
Boss: Marabata of Strength in Dark Poeta
Session: 26.05.2022 15:14:13 - 15:15:02
Game Version: 1.9
App Version:
Duration: 0min 50s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 754
bossDMG: 37.490
Heal: 333
allDPS: 767
allDMG: 38.121
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 4 Word of Protection I 3 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Celerity Mantra I Effect Victory Mantra IV Effect 8 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 8 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 8 Increase Movement Speed Casting Speed Increase Increase Natural Mana Treatment Increase Magic Boost, Magical Accuracy and Maximum Flight Time Inquin Form Spirit Wall of Protection IV Fire
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Vacuum Choke III 15 1 (7%) 0 0 0 0 0 3.124 2.013 30.203 (81%)
Auto-Attack 13 0 0 3 (23%) 0 0 0 680 291 3.784 (10%)
Erosion V 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 595 495 2.975 (8%)
Spirit Erosion IV Fire 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 528 264 528 (1%)
Summary 36 1 (3%) 0 3 (8%) 0 0 0 3.124 1.041 37.490

Time Status Damage Heal Target
15:14:19 631 0 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
15:14:27 0 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:28 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:28 0 0 娃鬼小奶
15:14:28 0 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:29 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:31 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:32 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:32 595 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:33 680 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:34 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:35 647 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:35 595 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:35 0 0
15:14:35 0 0 泰普爾
15:14:35 0 0 娃鬼小奶
15:14:35 0 0 紅伶
15:14:35 0 0 摸西摸西自摸西
15:14:35 0 0 貓兒之家
15:14:37 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:38 595 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:39 399 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:40 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:40 0 111
15:14:41 477 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:41 595 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:42 Critical 3.124 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:42 452 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:44 595 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:45 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:46 Dodge 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:46 0 111
15:14:48 593 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:48 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:50 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:50 Dodge 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:51 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:51 Dodge 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:52 0 111
15:14:53 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:53 536 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:54 0 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:54 0 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:57 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:14:59 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:15:01 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:15:01 528 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
15:15:02 2.083 0 力量瑪拉巴塔