
Boss: Kromede the Corrupt in Labyrinth
Session: 07.05.2021 21:40:59 - 21:43:01
Game Version: 7.9
App Version:
Duration: 2min 2s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 125.517
bossDMG: 15.314.752
Heal: 0
allDPS: 133.798
allDMG: 16.325.112
Buffs: Kaisinel Blessed Light 2 Power: Sun's Blessing Attack: Increases Attack Power 5
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Summon Heat 52 3 (6%) 0 0 0 0 5.982 234.604 45.200 2.350.400 (15%)
Ice Harpoon 10 4 (40%) 0 0 0 0 113.335 250.043 170.525 1.705.254 (11%)
Meteor Wave 9 3 (33%) 0 0 0 0 100.492 257.238 162.066 1.458.595 (10%)
(Improved) Glacial Shard 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 321.532 605.796 417.849 1.253.548 (8%)
(Improved) Flame Spray 4 0 0 0 0 0 233.045 247.705 241.632 966.529 (6%)
Flame Harpoon 12 5 (42%) 0 0 0 0 63.197 101.388 79.054 948.658 (6%)
(Improved) Cyclone Strike 2 0 0 0 0 0 294.282 419.181 356.731 713.463 (5%)
(Improved) Wind Cut Down 5 3 (60%) 0 0 0 0 92.642 158.247 137.981 689.909 (5%)
(Improved) Boosted Major Eruption 6 1 (17%) 0 0 0 0 0 245.898 105.620 633.720 (4%)
Hell Flame of Wrath 2 0 0 0 0 0 298.940 302.217 300.578 601.157 (4%)
Attack: Additional Damage 11 0 0 0 0 0 40.896 53.164 47.587 523.464 (3%)
Fiery Roller 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 453.316 453.316 453.316 453.316 (3%)
(Improved) Swift Spear 4 2 (50%) 0 0 0 0 77.267 146.332 102.972 411.888 (3%)
Flame Cage 19 6 (32%) 0 0 0 0 14.072 31.843 20.228 384.334 (3%)
Attack: Area of Effect 12 0 0 0 0 0 30.720 39.936 31.488 377.856 (2%)
Soul Freeze 4 3 (75%) 0 0 0 0 74.706 102.701 93.654 374.616 (2%)
Ember 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 69.005 100.481 82.744 330.976 (2%)
Blaze 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 53.070 88.526 67.122 268.489 (2%)
Flame Fusion 5 2 (40%) 0 0 0 0 40.562 56.917 49.864 249.320 (2%)
Frost 2 0 0 0 0 0 94.515 94.672 94.593 189.187 (1%)
Summon Whirlwind Effect 4 0 0 0 0 0 31.463 43.388 37.683 150.732 (1%)
Frozen Shock 2 0 0 0 0 0 45.065 45.140 45.102 90.205 (1%)
Flickering Flames 4 1 (25%) 0 0 0 0 15.840 24.642 19.457 77.829 (1%)
Soul Absorption 1 0 0 0 0 0 71.340 71.340 71.340 71.340 (0%)
Refracting Shard 1 0 0 0 0 0 39.967 39.967 39.967 39.967 (0%)
Summary 183 37 (20%) 0 0 0 0 0 605.796 83.687 15.314.752

Time Status Damage Heal Target
21:41:05 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:06 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:07 174.874 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:07 Critical 257.238 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:07 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 171.492 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 7.575 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 155.902 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:08 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:09 158.977 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:10 Critical 250.043 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:10 7.575 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:11 17.337 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:11 126.255 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:12 41.677 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:12 7.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:12 77.267 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:13 7.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:14 302.217 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:14 Critical 192.948 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:14 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:15 11.957 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:16 326.220 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:16 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:16 11.957 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:17 124.670 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:18 126.617 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:18 7.725 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:19 7.725 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:19 246.562 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:19 126.650 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:20 17.392 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:20 7.847 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:21 294.282 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:21 7.847 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:22 Critical 102.701 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:22 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:22 Critical 176.898 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:22 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:22 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:23 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:24 10.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:24 92.642 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:24 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:25 10.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:25 36.832 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:26 10.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:26 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:26 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:26 0 0 Izxku
21:41:26 0 0 Illialana
21:41:26 0 0 Infuz
21:41:26 0 0 Veldorah
21:41:27 10.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:27 43.388 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:27 Critical 453.316 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:28 10.950 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:28 Critical 234.604 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:28 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:28 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:29 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:29 Critical 238.270 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:29 39.049 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:29 11.175 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:30 221.097 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:30 86.725 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:30 Dodge 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:30 11.175 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:30 71.236 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:31 21.507 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:31 88.318 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:31 31.463 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:31 11.175 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:31 108.420 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:32 Critical 90.180 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:32 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:33 15.840 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:33 108.420 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:34 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:35 Critical 24.642 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:35 15.432 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:35 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:35 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:36 Critical 55.646 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:36 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:36 30.720 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:36 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:37 15.840 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:37 11.668 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:37 Critical 17.502 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:37 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:37 Critical 174.228 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:37 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:38 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:38 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:39 14.832 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:39 9.888 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:39 Critical 95.126 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:40 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:40 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:40 30.720 0 Suspicious Object
