
Boss: Raging Magma Protector & Angry Heat Protector in Makarna of Bitterness (difficult)
Session: 22.07.2022 21:31:31 - 21:32:47
Version: 8.2
Duration: 1min 16s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 408.560
bossDMG: 30.854.452
Heal: 0
allDPS: 428.012
allDMG: 32.323.473
Buffs: Blessed Light Tiamat [Evolution] Soul Wave (Level 1) Attack: Increases Attack Power 6 Grim Vision: Enchanted Orb 7 Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 3
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Titanic Vacuum Explosion 26 17 (65%) 0 0 0 0 122.225 368.485 257.924 6.706.025 (22%)
Elemental Smash 16 12 (75%) 0 0 0 0 84.451 411.445 241.145 3.858.332 (13%)
(Improved) Decaying Mind 8 5 (62%) 0 0 0 0 202.088 513.233 362.828 2.902.624 (9%)
Magic Explosion 18 3 (17%) 0 0 0 0 135.315 247.517 158.238 2.848.299 (9%)
(Improved) Boosted Soul Theft 12 9 (75%) 0 0 0 0 112.002 257.444 208.712 2.504.553 (8%)
(Improved) Cyclone of Wrath 31 4 (13%) 0 0 0 0 31.340 156.147 68.460 2.122.283 (7%)
(Improved) Magic Implosion 21 0 0 0 0 0 84.230 117.390 95.125 1.997.627 (6%)
(Improved) Infernal Pain 15 3 (20%) 0 0 0 0 94.057 183.462 113.215 1.698.234 (6%)
Wilderness Grip 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 423.287 972.939 698.113 1.396.226 (5%)
(Improved) Wilderness Rage 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 335.704 519.016 431.680 1.295.041 (4%)
Sandblaster 26 5 (19%) 0 0 0 0 13.810 50.375 30.145 783.784 (3%)
(Improved) Summon Cyclone Servant 12 2 (17%) 0 0 0 0 0 102.480 61.843 742.122 (2%)
Erosion 21 3 (14%) 0 0 0 0 15.297 84.731 32.649 685.637 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 5 0 0 0 0 0 66.488 78.577 76.159 380.796 (1%)
Summon Wind Servant 17 3 (18%) 0 0 0 0 0 41.835 22.039 374.667 (1%)
Attack: Area of Effect 5 0 0 0 0 0 50.370 65.481 62.458 312.294 (1%)
Backdraft 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 224.837 224.837 224.837 224.837 (1%)
Chain of Earth 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 21.071 21.071 21.071 21.071 (0%)
Summary 240 72 (30%) 0 0 0 0 0 972.939 128.560 30.854.452

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:31:34 0 0 Hellfire Patrol
21:31:34 0 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:34 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:34 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:34 0 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:34 0 0 Hellfire Patrol
21:31:34 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:35 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:36 Critical 49.622 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:36 263.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:37 65.481 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:37 Critical 411.445 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:37 Critical 214.475 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:37 65.481 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:38 Critical 600.336 0 Hellfire Patrol
21:31:38 Critical 600.336 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:38 Critical 972.939 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:38 60.444 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:38 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:38 0 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:38 Dodge 0 0 Elite Hellfire Patrol
21:31:38 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:39 Critical 368.485 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:39 0 0 Sujiro
21:31:39 Critical 257.444 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:39 29.447 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:39 0 0 Sujiro
21:31:39 Critical 257.444 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:40 0 0 Sujiro
21:31:40 Critical 257.444 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:41 Critical 368.485 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:41 Critical 519.016 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:42 29.447 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:42 Critical 513.233 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:42 Dodge 0 0 Sujiro
21:31:43 Critical 411.445 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:43 Critical 214.475 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:43 Critical 156.147 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:44 Critical 368.485 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:45 84.230 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:45 29.447 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:45 Critical 247.517 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:46 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:46 79.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:47 Critical 346.716 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:47 Critical 183.462 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:48 29.447 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:48 79.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:48 Critical 50.375 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:48 78.577 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:49 155.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:49 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:49 102.480 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:49 Critical 325.667 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:49 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:50 Critical 84.731 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:50 79.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:50 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:51 105.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:51 Critical 319.733 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:51 29.897 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:52 155.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:52 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:52 Critical 21.071 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:52 102.480 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:52 79.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:53 41.582 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:53 Critical 135.487 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:53 31.607 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:54 154.224 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:54 Critical 79.701 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:54 105.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:54 29.897 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 155.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 102.480 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 214.808 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 69.145 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 172.204 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:55 89.768 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:56 41.582 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:56 Critical 300.737 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:57 105.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:57 Critical 79.701 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:57 69.145 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:57 29.897 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:58 155.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:58 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:59 41.582 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:59 163.965 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:59 69.145 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:31:59 Critical 46.453 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:00 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:00 Critical 223.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:00 105.362 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:00 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:00 Critical 223.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:00 29.712 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:01 155.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:01 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:01 Critical 223.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:01 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:01 69.145 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:02 Critical 327.648 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:02 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:03 27.547 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:03 Critical 351.042 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:03 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:03 Critical 281.421 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:03 Critical 146.700 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:03 29.712 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:04 99.196 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:04 Critical 252.037 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:05 Critical 335.704 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:05 41.835 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:06 27.547 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:06 Critical 98.420 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:06 106.787 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:06 50.370 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:06 29.712 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:07 Critical 165.804 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:08 Critical 238.338 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:08 32.390 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:08 41.835 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:08 65.260 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:09 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:09 27.547 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:09 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:10 122.225 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:10 135.