
Boss: Kromede the Corrupt in Labyrinth
Session: 09.06.2021 23:24:38 - 23:28:49
Version: 7.9
Duration: 4min 11s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 59.655
bossDMG: 14.964.347
Heal: 0
allDPS: 64.662
allDMG: 16.220.549
Buffs: Veille [Evolution] Weda's Splendour (Level 1) Attack: Increase Crit Strike 15
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Titanic Vacuum Explosion 58 22 (38%) 0 0 0 0 55.957 134.442 78.604 4.559.073 (30%)
Cyclone of Wrath 84 5 (6%) 0 0 0 0 16.865 41.734 21.744 1.826.520 (12%)
Decaying Mind 15 9 (60%) 0 0 0 0 68.645 154.541 99.395 1.490.939 (10%)
Magic Explosion 28 2 (7%) 0 0 0 0 36.722 57.377 46.246 1.294.889 (9%)
Infernal Pain 44 2 (5%) 0 0 0 0 23.670 52.108 29.157 1.282.913 (9%)
Magic Implosion 46 0 0 0 0 0 22.282 57.450 27.619 1.270.502 (8%)
Elemental Smash 12 8 (67%) 0 0 0 0 64.027 124.853 90.799 1.089.589 (7%)
Erosion 56 9 (16%) 0 0 0 0 10.037 36.703 16.532 925.830 (6%)
Summon Wind Servant 70 7 (10%) 0 0 0 0 0 22.335 12.972 908.074 (6%)
Backdraft 5 3 (60%) 0 0 0 0 43.135 80.490 63.203 316.018 (2%)
Summary 418 67 (16%) 0 0 0 0 0 154.541 35.799 14.964.347

Time Status Damage Heal Target
23:24:45 30.101 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:46 37.583 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:48 83.986 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:48 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:48 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:49 Critical 36.703 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:50 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:50 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:50 23.670 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:51 Critical 154.541 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:52 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:52 0 0 Magicxena
23:24:52 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:52 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:53 Critical 134.442 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:53 23.670 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:53 57.450 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:54 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:54 55.116 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:55 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:55 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:56 Critical 134.442 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:56 23.670 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:57 Critical 41.734 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:58 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:58 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:58 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:58 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:59 23.670 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:24:59 Critical 116.443 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:00 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:00 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:01 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:01 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:01 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:02 72.744 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:02 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:03 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:04 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:04 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:04 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:04 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:04 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:05 89.238 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:06 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:06 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:06 Critical 124.853 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:07 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:07 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:08 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:09 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:09 27.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:10 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:10 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:11 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:12 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:12 Critical 75.426 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:13 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:14 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:14 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:25:14 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:25:14 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:15 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:16 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:16 Critical 40.083 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:16 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:17 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:18 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:18 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:19 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:19 68.645 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:20 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:20 64.027 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:21 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:21 21.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:22 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:23 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:23 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:24 53.782 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:24 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:24 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:25 Critical 51.615 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:26 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:26 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:27 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:27 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:28 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:28 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:28 53.717 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:29 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:29 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:30 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:30 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:31 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:31 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:31 53.717 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:33 Critical 102.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:34 0 0 Magicxena
23:25:34 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:34 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:34 Critical 96.041 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:34 53.717 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:36 22.365 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:37 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:37 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:37 53.717 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:37 Critical 87.963 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:38 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:40 43.135 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:40 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:40 53.717 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:40 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:41 62.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:42 Critical 27.270 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:42 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:42 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:43 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:44 27.925 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:45 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:45 16.815 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:45 62.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:46 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:46 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:47 18.180 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:48 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:48 Critical 107.598 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:49 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:49 0 0 Magicxena
23:25:49 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:50 Critical 89.996 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:50 11.210 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:51 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:51 20.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:52 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:52 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:53 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:53 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:25:53 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:25:53 11.210 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:53 17.397 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:54 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:54 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:54 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:55 22.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:55 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:56 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:56 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:57 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:57 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:57 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:57 Critical 26.096 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:58 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:25:59 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:00 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:00 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:01 16.080 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:02 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:02 16.302 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:03 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:04 21.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:06 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:06 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:06 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:07 17.397 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:07 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:08 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:09 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:10 89.238 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:10 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:11 83.235 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:11 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:12 Critical 52.108 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:13 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:13 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:14 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:14 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:15 21.192 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:16 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:17 27.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:17 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:18 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:18 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:19 22.616 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:19 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:19 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:20 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:20 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:22 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:22 Critical 116.443 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:22 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:22 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:23 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:24 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:24 53.660 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:25 37.922 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:26 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:26 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:26 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:26 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:26:26 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:26:26 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:27 Critical 31.789 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:28 Critical 128.441 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:29 0 0 Magicxena
