
Boss: Phaistos in Phaistos' Disk
Session: 07.08.2024 22:48:31 - 22:55:52
Game Version: 2.8
App Version:
Duration: 7min 20s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 214
bossDMG: 94.015
Heal: 603.106
allDPS: 228
allDMG: 100.529
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Brilliant Protection I Acquittal I Winter Circle III Word of Inspiration I 9 Word of Protection I 2 Blessing of Stone I Word of Quickness I Word of Wind I Hit Mantra I Effect 23 Invincibility Mantra I Effect 4 Victory Mantra V Effect 21 Waterproof Increase Windproof Increase Increase Movement Speed 2 Casting Speed Increase 2 Increases Maximum HP, Maximum MP, Evasion, and Maximum Flight Time Quick Polar Bear Dragon's Favor Spirit Wall of Protection IV Fire 2
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Chastise III 18 0 0 0 0 0 887 1.223 1.076 19.368 (21%)
Smite V 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 1.578 2.848 1.963 15.710 (17%)
Divine Touch III 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 2.136 5.579 3.658 14.634 (16%)
Divine Spark III 2 0 0 0 0 0 5.547 5.772 5.659 11.319 (12%)
Thunderbolt V 3 0 0 0 0 0 3.055 3.675 3.261 9.785 (10%)
Slashing Wind II 4 0 0 0 0 0 1.561 2.719 2.334 9.338 (10%)
Auto-Attack 12 0 0 0 0 8 (67%) 377 641 455 5.466 (6%)
Storm of Aion IV 2 0 0 0 0 0 2.251 2.708 2.479 4.959 (5%)
Summon Holy Servant IV Effect 4 0 0 0 0 0 691 890 784 3.136 (3%)
Spirit Wall of Protection IV Fire 6 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 300 (0%)
Summary 63 3 (5%) 0 0 0 8 (13%) 50 5.772 1.492 94.015

Time Status Damage Heal Target
22:48:33 0 0
22:48:33 0 0
22:48:36 0 0 Kingofaion
22:48:38 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:48:39 0 0 Kingofaion
22:48:40 0 424 Ilmg
22:48:40 0 397 Kingofaion
22:48:40 0 0 Anticite
22:48:40 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:40 0 0 Kazara
22:48:40 0 0 Faramys
22:48:40 0 0 Ilmg
22:48:41 2.719 0 Phaestos
22:48:41 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:48:42 3.719 0 Phaestos
22:48:42 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:43 1.223 0 Phaestos
22:48:43 0 424 Ilmg
22:48:43 0 0 Kingofaion
22:48:43 0 0 Anticite
22:48:43 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:43 0 0 Kazara
22:48:43 0 424 Faramys
22:48:44 0 0 Phaestos
22:48:44 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:44 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:48:45 2.708 0 Phaestos
22:48:46 0 0 Kingofaion
22:48:46 799 0 Phaestos
22:48:46 0 424 Ilmg
22:48:46 0 0 Kingofaion
22:48:46 0 0 Anticite
22:48:46 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:46 0 0 Kazara
22:48:46 0 424 Faramys
22:48:46 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:46 1.189 0 Phaestos
22:48:47 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:48:48 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:48 1.899 0 Phaestos
22:48:49 3.675 0 Phaestos
22:48:49 0 0 Kazara
22:48:49 0 424 Ilmg
22:48:49 0 175 Kingofaion
22:48:49 0 0 Anticite
22:48:49 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:49 0 0 Faramys
22:48:49 1.189 0 Phaestos
22:48:50 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:50 0 995 Ilmg
22:48:51 890 0 Phaestos
22:48:52 0 0 Kazara
22:48:52 0 0 Ilmg
22:48:52 0 175 Kingofaion
22:48:52 0 424 Anticite
22:48:52 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:52 0 424 Faramys
22:48:52 1.189 0 Phaestos
22:48:53 1.899 0 Phaestos
22:48:54 Block 448 Phaestos
22:48:55 0 0 Kazara
22:48:55 0 0 Ilmg
