
Boss: Chief Maid Miladi in Adma Stronghold
Session: 20.09.2021 16:52:00 - 16:53:02
Game Version: 1.2
App Version:
Duration: 1min 2s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 251
bossDMG: 15.618
Heal: 0
allDPS: 907
allDMG: 56.459
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Blessing of Rock I Acquittal I Word of Inspiration I 4 Victory Mantra IV Effect 11 Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 11 Intensity Mantra II Effect 12 Attack Speed Increase Increase Movement Speed
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 5 2 (40%) 0 0 0 0 706 1.350 949 4.746 (30%)
Inquisitor's Blow I 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.057 2.057 2.057 2.057 (13%)
Wrath Strike III 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.555 1.555 1.555 1.555 (10%)
Provoking Severe Blow III 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 (9%)
Righteous Punishment I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.436 1.436 1.436 1.436 (9%)
Ferocious Strike V 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.353 1.353 1.353 1.353 (9%)
Weakening Severe Blow V 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.247 1.247 1.247 1.247 (8%)
Divine Blow III 1 0 0 0 0 0 960 960 960 960 (6%)
Robust Blow V 1 0 0 0 0 0 794 794 794 794 (5%)
Summary 13 7 (54%) 0 0 0 0 706 2.057 1.201 15.618

Time Status Damage Heal Target
16:52:00 824 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:01 Critical 1.501 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:02 786 Temptress Servant
16:52:03 Critical 1.580 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:04 Critical 927 Temptress Servant
16:52:04 2.033 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:06 389 Temptress Servant
16:52:06 772 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:07 961 0 Temptress Servant
16:52:09 871 Temptress Servant
16:52:13 0 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:15 405 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:16 397 Banshee Maid
16:52:17 Critical 925 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:17 0 0 Mewmoon
16:52:18 712 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:19 469 Banshee Maid
16:52:20 354 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:21 Critical 1.398 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:21 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:21 597 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:22 776 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:23 Critical 670 Banshee Maid
16:52:24 701 Banshee Maid
16:52:24 500 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:24 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:25 705 Banshee Maid
16:52:26 Critical 1.926 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:27 592 Banshee Maid
16:52:27 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:28 Critical 1.311 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:29 769 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:30 Critical 1.300 Banshee Maid
16:52:30 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:31 Critical 1.489 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:32 689 Banshee Maid
16:52:33 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:34 741 Banshee Maid
16:52:35 695 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:36 446 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:36 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:37 605 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:38 388 Banshee Maid
16:52:39 555 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:39 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:40 554 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:41 427 Banshee Maid
16:52:41 2.033 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:42 378 Banshee Maid
16:52:42 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:43 Critical 3.158 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:45 630 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:45 48 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:46 Critical 1.410 0 Banshee Maid
16:52:48 Critical 1.060 Banshee Maid
16:52:51 Critical 1.353 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:52 Critical 1.144 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:52 794 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:54 769 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:54 Critical 1.555 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:55 Critical 1.350 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:56 Critical 1.247 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:57 706 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:57 960 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:58 777 Chief Maid Miladi
16:52:59 1.436 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:53:00 Critical 1.470 0 Chief Maid Miladi
16:53:01 Critical 2.057 0 Chief Maid Miladi