21:41:40 0 0 Kontrollz
21:41:40 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:42 6.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:42 143.221 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:43 23.859 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:44 164.079 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:46 Critical 605.796 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:46 20.488 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:47 Critical 146.332 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:47 39.936 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:48 54.518 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:49 95.888 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:50 94.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:50 45.140 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:53 Critical 101.388 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:54 Critical 88.526 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:55 73.172 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:57 68.912 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:57 16.247 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:57 40.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:57 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:58 120.177 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:41:59 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:00 Critical 143.861 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:00 15.977 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:02 298.940 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:03 247.705 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:03 166.725 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:03 Dodge 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:05 419.181 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:05 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:05 23.068 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:06 Critical 248.063 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:09 16.926 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:09 0 0 Kontrollz
21:42:10 79.697 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:10 Critical 119.546 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:10 79.697 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:10 116.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 74.847 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 Critical 112.271 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 74.847 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 100.492 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 Critical 112.271 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 74.847 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 74.847 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 Critical 142.575 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:11 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:11 0 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:12 96.925 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:12 40.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:12 14.072 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:13 Critical 95.876 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:13 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:14 0 0 Kontrollz
21:42:14 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:15 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:15 Critical 74.706 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:16 0 0 Kontrollz
21:42:16 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:17 Critical 91.170 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:17 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:17 53.070 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:18 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:18 Critical 100.481 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:18 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:18 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:19 Critical 92.816 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:19 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:19 15.322 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:20 5.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:21 113.335 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:22 63.197 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:23 Critical 22.331 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:24 65.940 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:24 39.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:25 71.340 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:27 40.562 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:27 40.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:28 321.532 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:28 Critical 25.308 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:30 239.217 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:31 Critical 151.938 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:32 Critical 25.882 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:33 119.967 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:34 65.500 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:36 16.982 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:37 63.962 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:38 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:38 30.720 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:38 30.720 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:38 30.720 0 Suspicious Object
21:42:38 Critical 56.917 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:42 Critical 31.843 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:43 150.475 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:44 92.413 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:44 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:46 Critical 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:47 Critical 23.966 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:47 40.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:49 Critical 158.247 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:49 Critical 101.321 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:50 94.515 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:50 40.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:50 245.898 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:50 Dodge 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:50 45.065 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:52 233.045 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:53 63.742 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:54 55.657 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:54 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:54 69.005 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:54 30.720 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:55 Critical 26.136 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:56 157.010 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:57 Critical 220.573 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:57 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:57 6.790 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:57 147.049 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:58 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:58 147.049 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:58 53.164 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:58 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:58 149.951 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:42:59 0 0 Kontrollz
21:42:59 7.140 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:43:00 0 0 Kontrollz
21:43:00 15.766 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:43:00 7.140 0 Kromede the Corrupt
21:43:01 110.400 0 Kromede the Corrupt