22:48:55 0 175 Kingofaion
22:48:55 0 424 Anticite
22:48:55 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:55 0 424 Faramys
22:48:55 1.189 0 Phaestos
22:48:56 Block 470 Phaestos
22:48:56 0 224 Ilmg
22:48:56 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:48:58 Critical 2.848 0 Phaestos
22:48:58 0 0 Kazara
22:48:58 0 137 Ilmg
22:48:58 0 175 Kingofaion
22:48:58 0 0 Anticite
22:48:58 0 0 Lysandair
22:48:58 0 0 Faramys
22:48:58 2.719 0 Phaestos
22:48:58 1.153 0 Phaestos
22:48:59 Critical 5.579 0 Phaestos
22:48:59 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:49:00 1.186 0 Phaestos
22:49:00 0 224 Ilmg
22:49:01 0 0 Kazara
22:49:01 0 424 Ilmg
22:49:01 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:01 0 0 Anticite
22:49:01 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:01 0 0 Faramys
22:49:02 0 224 Ilmg
22:49:02 Critical 2.752 0 Phaestos
22:49:03 1.153 0 Phaestos
22:49:04 467 Phaestos
22:49:04 0 0 Kazara
22:49:04 0 424 Ilmg
22:49:04 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:04 0 0 Anticite
22:49:04 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:04 0 397 Faramys
22:49:04 0 224 Ilmg
22:49:06 1.578 0 Phaestos
22:49:06 0 45 Ilmg
22:49:06 1.009 0 Phaestos
22:49:07 3.055 0 Phaestos
22:49:07 0 0 Kazara
22:49:07 0 0 Ilmg
22:49:07 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:07 0 0 Anticite
22:49:07 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:07 0 424 Faramys
22:49:08 5.547 0 Phaestos
22:49:09 887 0 Phaestos
22:49:10 0 424 Kazara
22:49:10 0 424 Faramys
22:49:10 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:10 0 0 Anticite
22:49:10 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:10 0 0 Ilmg
22:49:10 1.578 0 Phaestos
22:49:11 641 Phaestos
22:49:12 887 0 Phaestos
22:49:13 0 424 Kazara
22:49:13 0 424 Faramys
22:49:13 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:13 0 0 Anticite
22:49:13 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:13 0 397 Ilmg
22:49:14 1.578 0 Phaestos
22:49:15 1.009 0 Phaestos
22:49:16 2.251 0 Phaestos
22:49:16 0 0 Kazara
22:49:16 0 424 Faramys
22:49:16 0 175 Kingofaion
22:49:16 0 424 Anticite
22:49:16 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:16 0 397 Ilmg
22:49:17 0 0 Phaestos
22:49:17 2.339 0 Phaestos
22:49:18 3.200 0 Phaestos
22:49:19 1.038 0 Phaestos
22:49:19 756 0 Phaestos
22:49:19 0 0 Kazara
22:49:19 0 424 Faramys
22:49:19 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:19 0 424 Anticite
22:49:19 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:19 0 397 Ilmg
22:49:21 1.578 0 Phaestos
22:49:22 0 424 Anticite
22:49:22 0 424 Ilmg
22:49:22 0 0 Kazara
22:49:22 0 0 Faramys
22:49:22 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:22 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:22 1.009 0 Phaestos
22:49:23 3.055 0 Phaestos
22:49:24 5.772 0 Phaestos
22:49:25 691 0 Phaestos
22:49:25 0 0 Kazara
22:49:25 0 424 Anticite
22:49:25 0 424 Ilmg
22:49:25 0 424 Faramys
22:49:25 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:25 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:25 923 0 Phaestos
22:49:26 50 0 Phaestos
22:49:28 1.045 0 Phaestos
22:49:30 0 3.977 Kingofaion
22:49:30 0 4.255 Ilmg
22:49:30 0 3.451 Lysandair
22:49:30 0 4.255 Faramys
22:49:30 0 2.230 Anticite
22:49:30 0 0 Kazara
22:49:31 1.045 0 Phaestos
22:49:32 0 3.777 Kingofaion
22:49:32 50 0 Phaestos
22:49:34 1.045 0 Phaestos
22:49:35 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:37 0 2.579 Lysandair
22:49:37 0 2.411 Kingofaion
