
Boss: Kromede the Corrupt in Labyrinth
Session: 27.05.2022 15:11:22 - 15:12:36
Version: 8.2
Duration: 1min 14s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 298.700
bossDMG: 22.174.462
Heal: 0
allDPS: 307.033
allDMG: 22.793.120
Buffs: Tiamat [Evolution] Weda's Splendour (Level 1) Attack: Increases Attack Power 17
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Gale Arrow 15 10 (67%) 0 0 0 0 64.522 238.953 167.438 2.511.577 (11%)
(Improved) Arrow Deluge 15 5 (33%) 0 0 0 0 93.502 266.374 155.416 2.331.242 (11%)
(Improved) Explosive Arrow 6 5 (83%) 0 0 0 0 213.313 456.917 379.848 2.279.088 (10%)
Stunning Shot 6 5 (83%) 0 0 0 0 131.618 563.859 318.322 1.909.933 (9%)
Arrow Storm 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 629.967 629.967 629.967 1.889.901 (9%)
(Improved) Arrow of Death 7 4 (57%) 0 0 0 0 107.320 298.842 205.515 1.438.611 (6%)
(Improved) Lethal Arrow 4 4 (100%) 0 0 0 0 284.618 370.003 348.656 1.394.627 (6%)
Deadshot 13 3 (23%) 0 0 0 0 49.225 137.070 72.560 943.289 (4%)
Swift Shot 6 4 (67%) 0 0 0 0 77.259 220.094 155.213 931.278 (4%)
Auto-Attack 15 13 (87%) 0 0 0 0 26.678 78.118 61.638 924.583 (4%)
Arrow Strike 6 3 (50%) 0 0 0 0 77.053 168.853 123.812 742.874 (3%)
Binding Arrow 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 113.527 221.069 181.429 725.718 (3%)
Spiral Arrow 5 2 (40%) 0 0 0 0 86.814 190.241 138.785 693.927 (3%)
Griffonix Arrow 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 139.061 297.867 222.019 666.057 (3%)
Arrow Rain of Destruction 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 43.570 363.974 192.489 577.467 (3%)
Attack: Area of Effect 12 0 0 0 0 0 30.600 39.780 38.250 459.000 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 11 0 0 0 0 0 36.720 47.736 39.724 436.968 (2%)
Entangling Shot 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 59.581 130.565 99.252 397.011 (2%)
Shackling Arrow Torrent 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 126.730 265.336 196.033 392.066 (2%)
Ascended Soul Arrow 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 123.630 153.163 138.396 276.793 (1%)
Shock Arrow 2 0 0 0 0 0 109.762 142.690 126.226 252.452 (1%)
Summary 144 71 (49%) 0 0 0 0 26.678 629.967 153.989 22.174.462

Time Status Damage Heal Target
15:11:23 0 0 Moogie
15:11:23 0 0 Moogie
15:11:24 113.527 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:24 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:24 Critical 370.003 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:25 Critical 456.917 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:25 Critical 298.842 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:26 139.516 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:26 0 0 Moogie
15:11:27 Critical 629.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:28 Critical 281.926 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:28 169.923 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:28 Dodge 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:29 Critical 297.867 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:29 Critical 137.070 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:30 Critical 265.336 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:31 Critical 179.669 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:31 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:31 Critical 67.220 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:31 59.581 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:32 Critical 165.488 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:32 77.053 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:33 86.814 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:33 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:33 0 0 Moogie
15:11:34 0 0 Moogie
15:11:34 123.630 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:34 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:35 Critical 266.374 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:35 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:36 Critical 266.374 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:37 142.690 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:37 0 0 Moogie
15:11:37 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:38 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:38 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:39 Critical 456.917 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:39 63.992 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:40 0 0 Moogie
15:11:40 Critical 281.926 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:41 Critical 220.094 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:41 102.479 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:42 115.459 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:42 63.992 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:43 0 0 Moogie
15:11:43 Critical 370.003 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:44 Critical 69.760 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:44 Critical 221.069 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:45 0 0 Moogie
15:11:45 111.555 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:46 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:46 63.992 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:47 47.736 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:47 139.516 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:47 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:47 Critical 298.842 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:48 Critical 63.327 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:48 93.502 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:49 93.502 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:49 93.502 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:50 30.580 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:50 0 0 Moogie
15:11:51 79.241 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:51 Critical 629.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:52 Critical 456.917 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:53 0 0 Moogie
15:11:53 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:53 Critical 433.738 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:54 Critical 65.846 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:54 43.570 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:55 0 0 Moogie
15:11:55 Critical 63.670 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:55 Critical 229.129 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:56 49.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:56 Critical 183.810 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:57 64.522 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:57 0 0 Moogie
15:11:57 0 0 Moogie
15:11:58 79.040 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:58 Critical 168.853 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:58 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:59 Critical 190.241 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:59 30.600 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:11:59 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:11:59 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:11:59 49.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:00 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:00 0 0 Moogie
15:12:01 126.730 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:01 Critical 254.871 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:01 118.987 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:01 Critical 284.618 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:01 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:02 Critical 65.846 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:02 0 0 Moogie
15:12:02 0 0 Moogie
15:12:02 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:02 Critical 64.837 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:03 95.660 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:03 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:03 Critical 204.903 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:04 Critical 204.903 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:04 49.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:05 85.812 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:05 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:05 Critical 138.207 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:06 Critical 153.163 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:06 0 0 Moogie
15:12:07 Critical 170.053 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:07 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:07 0 0 Moogie
15:12:08 Critical 351.475 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:08 Critical 78.004 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:08 107.320 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:09 Critical 229.879 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:09 0 0 Moogie
15:12:10 Critical 216.866 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:10 109.762 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:11 30.600 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:11 49.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:11 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:12 Critical 130.565 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:12 Critical 169.303 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:13 Critical 126.961 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:13 64.522 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:14 Critical 138.207 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:14 0 0 Moogie
15:12:15 49.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:15 36.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:15 0 0 Moogie
15:12:16 Critical 629.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:17 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:17 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:17 Critical 266.374 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:18 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:18 63.992 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:19 0 0 Moogie
15:12:19 Critical 370.003 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:20 Critical 57.488 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:20 0 0 Moogie
15:12:20 213.313 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:21 Critical 60.694 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:21 63.992 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:22 111.555 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:22 47.736 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:22 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:22 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:22 0 0 Moogie
15:12:23 Critical 563.859 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:23 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:24 Critical 363.974 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:24 139.061 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:24 0 0 Moogie
15:12:25 131.618 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:25 0 0 Moogie
15:12:26 Critical 220.094 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:26 102.479 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:27 115.459 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:27 26.678 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:27 Critical 137.070 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:28 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:28 Critical 221.069 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:28 Critical 224.696 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:29 Critical 65.731 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:29 0 0 Moogie
15:12:30 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:30 Critical 238.953 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:31 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:31 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:32 124.358 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:32 47.736 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:32 Critical 103.064 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:33 0 0 Moogie
15:12:33 Critical 66.784 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:33 Critical 343.549 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:34 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:34 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:34 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:34 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:34 Critical 127.624 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:35 39.780 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:35 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:35 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:35 30.600 0 Suspicious Object
15:12:35 77.259 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:35 Critical 165.049 0 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:35 0 0 Moogie
15:12:35 Critical 78.118 Kromede the Corrupt
15:12:35 Critical 185.954 0 Kromede the Corrupt