
Boss: Kromede the Corrupt in Labyrinth
Session: 01.05.2021 13:42:14 - 13:44:34
Version: 7.9
Duration: 2min 20s
Deaths: 0
Ping: N/A
bossDPS: 120.782
bossDMG: 16.873.657
Heal: 0
allDPS: 127.578
allDMG: 17.823.101
Buffs: Boosted Soul Wave Tiamat Attack: Increases Attack Power 17 Shy Vision: Enchanted Greatsword 17 Ice Dragon Feather: Boost Physical Attack 8
Damage Distribution
Skill Uses Crit Resist Dodge Parry Block Min Max Avg Damage
(Improved) Sharp Strike 16 9 (56%) 0 0 0 0 52.105 152.557 96.705 1.547.283 (9%)
(Improved) Sure Strike 6 4 (67%) 0 0 0 0 125.225 336.622 211.854 1.271.126 (8%)
Auto-Attack 43 16 (37%) 0 0 0 0 16.272 52.180 29.267 1.258.498 (7%)
Repeated Body Smash 30 14 (47%) 0 0 0 0 20.540 64.819 39.884 1.196.546 (7%)
(Improved) Leaping Strike 6 2 (33%) 0 0 0 0 104.832 273.169 179.778 1.078.670 (6%)
Body Blow 15 9 (60%) 0 0 0 0 35.807 98.896 65.630 984.458 (6%)
Energy Explosion 9 5 (56%) 0 0 0 0 57.620 176.193 102.997 926.978 (5%)
(Improved) Blade All-round Strike 5 1 (20%) 0 0 0 0 142.845 301.939 183.195 915.976 (5%)
Attack: Additional Damage 23 0 0 0 0 0 30.672 39.873 36.672 843.471 (5%)
(Improved) Draining Sword 6 2 (33%) 0 0 0 0 89.390 237.438 140.501 843.007 (5%)
Whirling Blow 10 4 (40%) 0 0 0 0 2 211.245 72.824 728.243 (4%)
Body Smash 16 3 (19%) 0 0 0 0 26.532 83.722 42.335 677.365 (4%)
(Improved) Exhausting Wave 9 3 (33%) 0 0 0 0 50.299 131.244 73.335 660.019 (4%)
Robust Blow 13 7 (54%) 0 0 0 0 28.005 72.581 47.961 623.501 (4%)
Ferocious Strike 15 1 (7%) 0 0 0 0 24.702 68.810 34.595 518.938 (3%)
(Improved) Revival Wave 3 2 (67%) 0 0 0 0 91.472 222.843 164.590 493.772 (3%)
Fury Absorption 8 4 (50%) 0 0 0 0 37.297 82.909 59.190 473.523 (3%)
Pressure Wave 8 2 (25%) 0 0 0 0 41.875 83.891 58.737 469.898 (3%)
Weakening Blow 7 3 (43%) 0 0 0 0 29.900 71.370 50.374 352.623 (2%)
Wrathful Strike 5 3 (60%) 0 0 0 0 33.617 79.820 57.518 287.591 (2%)
(Improved) Bloodlust Explosion 3 1 (33%) 0 0 0 0 63.585 119.592 83.955 251.865 (1%)
Seismic Billow 2 2 (100%) 0 0 0 0 87.398 105.818 96.608 193.216 (1%)
Great Cleave 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 19.940 56.859 38.399 76.799 (0%)
Boosted Martial Cleave 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 75.822 75.822 75.822 75.822 (0%)
Cleave 2 1 (50%) 0 0 0 0 31.020 36.669 33.844 67.689 (0%)
Counter Leech 1 0 0 0 0 0 55.980 55.980 55.980 55.980 (0%)
Command: Fire Wall of Protection 8 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 800 (0%)
Summary 272 100 (37%) 0 0 0 0 2 336.622 62.035 16.873.657

Time Status Damage Heal Target
13:42:16 0 0 Volandemort
13:42:17 0 0 Volandemort
13:42:18 63.585 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:19 2 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:19 108.612 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:19 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:19 Critical 41.453 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:20 Critical 301.939 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:21 20.642 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:21 Critical 62.892 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:22 71.552 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:22 Critical 233.846 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:23 Critical 272.076 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:23 99.480 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:24 Critical 237.438 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:24 78.607 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:25 Critical 144.323 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:25 67.223 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:26 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:26 26.671 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:26 67.223 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:26 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:27 Critical 131.244 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:27 22.549 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:27 Critical 222.843 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:28 31.020 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:28 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:28 Critical 56.859 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:29 Critical 75.822 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:29 35.460 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:30 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:30 27.452 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:30 Critical 50.402 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:31 Critical 78.355 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:31 33.015 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:32 Critical 61.152 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:32 Critical 71.044 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:33 Critical 82.909 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:34 48.200 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:34 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:34 Critical 87.398 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:35 Critical 47.277 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:36 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:36 43.907 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:36 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:36 33.991 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:37 Critical 62.408 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:37 Critical 97.023 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:38 44.980 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:38 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:38 Critical 176.193 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:39 164.528 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:39 78.110 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:40 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:40 Critical 152.557 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:41 Critical 48.315 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:41 32.805 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:41 Critical 61.740 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:42 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:42 Critical 52.180 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:42 Critical 68.817 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:43 27.277 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:43 28.217 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:44 43.867 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:44 139.710 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:44 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:45 71.732 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:46 44.565 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:46 50.735 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:47 24.422 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:47 33.097 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:48 33.927 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:48 100 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:49 23.977 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:49 Critical 4 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:49 Critical 211.245 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:49 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:50 162.970 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:51 32.577 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:51 25.222 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:52 23.655 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:52 Critical 72.485 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:53 Critical 95.664 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:53 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:53 52.105 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:53 100 0 Suspicious Object
13:42:53 100 0 Suspicious Object
13:42:54 Critical 57.471 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:54 Critical 123.608 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:55 28.972 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:56 28.540 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:56 Critical 67.633 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:57 Critical 70.897 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:57 Critical 83.891 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:58 21.760 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:59 Critical 119.592 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:59 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:42:59 44.752 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:00 34.647 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:00 Critical 63.613 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:01 Critical 98.896 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:01 24.755 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:02 55.980 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:02 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:02 165.997 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:03 24.555 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:04 43.026 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:04 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:04 Critical 63.869 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:05 22.612 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:05 79.553 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:05 Critical 146.060 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:06 Critical 336.622 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:06 Critical 83.722 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:07 Critical 64.819 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:07 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:07 