
Boss: Daeva Mob Leader in Stella Development Laboratory (normal)
Session: 16.05.2021 22:20:46 - 22:22:05
Game Version: 7.9
App Version:
Duration: 1min 18s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
DPS: 53.606
DMG: 4.184.331
Heal: 0
Buffs: Blessed Light Nezekan's Apostle [Evolution] Repeated Jolting Strike (Level 1) [Evolution] Weda's Splendour (Level 1) Attack: Increases Attack Power 3 Shy Vision: Enchanted Stringed Instrument 4
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
Flame Harmony 6 2 (33%) 0 0 0 0 45.345 95.397 65.970 395.823 (9%)
Chilling Harmony 6 3 (50%) 0 0 0 0 39.822 87.026 62.813 376.883 (9%)
Fantastic Variation 2 0 0 0 0 0 178.293 188.701 183.497 366.994 (9%)
Earth Harmony 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 64.671 114.704 91.716 366.866 (9%)
Sound of the Breeze 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 33.763 67.123 45.103 360.831 (9%)
Storm Harmony 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 151.253 159.035 155.144 310.288 (7%)
Moskie Requiem 6 1 (17%) 0 0 0 0 0 108.132 48.032 288.192 (7%)
Illusion Ensemble 1 0 0 0 0 0 265.173 265.173 265.173 265.173 (6%)
Symphony of Wrath 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 197.176 197.176 197.176 197.176 (5%)
Wind Harmony 2 0 0 0 0 0 83.842 96.062 89.952 179.904 (4%)
Disharmony 1 0 0 0 0 0 178.828 178.828 178.828 178.828 (4%)
Attack: Area of Effect 5 0 0 0 0 0 29.700 29.700 29.700 148.500 (4%)
Soul Harmony 2 0 0 0 0 0 48.216 81.166 64.691 129.382 (3%)
Tsunami Requiem 1 0 0 0 0 0 118.980 118.980 118.980 118.980 (3%)
March of the Bees 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 30.073 50.219 40.146 80.292 (2%)
Attack: Additional Damage 2 0 0 0 0 0 35.640 35.640 35.640 71.280 (2%)
Harmony of Death 2 0 0 0 0 0 28.265 30.797 29.531 59.062 (1%)
Harmony of Desolation 1 0 0 0 0 0 54.945 54.945 54.945 54.945 (1%)
Ironclad Tank Harmony 1 0 0 0 0 0 51.965 51.965 51.965 51.965 (1%)
Attack Resonation Effect 2 0 0 0 0 0 23.961 26.054 25.007 50.015 (1%)
Attack Resonation 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 24.226 25.006 24.616 49.232 (1%)
Acute Grating Sound Effect 1 0 0 0 0 0 27.356 27.356 27.356 27.356 (1%)
Harmony of Silence 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 23.914 23.914 23.914 23.914 (1%)
Loud Bang 1 0 0 0 0 0 18.851 18.851 18.851 18.851 (0%)
Auto-Attack 1 0 0 0 0 0 13.599 13.599 13.599 13.599 (0%)
Summary 63 17 (27%) 0 0 0 0 0 265.173 66.417 4.184.331

Time Status Damage Heal Target
22:21:00 0 0 Lirria
22:21:00 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:00 0 0 Beneful
22:21:00 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:00 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:00 0 0 Lavia
22:21:10 35.457 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:11 35.640 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:11 Critical 70.492 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:12 51.958 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:12 0 0 Lirria
22:21:12 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:12 0 0 Lavia
22:21:12 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:12 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:12 0 0 Beneful
22:21:12 0 0
22:21:12 0 0
22:21:12 0 0
22:21:12 0 0
22:21:12 0 0
22:21:12 96.062 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:13 Critical 197.176 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:14 40.337 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:14 0 0 Lirria
22:21:19 Critical 50.219 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:20 29.700 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:20 Critical 0 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:21 43.772 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:21 29.700 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:22 Critical 87.026 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:22 Critical 95.397 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:22 35.640 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:23 Critical 114.704 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:23 45.015 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:23 178.293 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:24 29.700 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:25 45.015 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:25 265.173 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:26 118.980 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:27 45.015 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:27 Critical 67.123 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:27 178.828 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:28 Critical 25.006 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:28 81.166 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:29 108.132 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:29 45.015 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:29 30.797 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:29 Critical 23.914 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:30 Critical 151.253 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:31 Critical 76.289 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:32 56.230 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:32 Critical 108.915 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:33 23.961 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:34 Critical 61.812 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:34 18.851 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:34 29.700 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:35 29.700 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:35 54.945 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:37 0 0 Lirria
22:21:38 0 0 Lirria
22:21:38 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:38 0 0 Beneful
22:21:38 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:38 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:38 0 0 Lavia
22:21:38 0 0 Lirria
22:21:38 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:38 0 0 Beneful
22:21:38 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:38 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:38 0 0 Lavia
22:21:44 33.763 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:45 39.822 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:45 45.345 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:46 0 0 Lirria
22:21:46 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:46 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:46 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:46 0 0 Beneful
22:21:46 0 0 Lavia
22:21:46 83.842 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:46 0 0 Lirria
22:21:47 Critical 24.226 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:47 0 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:49 Critical 159.035 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:50 38.220 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:50 48.216 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:50 28.265 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:51 0 0 Lirria
22:21:51 0 0 Moonstealerin
22:21:51 0 0 Sentoumaru
22:21:51 0 0 Heilchen
22:21:51 0 0 Lavia
22:21:51 0 0 Beneful
22:21:51 51.965 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:52 13.599 Mutant Daeva
22:21:52 40.347 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:52 26.054 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:52 27.356 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:53 30.073 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:54 56.021 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:54 63.793 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:55 78.576 0 Mutant Daeva
22:21:59 188.701 0 Mutant Daeva
22:22:03 47.233 0 Mutant Daeva
22:22:04 Critical 83.100 0 Mutant Daeva
22:22:04 64.671 0 Mutant Daeva