
Boss: Kromede the Corrupt in Labyrinth
Session: 29.06.2022 00:24:58 - 00:26:09
Game Version: 8.2
App Version:
Duration: 1min 11s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 180.573
bossDMG: 12.740.051
Heal: 0
allDPS: 198.849
allDMG: 14.029.474
Buffs: Blessed Light Nezekan Attack: Increases Attack Power 7 Attack: Increase Crit Strike 2
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Enhance Magic Projectile 36 0 0 0 0 0 53.998 80.529 64.759 2.331.358 (18%)
(Improved) Concentrated Chain Shot 18 3 (17%) 0 0 0 0 91.090 246.733 127.848 2.301.266 (18%)
(Improved) Soul Cannon 3 0 0 0 0 0 545.310 775.626 687.296 2.061.888 (16%)
Concentrated Fire 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 348.311 633.773 491.042 982.084 (8%)
(Improved) Shock Cannon 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 217.475 416.816 317.145 634.291 (5%)
(Improved) Spirit Cannon 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 601.311 601.311 601.311 601.311 (5%)
(Improved) Fissure Cannonball 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 170.025 236.811 199.448 598.345 (5%)
(Improved) Flame Bombardment 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 223.532 331.323 277.427 554.855 (4%)
Attack: Additional Damage 11 0 0 0 0 0 32.400 42.120 37.996 417.960 (3%)
(Improved) Frost Cannon 3 0 0 0 0 0 79.325 134.589 100.564 301.694 (2%)
Repeated Volley 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 52.503 81.861 72.036 288.144 (2%)
Fire Cannon 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 264.457 264.457 264.457 264.457 (2%)
(Improved) Paralysing Projectile 2 0 0 0 0 0 105.017 133.393 119.205 238.410 (2%)
Auto-Attack 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 19.961 26.176 23.013 184.108 (1%)
Repeated Rapid Fire 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 34.542 53.649 42.145 168.583 (1%)
Enhanced Heavy Projectile 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 49.925 87.149 68.537 137.074 (1%)
Disrupter Shot 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 61.875 74.139 68.007 136.014 (1%)
Rapid Soul Fire 2 0 0 0 0 0 57.813 60.313 59.063 118.126 (1%)
Sighting Shot 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 25.179 45.268 36.904 110.714 (1%)
Pistol Shot 2 0 0 0 0 0 52.367 53.640 53.003 106.007 (1%)
Soul Volley 2 0 0 0 0 0 45.838 46.800 46.319 92.638 (1%)
Soul Shot 1 0 0 0 0 0 47.517 47.517 47.517 47.517 (0%)
Soul Bombardment 1 0 0 0 0 0 36.951 36.951 36.951 36.951 (0%)
Projectile of Silence 1 0 0 0 0 0 26.256 26.256 26.256 26.256 (0%)
Summary 116 21 (18%) 0 0 0 0 19.961 775.626 109.828 12.740.051

Time Status Damage Heal Target
00:24:58 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:00 Critical 26.176 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:00 Critical 40.267 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:00 63.637 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:01 63.637 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:01 53.640 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:01 63.637 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:01 52.503 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:02 Critical 81.861 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:02 66.147 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:02 69.828 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:02 40.196 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:03 69.828 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:03 40.196 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:04 42.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:04 69.828 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:04 Critical 87.149 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:04 69.828 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:04 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:05 23.699 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:06 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:06 75.760 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:07 191.509 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:07 Critical 633.773 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:07 42.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:07 78.019 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:08 80.529 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:08 Dodge 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:08 Critical 246.733 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:09 160.214 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:09 Critical 233.911 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:10 134.589 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:13 775.626 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:13 133.393 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:16 Critical 416.816 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:20 Critical 601.311 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:20 130.451 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:21 130.451 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:21 130.451 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:22 24.780 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:23 Critical 45.268 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:24 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:24 Critical 74.139 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:25 26.256 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:25 73.635 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:26 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:26 47.517 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:26 71.125 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:26 42.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:26 71.125 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:26 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:26 46.800 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:27 69.661 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:27 42.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:27 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:27 45.838 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:27 42.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:27 69.661 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:28 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:28 60.313 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:28 67.779 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:28 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:28 57.813 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:29 67.779 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:29 22.172 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:30 Critical 170.025 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:30 32.400 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:30 55.413 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:31 94.322 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:31 55.413 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:31 94.870 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:31 55.735 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:32 94.870 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:32 55.735 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:32 79.325 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:33 53.998 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:33 32.400 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:33 53.998 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:35 545.310 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:38 Critical 331.323 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:38 Critical 261.821 0 Suspicious Object
00:25:38 Critical 261.821 0 Suspicious Object
00:25:38 174.547 0 Suspicious Object
00:25:39 91.362 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:39 91.362 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:40 91.090 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:43 Critical 264.457 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:44 20.349 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:44 25.179 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:45 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:46 20.908 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:46 Critical 61.875 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:47 61.457 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:47 52.367 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:47 35.640 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:47 62.130 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:47 62.130 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:48 Critical 76.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:48 Critical 76.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:48 62.130 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:49 Critical 53.649 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:49 62.130 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:49 60.006 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 19.961 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 34.542 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 60.006 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 60.006 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 35.640 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:50 49.925 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:51 54.551 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:51 Critical 26.063 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:52 0 0 Sillentwraith
00:25:52 64.318 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:53 Critical 236.811 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:53 348.311 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:53 64.318 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:53 66.441 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:53 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:56 740.952 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:56 35.640 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:57 125.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:57 Critical 183.067 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:58 122.045 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:25:58 87.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:01 217.475 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:04 223.532 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:04 169.250 0 Suspicious Object
00:26:04 169.250 0 Suspicious Object
00:26:04 169.250 0 Suspicious Object
00:26:04 92.460 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:05 32.400 0 Suspicious Object
00:26:05 92.460 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:06 95.197 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:06 105.017 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:06 35.640 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:08 36.951 0 Kromede the Corrupt
00:26:08 25.542 0 Suspicious Object
00:26:08 25.542 0 Suspicious Object