22:49:37 0 2.579 Faramys
22:49:37 0 2.579 Ilmg
22:49:37 0 2.579 Anticite
22:49:37 0 2.579 Kazara
22:49:38 0 1.934 Kingofaion
22:49:38 0 4.568 Ilmg
22:49:38 0 1.513 Lysandair
22:49:38 0 2.514 Faramys
22:49:38 0 1.591 Anticite
22:49:40 2.362 0 Electric Field Generator
22:49:41 3.231 0 Electric Field Generator
22:49:42 921 0 Electric Field Generator
22:49:44 0 2.764 Ilmg
22:49:46 0 2.114 Ilmg
22:49:50 0 2.376 Kingofaion
22:49:50 0 1.717 Ilmg
22:49:50 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:50 0 0 Faramys
22:49:50 0 0 Anticite
22:49:50 0 2.013 Kazara
22:49:52 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:53 0 0 Ilmg
22:49:53 0 0 Lysandair
22:49:53 0 0 Faramys
22:49:53 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:53 0 0 Anticite
22:49:53 0 0 Kazara
22:49:56 0 0 Ilmg
22:49:56 0 201 Lysandair
22:49:56 0 424 Faramys
22:49:56 0 0 Kingofaion
22:49:56 0 0 Anticite
22:49:56 0 0 Kazara
22:49:56 0 0 Ilmg
22:49:57 0 0 Faramys
22:49:58 0 2.093 Faramys
22:49:59 0 424 Ilmg
22:49:59 0 39 Lysandair
22:49:59 0 424 Faramys
22:49:59 0 397 Kingofaion
22:49:59 0 424 Anticite
22:49:59 0 0 Kazara
22:50:00 0 622 Ilmg
22:50:02 0 424 Ilmg
22:50:02 0 0 Lysandair
22:50:02 0 424 Faramys
22:50:02 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:02 0 33 Anticite
22:50:02 0 0 Kazara
22:50:02 0 2.578 Kingofaion
22:50:02 0 3.171 Ilmg
22:50:02 0 0 Lysandair
22:50:02 0 1.001 Faramys
22:50:02 0 0 Anticite
22:50:02 0 0 Kazara
22:50:05 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:05 0 0 Lysandair
22:50:05 0 424 Faramys
22:50:05 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:05 0 0 Anticite
22:50:05 0 0 Kazara
22:50:06 0 2.093 Faramys
22:50:08 0 0 Faramys
22:50:08 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:08 0 0 Lysandair
22:50:08 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:08 0 0 Anticite
22:50:08 0 0 Kazara
22:50:11 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:11 0 0 Faramys
22:50:11 0 424 Lysandair
22:50:11 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:11 0 0 Anticite
22:50:11 0 0 Kazara
22:50:11 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:11 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:11 0 1.175 Lysandair
22:50:11 0 0 Faramys
22:50:11 0 0 Anticite
22:50:11 0 0 Kazara
22:50:14 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:14 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:14 0 0 Faramys
22:50:14 0 0 Anticite
22:50:14 0 0 Kazara
22:50:14 0 424 Lysandair
22:50:14 0 622 Ilmg
22:50:16 0 4.041 Kazara
22:50:17 0 1.957 Faramys
22:50:17 0 622 Ilmg
22:50:19 0 2.344 Ilmg
22:50:22 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:22 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:22 0 0 Lysandair
22:50:22 0 0 Faramys
22:50:22 0 0 Anticite
22:50:22 0 0 Kazara
22:50:28 0 4.851 Kingofaion
22:50:28 0 5.077 Ilmg
22:50:28 0 4.299 Lysandair
22:50:28 0 5.077 Faramys
22:50:28 0 1.796 Anticite
22:50:28 0 5.077 Kazara
22:50:31 0 2.935 Faramys
22:50:34 0 3.072 Ilmg
22:50:36 0 1.719 Ilmg
22:50:38 0 2.093 Faramys
22:50:40 0 2.344 Faramys
22:50:43 0 660 Faramys
22:50:43 0 0 Ilmg
22:50:45 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:46 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:47 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:48 0 6.525 Kingofaion
22:50:48 0 6.595 Ilmg
22:50:48 0 4.951 Lysandair
22:50:48 0 3.190 Faramys
22:50:48 0 4.048 Anticite
22:50:48 0 5.247 Kazara
