%)
Summary 68 39 (57%) 0 0 0 0 577 3.044 1.552 105.580

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:09:00 Critical 2.254 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:01 776 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:02 0 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:03 1.383 The Great Virhana
21:09:03 Critical 1.402 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:04 Critical 2.703 The Great Virhana
21:09:04 Critical 1.586 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:05 0 0 Plowyn
21:09:06 726 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:07 1.128 The Great Virhana
21:09:07 Critical 1.301 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:08 Critical 2.997 The Great Virhana
21:09:08 Critical 1.506 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:09 Critical 2.387 The Great Virhana
21:09:09 1.105 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:10 1.192 The Great Virhana
21:09:10 Critical 2.437 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:11 Critical 2.406 The Great Virhana
21:09:12 Critical 2.471 The Great Virhana
21:09:13 0 0 Plowyn
21:09:13 1.072 The Great Virhana
21:09:14 1.167 The Great Virhana
21:09:15 0 0 Plowyn
21:09:15 1.186 The Great Virhana
21:09:16 0 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:16 Critical 2.697 The Great Virhana
21:09:17 0 362 Plowyn
21:09:17 Critical 1.404 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:18 Critical 1.386 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:19 Critical 1.655 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:20 Critical 1.678 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:21 Critical 2.592 The Great Virhana
21:09:21 1.021 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:22 1.001 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:23 Critical 2.572 The Great Virhana
21:09:24 Critical 2.450 The Great Virhana
21:09:25 1.238 The Great Virhana
21:09:25 1.223 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:26 Critical 2.494 The Great Virhana
21:09:26 Critical 2.765 The Great Virhana
21:09:27 859 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:28 0 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:29 Critical 3.044 The Great Virhana
21:09:29 Critical 1.399 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:30 Critical 1.930 The Great Virhana
21:09:30 627 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:31 0 216 Plowyn
21:09:31 620 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:32 Critical 1.799 The Great Virhana
21:09:33 1.046 The Great Virhana
21:09:33 Critical 1.353 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:34 1.173 The Great Virhana
21:09:35 Critical 1.639 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:36 1.051 The Great Virhana
21:09:37 Critical 2.044 The Great Virhana
21:09:37 0 216 Plowyn
21:09:37 1.126 The Great Virhana
21:09:38 Critical 2.099 The Great Virhana
21:09:39 950 The Great Virhana
21:09:40 577 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:41 854 The Great Virhana
21:09:41 690 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:41 Critical 1.648 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:42 0 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:43 0 216 Plowyn
21:09:43 Critical 1.898 The Great Virhana
21:09:43 Critical 1.673 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:44 658 0 The Great Virhana
21:09:45 Critical 1.488 The Great Virhana
21:09:45 Critical 2.132 The Great Virhana
21:09:46 Critical 1.716 The Great Virhana
21:09:47 845 The Great Virhana
21:09:48 954 The Great Virhana
21:09:48 Critical 1.542 The Great Virhana
21:09:49 0 216 Plowyn
21:09:49 Critical 1.582 The Great Virhana
21:09:50 924 The Great Virhana
21:09:51 Critical 1.744 The Great Virhana
21:09:52 Critical 1.619 The Great Virhana
21:09:52 916 The Great Virhana