
Boss: Isbariya the Resolute (Hard Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 07.08.2022 21:02:59 - 21:07:40
Version: 2
Duration: 4min 41s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 1.877
bossDMG: 527.952
Heal: 0
allDPS: 1.877
allDMG: 527.977
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Word of Inspiration I 16 Word of Protection I 15 Blessing of Stone I Hit Mantra I Effect 48 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 48 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 48 Crit Strike Increase Movement Speed Increase Crit Strike, Accuracy, Evasion and Maximum Flight Time Quick Polar Bear
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 144 68 (47%) 0 0 0 0 591 1.753 1.027 147.923 (28%)
Stunning Shot IV 21 13 (62%) 0 0 0 0 1.405 8.759 3.439 72.238 (14%)
Gale Arrow IV 25 15 (60%) 0 0 0 0 1.177 3.499 2.037 50.944 (10%)
Deadshot IV 28 14 (50%) 0 0 0 0 998 3.120 1.712 47.963 (9%)
Spiral Arrow III 16 10 (62%) 0 0 0 0 1.348 3.227 2.046 32.744 (6%)
Swift Shot IV 19 8 (42%) 0 0 0 0 1.038 2.908 1.632 31.023 (6%)
Heart Shot II 12 6 (50%) 0 0 0 0 1.586 3.967 2.570 30.849 (6%)
Arrow Strike IV 17 4 (24%) 0 0 0 0 1.020 2.550 1.505 25.594 (5%)
Rupture Arrow III 10 5 (50%) 0 0 0 0 637 5.199 2.444 24.442 (5%)
Shock Arrow II 6 5 (83%) 0 0 0 0 2.328 3.953 3.191 19.149 (4%)
Silence Arrow V 11 8 (73%) 0 0 0 0 794 1.796 1.394 15.334 (3%)
Entangling Shot IV 10 5 (50%) 0 0 0 0 813 2.170 1.405 14.059 (3%)
Brightwing Arrow I 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 1.865 4.424 3.188 9.564 (2%)
Unerring Arrow I 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 4.402 4.402 4.402 4.402 (1%)
Fleshcutter Arrow II 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.724 1.724 1.724 1.724 (0%)
Summary 324 165 (51%) 0 0 0 0 591 8.759 1.629 527.952

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:02:59 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:00 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:01 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:01 Critical 3.499 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:02 Critical 8.759 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:02 957 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:03 1.927 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:04 943 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:04 Critical 3.856 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:05 1.683 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:06 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:07 Critical 2.908 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:08 Critical 1.537 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:08 1.723 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:09 772 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:09 Critical 3.227 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:10 Critical 1.400 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:11 2.328 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:12 Critical 1.438 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:12 1.717 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:13 Critical 1.563 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:13 Critical 2.199 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:14 Critical 1.321 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:15 Critical 1.784 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:16 828 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:17 1 Divine Artifact
21:03:18 Critical 1 Divine Artifact
21:03:19 888 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:20 Critical 5.568 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:21 Critical 1.541 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:21 Critical 1.969 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:22 Critical 1.563 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:22 1.228 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:23 Critical 1.434 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:23 1.328 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:24 1.550 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:25 848 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:25 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:26 1.355 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:26 Critical 1.453 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:27 Critical 2.834 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:28 792 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:28 Critical 1.464 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:29 797 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:29 Critical 2.102 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:30 Critical 1.400 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:31 Critical 3.275 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:32 876 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:32 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:33 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:33 Critical 3.960 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:34 852 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:34 3.087 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:35 1.026 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:36 Critical 3.054 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:37 Critical 3.120 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:38 Critical 1.753 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:38 1.637 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:39 818 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:39 Critical 1.724 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:40 Critical 1.404 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:40 Critical 1.848 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:42 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:03:43 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:03:44 Critical 2.123 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:45 Critical 1.253 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:45 Critical 2.780 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:46 Critical 1.236 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:46 1.228 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:47 Critical 1.380 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:48 1.586 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:49 Critical 1.916 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:49 1.240 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:50 1.482 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:51 Critical 1.399 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:51 Critical 1.660 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:52 753 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:53 0 0 Easyldur
21:03:53 Critical 2.717 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:54 Critical 1.349 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:54 Critical 2.692 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:56 Critical 1.444 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:56 Critical 4.402 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:57 811 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:57 Critical 3.953 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:58 Critical 1.247 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:59 Critical 7.142 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:03:59 Critical 1.361 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:00 637 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:01 Critical 1.138 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:02 0 0 Easyldur
21:04:03 Critical 2.826 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:03 Critical 1.148 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:04 1.465 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:05 723 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:05 1.555 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:06 Critical 1.148 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:07 Critical 1 Divine Artifact
21:04:08 1 Divine Artifact