22:50:49 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:51 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:53 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:55 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:57 0 0 Kingofaion
22:50:57 0 5.677 Ilmg
22:50:57 0 5.677 Lysandair
22:50:57 0 5.677 Faramys
22:50:57 0 5.677 Anticite
22:50:57 0 5.677 Kazara
22:50:57 0 136 Ilmg
22:50:59 0 0 Anticite
22:50:59 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:00 50 0 Phaestos
22:51:01 0 4 Ilmg
22:51:03 0 1.957 Kingofaion
22:51:03 0 118 Ilmg
22:51:05 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:07 0 2.174 Kingofaion
22:51:07 0 3.460 Ilmg
22:51:07 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:07 0 0 Faramys
22:51:07 0 0 Anticite
22:51:07 0 9 Kazara
22:51:07 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:09 50 0 Phaestos
22:51:09 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:11 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:13 0 136 Ilmg
22:51:14 50 0 Phaestos
22:51:14 0 3.777 Kingofaion
22:51:18 0 3.234 Kingofaion
22:51:18 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:18 0 956 Faramys
22:51:18 0 0 Anticite
22:51:18 0 0 Kazara
22:51:23 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:24 0 0 Faramys
22:51:24 0 0 Anticite
22:51:24 0 424 Ilmg
22:51:24 0 424 Lysandair
22:51:24 0 424 Kazara
22:51:24 0 397 Kingofaion
22:51:26 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:26 0 0 Faramys
22:51:26 0 0 Anticite
22:51:26 0 0 Ilmg
22:51:26 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:26 0 0 Kazara
22:51:27 0 5.785 Ilmg
22:51:27 0 983 Kingofaion
22:51:27 0 5.513 Lysandair
22:51:27 0 5.168 Kazara
22:51:27 0 0 Faramys
22:51:27 0 0 Anticite
22:51:27 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:27 0 0 Kazara
22:51:27 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:27 0 397 Ilmg
22:51:30 0 0 Faramys
22:51:30 0 0 Anticite
22:51:30 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:30 0 0 Kazara
22:51:30 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:30 0 397 Ilmg
22:51:33 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:33 0 424 Ilmg
22:51:33 0 424 Faramys
22:51:33 0 424 Anticite
22:51:33 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:33 0 0 Kazara
22:51:33 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:36 0 424 Ilmg
22:51:36 0 0 Faramys
22:51:36 0 424 Anticite
22:51:36 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:36 0 0 Kazara
22:51:36 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:38 0 2.093 Ilmg
22:51:39 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:41 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:41 0 4.568 Ilmg
22:51:41 0 3.637 Lysandair
22:51:41 0 4.568 Faramys
22:51:41 0 0 Anticite
22:51:41 0 0 Kazara
22:51:43 0 2.764 Ilmg
22:51:47 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:47 50 0 Phaestos
22:51:52 0 5.094 Kingofaion
22:51:52 0 5.389 Ilmg
22:51:52 0 4.739 Lysandair
22:51:52 0 5.618 Faramys
22:51:52 0 5.618 Anticite
22:51:52 0 2.451 Kazara
22:51:53 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:53 0 0 Ilmg
22:51:53 0 0 Lysandair
22:51:53 0 0 Faramys
22:51:53 0 0 Anticite
22:51:53 0 0 Kazara
22:51:55 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:56 0 0 Kingofaion
22:51:57 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:01 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:02 0 4.270 Kingofaion
22:52:02 0 4.156 Ilmg
22:52:02 0 4.568 Lysandair
22:52:02 0 3.393 Faramys
22:52:02 0 0 Anticite
