
Boss: Isbariya the Resolute (Hard Mode) in Beshmundir Temple
Session: 02.08.2022 06:03:14 - 06:06:47
Version: 2
Duration: 3min 32s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 1.221
bossDMG: 259.405
Heal: 4.530
allDPS: 1.235
allDMG: 262.405
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Word of Inspiration I 15 Word of Protection I 15 Blessing of Stone I Blessing of Fire V 2 Celerity Mantra I Effect 12 Hit Mantra I Effect 38 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 25 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 36 Crit Strike 2 Attack Speed Increase 2 Increase Movement Speed 2 Increase Crit Strike, Accuracy, Evasion and Maximum Flight Time 2 Increase Natural Recovery Serum Dignified Daeva Candy Drop Rate Increase
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 113 30 (27%) 0 0 0 0 0 3.769 1.444 163.281 (63%)
Robust Blow V 13 8 (62%) 0 0 0 0 792 2.165 1.364 17.741 (7%)
Body Smash III 14 4 (29%) 0 0 0 0 678 2.717 1.188 16.636 (6%)
Ferocious Strike V 13 4 (31%) 0 0 0 0 605 1.604 959 12.467 (5%)
Wrathful Strike IV 7 2 (29%) 0 0 0 0 953 2.457 1.468 10.277 (4%)
Cleave IV 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 604 2.027 1.096 8.769 (3%)
Force Cleave II 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 845 2.402 1.917 7.669 (3%)
Piercing Rupture I 4 0 0 0 0 0 1.640 2.038 1.778 7.114 (3%)
Rupture IV 6 2 (33%) 0 0 0 0 714 1.972 1.143 6.863 (3%)
Great Cleave II 4 0 0 0 0 0 773 924 832 3.328 (1%)
Tendon Slice II 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.334 1.420 1.377 2.754 (1%)
Seismic Wave IV 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.254 1.254 1.254 1.254 (0%)
Shock Wave III 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.252 1.252 1.252 1.252 (0%)
Summary 190 55 (29%) 0 0 0 0 0 3.769 1.365 259.405

Time Status Damage Heal Target
06:03:15 917 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:15 845 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:16 891 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:17 2.038 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:18 1.367 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:19 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:19 692 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:20 797 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:21 Critical 1.774 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:22 1.443 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:23 Critical 2.834 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:24 1.553 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:25 Critical 2.911 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:26 1.499 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:27 1.282 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:28 1.583 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:29 1.420 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:29 Critical 2.717 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:30 1.389 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:31 1.561 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:31 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:32 1.015 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:33 2 Magic Artifact
06:03:35 1.749 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:36 1.169 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:37 1.355 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:38 Critical 3.769 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:38 1.130 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:39 828 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:40 1.612 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:41 1.595 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:42 1.099 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:42 Critical 1.402 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:44 Critical 2.741 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:44 Critical 2.165 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:45 728 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:46 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:47 1.043 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:47 Critical 2.246 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:48 950 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:49 1.167 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:50 Critical 2.321 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:51 1.234 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:52 955 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:53 845 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:54 942 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:55 678 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:55 Critical 1.604 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:56 Critical 1.335 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:57 807 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:03:58 2 Divine Artifact
06:04:00 2 Divine Artifact
06:04:04 0 4.530 Fairladyz
06:04:04 1 0 Divine Artifact
06:04:06 1 0 Divine Artifact
06:04:07 Critical 2.580 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:07 629 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:08 Critical 1.629 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:08 1.108 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:09 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:10 Critical 1.836 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:11 1.145 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:12 938 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:13 Critical 1.964 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:15 1.169 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:16 Critical 2.347 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:17 1.128 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:17 1.640 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:19 Critical 2.307 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:20 605 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:20 Critical 2.161 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:22 Critical 2 Magic Artifact
06:04:24 2 Magic Artifact
06:04:25 1.216 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:26 868 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:27 884 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:27 718 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:28 803 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:29 1.334 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:30 Critical 2.190 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:31 1.332 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:33 1.077 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:33 732 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:34 927 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:34 Critical 2.255 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:36 1.116 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:37 1.284 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:38 1.265 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:39 750 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:40 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:41 Critical 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:42 1.068 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:44 1.057 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:45 Critical 2.497 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:47 2 Divine Artifact
06:04:49 711 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:50 1.218 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:51 966 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:52 722 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:53 Critical 1.362 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:54 792 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:55 953 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:55 745 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:56 Critical 2.172 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:57 Critical 1.968 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:59 985 Isbariya the Resolute
06:04:59 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:00 1.123 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:01 957 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:02 1.143 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:04 913 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:05 1.210 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:05 Critical 1.680 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:06 800 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:06 Critical 1.390 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:07 Critical 1.972 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:08 1.202 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:10 978 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:11 964 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:13 2 Magic Artifact
06:05:14 Critical 2 Magic Artifact
06:05:16 Critical 1.864 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:17 924 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:18 1.043 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:19 Critical 1.385 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:19 Critical 1.579 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:20 1.013 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:22 Critical 2.630 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:23 914 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:24 Critical 2.251 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:25 1.758 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:26 1.107 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:27 1.317 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:28 1.108 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:29 Critical 2.444 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:30 1.132 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:31 1.062 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:33 Critical 2.627 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:34 1.107 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:35 2 Magic Artifact
06:05:38 1.193 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:39 971 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:40 Critical 2.027 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:41 Critical 2.250 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:41 613 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:42 Critical 1.535 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:43 1.136 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:44 0 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:44 Critical 2.833 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:45 1.091 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:47 1.251 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:48 1.254 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:49 Critical 2.245 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:50 Critical 2.399 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:51 1.080 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:52 Critical 2.124 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:53 1.274 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:53 867 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:54 834 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:55 794 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:56 714 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:57 1.136 Isbariya the Resolute
06:05:58 1.032 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:00 Critical 1 Divine Artifact
06:06:03 1.254 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:03 1.342 0 Holy Servant
06:06:04 1.252 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:07 674 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:08 715 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:08 604 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:09 1.126 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:10 913 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:11 976 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:12 Critical 2.569 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:13 Critical 2.402 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:14 961 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:14 Critical 2.040 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:15 1.004 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:16 Critical 2.210 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:17 958 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:18 1.171 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:19 1.109 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:20 1.132 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:21 1.210 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:22 958 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:23 Critical 2.239 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:25 2 Divine Artifact
06:06:27 Critical 2.220 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:27 764 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:28 773 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:29 Critical 1.783 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:30 Critical 2.200 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:31 968 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:32 1.164 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:33 Critical 2.608 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:33 1.635 0 Holy Servant
06:06:33 1.678 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:34 947 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:35 1.232 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:36 981 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:36 794 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:37 Critical 1.468 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:38 Critical 2.457 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:39 1.334 0 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:40 954 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:41 1.225 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:41 1.127 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:42 971 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:43 858 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:44 892 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:45 933 Isbariya the Resolute
06:06:46 Critical 2.197 Isbariya the Resolute