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:10 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:10 65.260 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:11 Critical 138.727 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:11 41.835 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:11 15.702 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:11 Critical 38.085 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:11 66.488 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:12 46.917 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:12 131.013 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:12 65.260 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:13 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:13 34.718 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:13 135.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:13 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:14 122.769 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:14 94.057 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:14 65.260 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:15 26.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:15 52.025 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:15 46.917 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 Critical 217.638 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 19.755 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 135.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 15.297 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:16 202.088 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:17 65.481 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:17 162.008 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:17 84.451 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:17 94.057 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:17 31.340 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:18 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:18 26.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:18 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:18 46.917 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 19.755 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 Critical 312.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 135.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 15.297 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:19 31.340 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 423.287 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 Dodge 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:20 Critical 218.405 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 94.057 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:20 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:20 112.002 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:21 26.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:21 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:21 Critical 218.405 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:21 31.340 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:22 19.755 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:22 Critical 312.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:22 135.315 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:22 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:22 15.297 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:23 Critical 435.409 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:23 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:23 Critical 349.061 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:23 Critical 181.957 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:23 94.057 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:23 31.340 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:24 78.577 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:24 26.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:24 23.289 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:25 Critical 132.468 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:25 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:25 15.297 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:26 Critical 312.612 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:27 Critical 440.321 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:27 13.810 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:28 67.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:28 170.051 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:28 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:28 88.552 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:28 15.297 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:29 Critical 224.837 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:29 117.390 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:29 67.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:30 Critical 236.728 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:30 13.810 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:31 Critical 331.600 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:31 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:31 21.717 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:31 45.064 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:32 67.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:32 170.051 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:33 Critical 175.469 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:33 148.745 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:33 94.836 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:33 13.810 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:34 67.590 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:34 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:34 21.717 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:34 97.977 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:34 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:35 Critical 340.782 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:35 16.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:35 74.054 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:36 148.745 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:36 94.836 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:36 Critical 49.510 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:36 16.850 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:36 Critical 32.857 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:36 16.850 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:36 Critical 32.857 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:37 100.725 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:37 21.717 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:37 97.977 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:37 Critical 474.654 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:38 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:38 Critical 389.351 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:38 Critical 202.965 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:38 16.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:38 37.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:39 148.745 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:39 94.836 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:39 178.818 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:39 29.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:39 1 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:39 1 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:39 1 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:39 1 0 Raging Heat Minion
21:32:40 100.725 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:40 47.388 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:40 37.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:40 97.977 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:40 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:41 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:41 129.941 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:41 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:41 Critical 253.387 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:42 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:42 129.941 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:42 148.745 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:42 37.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:42 94.836 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:42 78.577 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:43 29.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:43 100.725 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:43 Critical 321.785 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:43 17.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:44 Critical 448.194 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:44 37.817 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:44 0 0 Sujiro
21:32:44 Critical 359.311 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:44 Critical 187.295 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:45 78.577 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:45 148.745 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:45 94.836 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:45 69.926 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 29.380 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 100.725 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 65.481 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 17.690 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 126.937 0 Raging Magma Protector
21:32:46 108.487 0 Young Protector
21:32:46 Critical 0 0 Raging Magma Protector