22:52:02 0 4.568 Kazara
22:52:06 Block 382 Phaestos
22:52:06 0 5.047 Lysandair
22:52:07 0 2.344 Ilmg
22:52:09 0 622 Ilmg
22:52:11 0 3.234 Kingofaion
22:52:11 0 3.460 Ilmg
22:52:11 0 808 Lysandair
22:52:11 0 2.583 Faramys
22:52:11 0 3.460 Anticite
22:52:11 0 3.460 Kazara
22:52:12 0 622 Ilmg
22:52:14 0 1.957 Kingofaion
22:52:15 0 622 Ilmg
22:52:18 0 439 Ilmg
22:52:20 0 404 Kingofaion
22:52:20 0 2.370 Ilmg
22:52:20 0 3.460 Lysandair
22:52:20 0 772 Faramys
22:52:20 0 0 Anticite
22:52:20 0 2.799 Kazara
22:52:25 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:25 0 0 Ilmg
22:52:25 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:25 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:25 0 0 Anticite
22:52:25 0 0 Kazara
22:52:25 0 424 Faramys
22:52:27 0 622 Ilmg
22:52:28 0 424 Ilmg
22:52:28 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:28 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:28 0 0 Anticite
22:52:28 0 0 Kazara
22:52:28 0 385 Faramys
22:52:29 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:29 0 671 Ilmg
22:52:29 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:29 0 0 Faramys
22:52:29 0 0 Anticite
22:52:29 0 0 Kazara
22:52:31 0 0 Ilmg
22:52:31 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:31 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:31 0 0 Anticite
22:52:31 0 0 Kazara
22:52:31 0 424 Faramys
22:52:34 0 424 Lysandair
22:52:34 0 0 Ilmg
22:52:34 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:34 0 0 Anticite
22:52:34 0 0 Kazara
22:52:34 0 385 Faramys
22:52:36 0 1.387 Lysandair
22:52:37 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:37 0 424 Ilmg
22:52:37 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:37 0 0 Anticite
22:52:37 0 0 Kazara
22:52:37 0 424 Faramys
22:52:40 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:40 0 274 Ilmg
22:52:40 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:40 0 0 Anticite
22:52:40 0 0 Kazara
22:52:40 0 385 Faramys
22:52:43 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:43 0 388 Ilmg
22:52:43 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:43 0 0 Anticite
22:52:43 0 0 Kazara
22:52:43 0 0 Faramys
22:52:43 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:43 0 0 Ilmg
22:52:43 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:43 0 0 Anticite
22:52:43 0 0 Kazara
22:52:43 0 0 Faramys
22:52:46 0 0 Kingofaion
22:52:46 0 424 Ilmg
22:52:46 0 0 Kazara
22:52:46 0 0 Lysandair
22:52:46 0 424 Faramys
22:52:46 0 0 Anticite
22:52:51 0 2.093 Ilmg
22:53:01 0 2.093 Ilmg
22:53:06 0 1.786 Kingofaion
22:53:06 0 3.460 Ilmg
22:53:06 0 2.789 Lysandair
22:53:06 0 846 Faramys
22:53:06 0 0 Anticite
22:53:06 0 0 Kazara
22:53:11 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:13 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:53:19 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:53:22 0 3.977 Kingofaion
22:53:22 0 3.649 Ilmg
22:53:22 0 4.255 Lysandair
22:53:22 0 4.255 Faramys
22:53:22 0 4.048 Anticite
22:53:22 0 4.255 Kazara
22:53:24 Block 377 Phaestos
22:53:28 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:28 0 0 Ilmg
22:53:28 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:28 0 0 Faramys
22:53:28 0 0 Anticite
22:53:28 0 0 Kazara
22:53:28 0 835 Ilmg
22:53:30 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:31 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:31 0 0 Ilmg
22:53:31 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:31 0 0 Faramys
22:53:31 0 0 Anticite