21:04:10 Critical 1.335 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:10 Critical 3.649 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:11 2.071 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:12 764 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:12 Critical 2.171 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:13 762 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:13 1.132 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:14 1.234 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:15 Critical 2.413 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:16 760 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:17 0 0 Easyldur
21:04:17 0 0 Easyldur
21:04:18 1.576 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:19 Critical 1.591 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:19 1.549 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:20 968 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:20 Critical 2.726 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:22 1.361 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:23 1.714 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:24 710 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:24 Critical 5.172 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:25 770 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:25 Critical 1.939 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:26 0 0 Easyldur
21:04:27 Critical 1.223 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:27 1.041 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:28 Critical 1.107 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:28 Critical 1.976 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:29 677 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:30 Critical 2.476 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:31 1 Magic Artifact
21:04:32 1 Magic Artifact
21:04:33 1.177 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:34 1.590 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:35 631 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:36 768 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:36 1.506 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:37 Critical 1.191 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:38 834 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:39 625 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:39 1.004 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:40 Critical 1.217 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:41 1.038 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:41 1.174 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:42 1.348 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:43 662 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:43 1.179 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:44 710 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:45 0 0 Easyldur
21:04:46 Critical 2.256 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:47 Critical 1.105 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:47 Critical 3.414 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:48 Critical 1.707 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:49 Critical 3.309 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:50 Critical 1.286 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:50 Critical 2.916 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:51 783 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:52 Critical 1.859 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:53 708 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:53 1.103 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:54 Critical 1.273 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:55 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:04:56 1 Magic Artifact
21:04:58 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:04:59 635 Isbariya the Resolute
21:04:59 Critical 2.112 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:00 Critical 2.782 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:01 770 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:01 0 0 Easyldur
21:05:01 Critical 2.736 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:02 804 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:03 1.290 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:04 Critical 1.391 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:04 1.347 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:05 762 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:05 1.418 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:06 731 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:06 1.865 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:07 715 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:08 Critical 2.003 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:09 706 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:09 Critical 2.044 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:10 947 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:11 679 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:11 Critical 1.383 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:12 Critical 1.192 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:12 1.074 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:13 Critical 1.894 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:13 1.098 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:14 Critical 2.185 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:15 1.486 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:15 710 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:16 Critical 3.428 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:17 682 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:17 998 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:18 Critical 1.160 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:20 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:05:21 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:05:22 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:05:24 0 0 Easyldur
21:05:25 1.255 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:26 1.718 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:26 Critical 1.101 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:27 1.062 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:27 1.405 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:28 Critical 1.116 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:29 Critical 1.791 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:30 1.044 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:30 1.354 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:32 Critical 2.525 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:33 Critical 1.172 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:33 Critical 1.338 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:34 Critical 1.227 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:35 1.190 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:35 708 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:36 Critical 1.440 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:37 Critical 963 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:38 0 0 Easyldur
21:05:38 0 0 Easyldur
21:05:39 1.556 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:40 Critical 1.304 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:40 Critical 3.671 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:41 Critical 1.276 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:42 Critical 5.199 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:43 813 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:44 1 Divine Artifact
21:05:46 Critical 1 Divine Artifact
21:05:47 Critical 1 Divine Artifact
21:05:49 0 0 Easyldur
21:05:50 1.649 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:51 Critical 3.967 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:51 714 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:52 Critical 1.706 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:53 698 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:53 2.997 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:54 660 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:54 Critical 1.644 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:55 Critical 1.172 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:56 Critical 1.580 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:57 620 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:57 1.020 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:58 Critical 1.042 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:58 Critical 2.177 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:59 696 Isbariya the Resolute
