
Boss: Wistful Syripne in Theomobos Lab
Session: 07.08.2021 05:51:03 - 05:51:22
Game Version: 1.2
App Version:
Duration: 0min 19s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 719
DMG: 13.988
Heal: 3.308
Buffs: Blessing of Health II Summer Circle III Word of Inspiration I 2 Word of Protection I Blessing of Stone I Clement Mind Mantra III Effect 4 Magic Mantra III Effect 5 Intensity Mantra II Effect 4 Increase Natural Recovery Serum Boost Critical Hits and Accuracy
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Auto-Attack 6 2 (33%) 0 0 0 0 408 987 636 3.821 (27%)
Incandescent Blow III 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.301 1.383 1.342 2.684 (19%)
Meteor Strike IV 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 756 1.524 1.140 2.280 (16%)
Hallowed Strike IV 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.128 1.152 1.140 2.280 (16%)
Pentacle Shock II 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 1.537 1.537 1.537 1.537 (11%)
Inescapable Judgment I 1 0 0 0 0 0 790 790 790 790 (6%)
Booming Strike IV 1 0 0 0 0 0 596 596 596 596 (4%)
Summary 15 8 (53%) 0 0 0 0 408 1.537 932 13.988

Time Status Damage Heal Target
05:51:04 0 0 Stardust
05:51:04 0 0 Reeses
05:51:04 0 0 Musaku
05:51:04 0 0 Baj
05:51:06 Critical 1.524 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:07 Critical 1.383 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:08 0 0 Stardust
05:51:08 0 0 Reeses
05:51:08 0 0 Cruci
05:51:08 0 0 Musaku
05:51:08 0 0
05:51:08 0 0 Baj
05:51:09 Critical 1.152 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:10 0 3.308 Stardust
05:51:10 Critical 779 Wistful Syripne
05:51:12 Critical 987 Wistful Syripne
05:51:12 790 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:14 521 Wistful Syripne
05:51:15 756 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:16 590 Wistful Syripne
05:51:16 Critical 1.301 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:18 536 Wistful Syripne
05:51:18 Critical 1.537 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:19 0 0 Stardust
05:51:19 0 0 Reeses
05:51:19 0 0 Cruci
05:51:19 0 0 Musaku
05:51:19 0 0
05:51:19 0 0 Baj
05:51:20 Critical 1.128 0 Wistful Syripne
05:51:21 408 Wistful Syripne
05:51:21 596 0 Wistful Syripne