
Boss: Captain Mundirve in Adma Stronghold
Session: 18.09.2021 03:42:10 - 03:42:44
Version: 1.2
Duration: 0min 34s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 606
bossDMG: 20.350
Heal: 835
allDPS: 627
allDMG: 21.058
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Word of Inspiration I 2 Blessing of Stone I Victory Mantra IV Effect 10 Magic Mantra III Effect 5 Intensity Mantra II Effect 10 Attack Speed Increase
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 678 1.177 913 3.653 (18%)
Robust Blow V 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.320 1.323 1.321 2.643 (13%)
Break Power III 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.350 2.350 2.350 2.350 (12%)
Wrath Strike III 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 792 1.435 1.113 2.227 (11%)
Punishment IV 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 2.128 2.128 2.128 2.128 (10%)
Ferocious Strike V 2 0 0 0 0 0 689 709 699 1.398 (7%)
Blunting Severe Blow II 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.269 1.269 1.269 1.269 (6%)
Provoking Severe Blow III 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.228 1.228 1.228 1.228 (6%)
Inquisitor's Blow I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 (5%)
Divine Blow III 1 0 0 0 0 0 865 865 865 865 (4%)
Dazing Severe Blow II 1 0 0 0 0 0 647 647 647 647 (3%)
Doom Lure I 1 0 0 0 0 0 519 519 519 519 (3%)
Shining Slash III 1 0 0 0 0 0 418 418 418 418 (2%)
Summary 19 8 (42%) 0 0 0 0 418 2.350 1.071 20.350

Time Status Damage Heal Target
03:42:10 519 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:19 1.005 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:20 Critical 2.128 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:21 418 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:25 0 0 Kaneda
03:42:25 0 835 Kaneda
03:42:26 678 Captain Mundirve
03:42:27 689 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:27 Critical 1.323 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:28 792 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:29 Critical 1.228 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:30 Critical 1.269 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:31 865 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:32 0 0 Suspicious Box
03:42:33 0 0 Suspicious Box
03:42:33 0 0 Suspicious Box
03:42:33 0 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:34 708 Suspicious Box
03:42:36 Critical 1.060 Captain Mundirve
03:42:37 709 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:37 Critical 1.320 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:38 Critical 1.435 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:39 Critical 1.177 Captain Mundirve
03:42:40 2.350 0 Captain Mundirve
03:42:41 738 Captain Mundirve
03:42:43 647 0 Captain Mundirve