
Boss: Raging Magma Protector & Angry Heat Protector in Makarna of Bitterness (difficult)
Session: 01.05.2022 22:53:57 - 22:55:14
Version: 8.2
Duration: 1min 17s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 587.184
bossDMG: 45.103.586
Heal: 0
allDPS: 608.558
allDMG: 46.745.355
Buffs: Tiamat Attack: Increases Attack Power 6 Attack: Increase Crit Strike 4 Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 4 Leibo Jam - Special Boost Buff Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 5 Jorgoth’s Masterpiece 8
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Colour Rocket 41 27 (66%) 0 0 0 0 107.039 334.569 244.264 10.014.860 (22%)
(Improved) Colour Fight 16 10 (62%) 0 0 0 0 179.289 489.386 365.703 5.851.251 (13%)
(Improved) Sustained Colour Immersion 12 6 (50%) 0 0 0 0 280.140 644.953 437.026 5.244.312 (12%)
Sour Dye 11 8 (73%) 0 0 0 0 140.253 445.026 349.906 3.848.974 (9%)
(Improved) Colour Fist 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 624.627 1.573.938 913.099 3.652.396 (8%)
(Improved) Colour Monster 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.307.303 1.386.283 1.346.793 2.693.586 (6%)
Blow 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 774.814 787.846 779.349 2.338.048 (5%)
Colour Grenade 11 6 (55%) 0 0 0 0 105.888 307.993 210.215 2.312.368 (5%)
(Improved) Band of Fierceness 5 1 (20%) 0 0 0 0 183.029 561.374 304.979 1.524.899 (3%)
(Improved) Flash Portrait 6 1 (17%) 0 0 0 0 179.253 452.012 245.892 1.475.357 (3%)
(Improved) Colour Outbreak 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 536.647 537.044 536.845 1.073.691 (2%)
Durable Powerful Shot 3 3 (100%) 0 0 0 0 276.584 403.518 354.600 1.063.801 (2%)
Colour Bomb 23 7 (30%) 0 0 0 0 20.731 51.318 35.417 814.613 (2%)
(Improved) Life Binding 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 165.865 434.240 268.344 805.034 (2%)
(Improved) Shocking Blast 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 147.381 321.004 261.438 784.314 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 14 0 0 0 0 0 41.184 48.672 47.067 658.944 (1%)
Additional damage when attacking from behind 48 0 0 0 0 0 5.000 13.000 11.895 571.000 (1%)
Auto-Attack 10 4 (40%) 0 0 0 0 23.785 59.358 37.613 376.138 (1%)
Summary 217 82 (38%) 0 0 0 0 5.000 1.573.938 207.850 45.103.586

Time Status Damage Heal Target
22:53:59 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:00 131.374 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:02 1.307.303 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:03 Critical 302.584 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:03 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:04 Critical 315.929 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:04 Critical 775.388 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:05 Critical 489.386 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:05 Critical 489.386 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:06 228.471 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:06 Critical 489.386 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:06 Critical 537.044 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:07 307.743 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:07 307.743 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:08 735.325 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:09 Critical 452.012 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:09 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:09 Critical 326.987 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:10 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:10 140.536 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:10 Dodge 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:10 Dodge 0 0
22:54:10 Dodge 0 0
22:54:10 Critical 439.367 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:11 Critical 403.518 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:11 Critical 330.360 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:12 211.023 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:13 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:13 36.037 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:13 Critical 313.528 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:13 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:13 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:13 0 0
22:54:13 0 0
22:54:13 26.074 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:14 36.037 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:14 267.033 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:14 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:14 Critical 330.360 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 37.177 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 Critical 307.993 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 Critical 56.616 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 211.023 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 Critical 445.026 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:15 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:16 Critical 334.569 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:16 37.177 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:17 204.929 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:17 37.177 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:17 Critical 334.569 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:18 26.010 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:18 34.212 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:18 Critical 306.791 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:18 211.023 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:18 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:19 34.212 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:19 Critical 53.927 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:19 Critical 626.524 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:19 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:19 Critical 626.524 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:20 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:20 Critical 51.318 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:20 Critical 306.791 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:20 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:20 Critical 282.431 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 24.550 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 Critical 407.706 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 211.023 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:21 Critical 306.791 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 217.152 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 25.941 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 Critical 465.138 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:22 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 217.152 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 23.785 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 Critical 465.138 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:23 147.156 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:24 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:24 Critical 59.358 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:24 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:25 251.383 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:25 Critical 311.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:25 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:25 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:25 Critical 286.305 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:26 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:26 27.489 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:26 192.975 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:26 Critical 319.417 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:27 Critical 52.388 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:27 149.120 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:28 Critical 321.004 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:29 Critical 787.846 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:29 Critical 319.417 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:30 718.506 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:31 Critical 208.435 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:31 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:32 Critical 468.241 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:32 Critical 468.241 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:33 107.039 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:33 Critical 211.076 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:33 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:33 0 0
22:54:33 0 0