21:05:59 Critical 1.327 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:00 591 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:01 Critical 1.699 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:02 Critical 972 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:02 Critical 1.942 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:03 641 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:03 813 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:04 706 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:04 0 0 Easyldur
21:06:05 0 0 Easyldur
21:06:05 1.115 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:06 Critical 1.254 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:07 3.279 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:08 Critical 1.244 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:09 1 Magic Artifact
21:06:11 Critical 1.313 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:12 Critical 2.693 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:13 Critical 3.188 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:13 801 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:14 1.283 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:15 Critical 2.993 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:16 Critical 1.393 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:16 Critical 1.940 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:17 942 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:17 Critical 2.265 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:18 Critical 2.374 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:19 Critical 1.514 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:19 Critical 2.819 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:20 853 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:21 700 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:22 792 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:22 Critical 2.273 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:23 Critical 1.325 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:23 Critical 2.018 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:24 Critical 1.522 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:25 1.098 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:26 913 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:26 Critical 1.704 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:27 911 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:27 1.248 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:28 931 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:28 1.218 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:29 1.512 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:30 790 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:30 1.355 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:31 Critical 1.503 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:32 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:06:34 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:06:35 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:06:37 1.568 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:38 Critical 1.293 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:38 0 0 Easyldur
21:06:38 1.659 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:39 716 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:39 Critical 2.114 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:40 874 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:41 1.158 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:41 760 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:42 1.255 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:43 Critical 1.281 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:43 Critical 2.569 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:44 818 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:44 Critical 1.835 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:46 Critical 1.346 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:46 Critical 1.576 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:47 807 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:47 794 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:48 Critical 1.319 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:49 1.146 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:50 744 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:51 0 0 Easyldur
21:06:51 0 0 Easyldur
21:06:52 Critical 3.775 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:53 Critical 1.431 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:53 3.241 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:54 Critical 1.458 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:55 Critical 3.936 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:56 992 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:56 Critical 4.424 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:06:58 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:07:00 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:07:02 1.945 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:02 1.796 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:03 Critical 1.655 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:04 Critical 1.293 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:05 Critical 2.602 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:05 714 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:06 0 0 Easyldur
21:07:07 Critical 2.265 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:08 735 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:08 Critical 1.796 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:09 Critical 1.309 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:09 Critical 2.170 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:10 694 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:11 1.365 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:12 739 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:12 1.606 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:13 Critical 1.176 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:13 Critical 2.172 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:14 719 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:14 1.070 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:15 769 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:16 Critical 1.904 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:17 0 0 Easyldur
21:07:18 Critical 3.342 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:18 Critical 1.199 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:19 Critical 1.368 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:20 647 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:21 1 Magic Artifact
21:07:23 Critical 1 Magic Artifact
21:07:25 829 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:25 Critical 2.799 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:26 750 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:26 2.224 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:27 Critical 1.272 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:27 Critical 2.457 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:28 Critical 1.345 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:29 Critical 1.961 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:30 727 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:30 Critical 2.328 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:31 Critical 1.158 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:31 800 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:32 0 0 Easyldur
21:07:33 0 0 Easyldur
21:07:34 0 0 Easyldur
21:07:34 2.291 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:35 894 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:35 1.557 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:37 Critical 1.478 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:37 1.655 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:38 Critical 2.832 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:38 Critical 2.550 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:39 Critical 2.159 0 Isbariya the Resolute
21:07:40 632 Isbariya the Resolute