22:53:31 0 0 Kazara
22:53:31 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:53:32 0 3.777 Kingofaion
22:53:33 0 2.765 Kingofaion
22:53:33 0 2.629 Kazara
22:53:33 0 2.314 Faramys
22:53:33 0 2.479 Lysandair
22:53:33 0 2.954 Ilmg
22:53:33 0 2.125 Anticite
22:53:34 0 1.021 Ilmg
22:53:35 0 2.293 Kazara
22:53:35 0 921 Kingofaion
22:53:35 0 2.125 Anticite
22:53:35 0 353 Faramys
22:53:35 0 51 Ilmg
22:53:35 0 1.180 Lysandair
22:53:36 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:36 0 0 Ilmg
22:53:36 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:36 0 0 Faramys
22:53:36 0 2.701 Anticite
22:53:36 0 0 Kazara
22:53:39 0 2.021 Faramys
22:53:41 0 120 Lysandair
22:53:43 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:44 0 0 Ilmg
22:53:44 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:44 0 0 Kazara
22:53:44 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:44 0 0 Anticite
22:53:47 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:47 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:47 0 424 Ilmg
22:53:47 0 424 Faramys
22:53:47 0 0 Kazara
22:53:47 0 0 Anticite
22:53:49 0 0 Kingofaion
22:53:49 0 2.033 Ilmg
22:53:49 0 0 Lysandair
22:53:49 0 2.083 Faramys
22:53:49 0 0 Anticite
22:53:49 0 0 Kazara
22:54:08 0 0 Kingofaion
22:54:12 0 4.871 Lysandair
22:54:14 0 1.380 Kingofaion
22:54:14 0 858 Ilmg
22:54:14 0 3.267 Faramys
22:54:14 0 0 Anticite
22:54:14 0 0 Kazara
22:54:16 Block 425 Phaestos
22:54:17 Block 385 Phaestos
22:54:18 Block 391 Phaestos
22:54:19 Block 445 Phaestos
22:54:19 464 Phaestos
22:54:20 0 2.764 Lysandair
22:54:31 0 148 Kingofaion
22:54:31 0 2.564 Ilmg
22:54:31 0 3.978 Lysandair
22:54:31 0 846 Faramys
22:54:31 0 3.410 Anticite
22:54:31 0 59 Kazara
22:54:33 0 120 Kingofaion
22:54:33 0 0 Ilmg
22:54:33 0 2.379 Lysandair
22:54:33 0 0 Faramys
22:54:33 0 3.177 Anticite
22:54:33 0 1 Kazara
22:54:34 0 0 Kazara
22:54:34 0 0 Kazara
22:54:38 0 107 Kingofaion
22:54:38 0 4.430 Ilmg
22:54:38 0 0 Lysandair
22:54:38 0 4.430 Faramys
22:54:38 0 0 Anticite
22:54:38 0 0 Kazara
22:54:41 0 0 Faramys
22:54:42 0 0 Ilmg
22:54:44 571 Phaestos
22:54:49 0 0 Kingofaion
22:54:49 0 0 Kazara
22:54:49 0 0 Ilmg
22:54:49 0 0 Lysandair
22:54:49 0 0 Anticite
22:54:49 0 0 Faramys
22:54:50 0 6.646 Kingofaion
22:54:50 0 7.871 Ilmg
22:54:50 0 2.892 Anticite
22:54:50 0 6.931 Lysandair
22:54:50 0 4.806 Kazara
22:54:50 0 7.178 Faramys
22:54:53 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:04 0 5.174 Faramys
22:55:11 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:15 0 4.614 Kingofaion
22:55:15 0 4.160 Ilmg
22:55:15 0 7.269 Lysandair
22:55:15 0 1.443 Faramys
22:55:15 0 6.902 Anticite
22:55:15 0 4.534 Kazara
22:55:16 0 4.088 Lysandair
22:55:20 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:29 0 4.204 Kingofaion
22:55:29 0 832 Ilmg
22:55:29 0 4.430 Lysandair
22:55:29 0 1.012 Faramys
22:55:29 0 0 Anticite
22:55:29 0 4.430 Kazara
22:55:32 0 2.093 Kazara
22:55:34 0 2.344 Kazara
22:55:35 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:35 0 0 Ilmg
22:55:35 0 0 Lysandair
22:55:35 0 0 Faramys
22:55:35 0 0 Anticite
22:55:35 0 0 Kazara
22:55:41 0 3.777 Kingofaion
22:55:41 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:41 0 0 Ilmg
22:55:41 0 0 Lysandair
22:55:41 0 0 Faramys
22:55:41 0 0 Anticite
22:55:41 0 0 Kazara
22:55:47 0 5.965 Kingofaion
22:55:47 0 6.243 Ilmg
22:55:47 0 5.083 Lysandair
22:55:47 0 2.713 Faramys
22:55:47 0 5.972 Anticite
22:55:50 0 0 Kingofaion
22:55:51 1.561 0 Phaestos
22:55:52 2.136 0 Phaestos