22:54:34 140.253 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:34 Critical 276.584 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:34 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:34 Critical 226.433 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:36 183.029 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:36 Critical 226.433 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:36 41.184 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:36 41.184 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:36 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:36 0 0
22:54:36 0 0
22:54:36 Dodge 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:36 Dodge 0 0
22:54:36 Dodge 0 0
22:54:38 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:38 20.731 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:38 109.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:38 105.888 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:39 Critical 327.222 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:39 23.434 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:39 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:39 0 0
22:54:39 0 0
22:54:39 Critical 246.374 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 Critical 384.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 Critical 34.861 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 5.500 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 Critical 384.035 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:40 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 179.289 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 41.184 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 179.289 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 Critical 41.976 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 5.500 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:41 126.417 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:42 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:42 Critical 41.976 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:42 5.500 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:42 165.865 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:42 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:43 Critical 270.788 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:43 11.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:43 0 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:43 Critical 38.160 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:43 5.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 289.062 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 Critical 49.608 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:44 0 0
22:54:44 0 0
22:54:44 6.500 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 297.086 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:44 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:45 Critical 311.606 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:45 Critical 49.608 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:45 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:45 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:47 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:47 0 0
22:54:47 0 0
22:54:47 1.386.283 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:48 149.793 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:48 Critical 295.389 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:49 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:49 Critical 431.139 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:49 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:49 Critical 324.230 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:50 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:50 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:50 Critical 561.374 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:50 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:51 Critical 324.230 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:51 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:51 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:51 Critical 1.573.938 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:52 146.654 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:52 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:52 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:53 147.381 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:53 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:53 Critical 774.814 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:54 Critical 314.133 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:54 135.007 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:54 Critical 417.563 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:55 Critical 383.699 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:55 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:55 0 0
22:54:55 0 0
22:54:55 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:55 Critical 536.647 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:56 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:56 Critical 644.953 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:56 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:56 Critical 636.360 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:57 Critical 311.606 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:57 Critical 472.437 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:58 220.559 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:58 0 0 Mikimare
22:54:58 0 0
22:54:58 0 0
22:54:58 Critical 485.199 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:58 Critical 485.199 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:54:59 149.403 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:00 137.537 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:00 Critical 425.479 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:00 0 0 Mikimare
22:55:01 149.403 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:02 262.080 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:02 Critical 324.230 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:03 154.512 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:04 Critical 434.240 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:04 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:04 154.512 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:05 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:05 139.712 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:05 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:06 Critical 432.266 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:06 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:06 Critical 325.066 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:07 13.000 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:08 0 0 Mikimare
22:55:08 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:08 0 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:08 37.177 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:08 142.832 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:08 Critical 395.263 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:08 184.530 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:08 291.695 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:09 37.440 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 33.072 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:09 Critical 400.026 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 Critical 400.026 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:09 280.140 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:09 137.177 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:10 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:10 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:10 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:10 33.072 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:10 Critical 270.494 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:11 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:11 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:11 33.072 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:11 189.978 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:11 Critical 281.334 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:12 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:12 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:12 26.326 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:12 48.672 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:12 179.253 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:13 624.627 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:13 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:13 17.268 0 Raging Heat Minion
22:55:13 26.326 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:14 Critical 222.371 0 Raging Magma Protector
22:55:14 21.867 0 Raging Magma Protector