23:26:29 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:29 Critical 119.797 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:30 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:31 26.698 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:32 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:33 79.378 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:33 15.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:33 23.123 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:34 17.275 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:34 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:35 20.910 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:36 17.275 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:36 Critical 119.067 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:37 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:37 10.965 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:37 Critical 34.685 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:38 17.275 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:39 Critical 119.067 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:40 17.275 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:40 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:40 26.722 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:41 16.447 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:42 55.957 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:42 16.302 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:43 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:44 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:44 Critical 32.103 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:46 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:46 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:46 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:46 17.397 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:47 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:47 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:48 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:49 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:49 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:49 38.307 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:50 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:50 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:50 Critical 55.083 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:52 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:52 71.732 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:53 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:53 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:53 66.907 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:54 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:54 57.377 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:55 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:55 Critical 87.963 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:56 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:57 Critical 31.526 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:57 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:57 57.377 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:58 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:58 62.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:59 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:59 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:26:59 26.530 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:00 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:00 0 0 Magicxena
23:27:00 57.377 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:01 26.530 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:01 62.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:01 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:01 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:01 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:02 10.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:02 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:03 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:03 57.377 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:03 26.530 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:04 63.745 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:05 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:05 26.530 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:06 70.187 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:06 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:06 57.377 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:07 Critical 92.152 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:08 25.642 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:08 15.567 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:09 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:10 Critical 63.307 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:11 61.060 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:12 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:12 24.245 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:12 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:13 21.885 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:15 24.886 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:15 24.245 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:15 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:15 61.060 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:16 57.450 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:16 18.425 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:17 36.722 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:18 24.245 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:18 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:18 18.425 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:19 Critical 83.936 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:20 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:20 Critical 102.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:20 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:20 18.425 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:21 0 0 Magicxena
23:27:21 24.245 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:21 Critical 96.041 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:21 15.227 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:22 18.425 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:23 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:23 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:23 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:23 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:25 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:25 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:25 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:25 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:26 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:26 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:26 Critical 32.103 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:27 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:28 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:29 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:29 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:29 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:30 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:30 55.957 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:31 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:32 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:32 38.252 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:33 Critical 83.936 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:33 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:33 16.302 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:33 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:35 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:35 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:35 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:36 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:36 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:37 68.645 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:38 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:38 64.027 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:39 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:40 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:40 34.738 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:41 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:41 27.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:42 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:43 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:43 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:44 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:44 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:45 22.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:46 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:46 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:46 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:47 23.802 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:48 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:49 10.037 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:49 0 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:49 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:50 18.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:50 27.972 0 Suspicious Object
23:27:52 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:58 Critical 116.443 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:27:59 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:00 Critical 133.857 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:01 0 0 Magicxena
23:28:02 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:03 Critical 80.490 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:05 Critical 116.443 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:05 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:06 26.071 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:08 77.629 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:08 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:09 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:09 26.722 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:11 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:11 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:11 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:13 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:13 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:13 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:13 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:13 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:13 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:14 Critical 102.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:14 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:15 0 0 Magicxena
23:28:15 16.865 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:16 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:16 Critical 89.572 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:16 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:16 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:16 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:17 Critical 26.096 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:17 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:18 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:19 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:20 Critical 32.103 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:20 16.080 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:20 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:21 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:22 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:22 25.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:22 Critical 26.096 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:22 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:24 59.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:24 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:25 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:26 16.080 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:26 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:27 62.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:28 Critical 27.270 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:28 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:28 27.022 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:29 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:30 Critical 101.115 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:31 14.890 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:31 0 0 Magicxena
23:28:31 16.815 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:31 Critical 100.361 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:33 22.365 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:34 16.815 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:35 Critical 93.603 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:35 40.055 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:36 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:36 38.372 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:38 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:38 27.925 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:39 Critical 93.603 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:39 Critical 68.235 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:39 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:39 45.490 0 Suspicious Object
23:28:39 37.328 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:40 Critical 27.855 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:40 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:40 39.997 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:40 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:42 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:42 18.837 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:42 57.300 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:42 37.328 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:43 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:43 39.997 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:43 17.182 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:44 Critical 98.801 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:45 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:45 0 0 Magicxena
23:28:45 Critical 92.152 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:45 37.328 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:46 39.997 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:46 21.415 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:46 17.182 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:47 20.537 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:48 26.435 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:48 Critical 85.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
23:28:48 37.328 0 Kromede the Corrupt