
Boss: Marabata of Strength in Dark Poeta
Session: 20.01.2022 14:24:05 - 14:24:44
Game Version: 1.5
App Version:
Duration: 0min 39s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 1.695
bossDMG: 66.656
Heal: 0
allDPS: 2.057
allDMG: 80.921
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 3 Word of Protection I 2 Blessing of Stone I Celerity Mantra I Effect 8 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 7 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 7 Crit Strike Attack Speed Increase Increase Movement Speed Boost Critical Hits and Accuracy Increase Natural Recovery Serum
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 25 9 (36%) 0 0 0 0 1.169 3.100 1.822 45.556 (68%)
Sharp Strike II 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.904 2.618 2.261 4.522 (7%)
Cleave III 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.996 2.179 2.087 4.175 (6%)
Ferocious Strike V 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 889 2.093 1.491 2.982 (4%)
Piercing Wave I 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 (4%)
Severe Weakening Blow V 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.863 1.863 1.863 1.863 (3%)
Force Cleave I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.038 1.038 1.038 1.038 (2%)
Wrathful Strike IV 1 0 0 0 0 0 966 966 966 966 (1%)
Body Smash III 1 0 0 0 0 0 914 914 914 914 (1%)
Great Cleave I 1 0 0 0 0 0 894 894 894 894 (1%)
Robust Blow V 1 0 0 0 0 0 775 775 775 775 (1%)
Summary 38 16 (42%) 0 0 0 0 775 3.100 1.754 66.656

Time Status Damage Heal Target
14:24:05 Critical 2.661 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
14:24:05 Critical 1.873 0 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
14:24:06 1.338 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
14:24:06 Critical 2.146 0 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
14:24:07 Critical 2.156 瑪拉巴塔攻擊力增幅器
14:24:10 Critical 2.179 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:11 1.038 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:13 Critical 2.609 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:14 1.240 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:15 Critical 2.450 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:16 1.283 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:17 1.311 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:18 1.318 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:18 Critical 1.863 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:20 Critical 3.265 瑪拉巴塔防禦力增幅器
14:24:21 826 0 瑪拉巴塔防禦力增幅器
14:24:23 1.316 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:23 889 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:24 0 0 僧格林沁
14:24:24 1.577 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:25 Critical 2.618 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:25 Critical 3.001 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:26 1.248 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:27 1.498 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:28 1.485 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:29 1.185 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:30 Critical 1.996 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:31 1.397 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:31 894 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:32 Critical 2.403 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:32 Critical 2.971 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:33 Critical 3.013 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:34 Critical 3.100 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:35 914 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:36 Critical 2.916 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:36 Critical 2.093 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:37 Critical 2.627 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:37 775 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:38 1.354 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:38 966 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:39 1.175 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:40 1.169 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:41 1.406 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:42 Critical 2.267 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:43 Critical 1.904 0 力量瑪拉巴塔
14:24:43 1.208 力量瑪拉巴塔