Critical 62.575 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:08 52.984 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:08 Critical 49.154 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:09 127.929 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:09 124.650 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:10 45.519 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:10 Critical 128.703 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:11 32.345 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:11 33.155 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:12 Critical 49.385 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:12 43.552 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:13 49.580 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:14 Critical 47.823 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:15 Critical 40.649 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:15 Critical 93.016 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:15 50.662 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:16 26.188 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:16 50.662 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:16 91.472 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:17 30.965 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:17 23.972 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:18 23.972 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:18 37.267 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:19 Critical 35.108 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:19 2 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:19 Critical 180.460 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:19 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:20 148.827 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:21 Critical 121.087 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:21 65.951 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:22 18.411 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:22 35.327 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:22 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:23 36.214 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:23 Critical 79.820 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:24 136.298 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:24 18.470 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:25 Critical 71.370 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:25 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:25 38.675 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:26 Critical 54.973 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:26 23.032 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:27 35.807 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:27 27.700 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:28 25.545 0 Suspicious Object
13:43:28 25.545 0 Suspicious Object
13:43:28 37.297 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:29 30.812 0 Suspicious Object
13:43:29 30.812 0 Suspicious Object
13:43:29 Critical 81.137 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:29 30.672 0 Suspicious Object
13:43:29 Critical 206.045 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:30 57.620 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:31 19.599 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:31 26.532 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:31 20.540 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:32 20.540 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:32 Critical 63.599 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:33 20.517 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:33 Critical 83.069 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:34 Critical 83.069 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:34 20.592 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:35 24.702 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:35 Critical 50.430 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:36 20.553 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:37 34.491 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:37 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:37 Critical 49.024 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:38 Critical 49.024 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:38 Critical 76.221 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:39 16.272 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:39 68.688 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:39 49.549 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:40 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:40 56.407 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:41 40.491 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:41 81.226 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:42 21.331 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:43 40.254 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:43 Critical 58.875 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:43 32.067 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:44 49.855 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:45 20.015 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:45 38.564 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:45 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:45 Critical 72.581 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:46 Critical 273.169 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:46 70.635 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:47 Critical 129.686 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:47 Critical 41.300 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:48 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:48 40.254 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:48 31.163 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:49 Critical 58.875 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:49 Critical 97.989 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:50 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:50 Critical 4 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:50 105.270 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:50 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:50 24.495 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:51 159.395 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:52 125.225 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:52 Critical 118.045 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:53 89.390 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:53 Critical 164.120 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:53 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:54 20.341 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:54 28.830 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:54 Critical 54.258 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:55 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:55 35.477 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:43:56 Critical 56.851 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:01 36.796 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:01 Critical 71.305 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:01 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:02 Critical 36.049 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:03 23.390 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:03 28.192 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:03 Critical 51.761 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:03 Critical 51.761 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:03 Critical 72.044 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:04 32.095 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 58.926 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 58.926 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 58.073 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:04 30.672 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 60.018 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 60.018 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 60.018 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:04 Critical 105.818 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:05 Critical 43.336 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:05 41.424 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:06 Critical 58.875 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:06 Critical 57.217 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:07 48.447 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:08 23.564 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:08 Critical 68.810 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:14 104.832 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:14 20.141 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:14 29.900 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:15 Critical 98.299 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:15 Critical 191.448 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:16 Critical 107.989 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:17 58.818 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:17 Critical 33.739 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:17 50.299 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:18 39.873 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:18 50.299 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:18 Critical 33.372 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:19 Critical 99.391 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:19 Critical 179.457 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:20 21.653 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:20 2 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:20 122.642 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:20 0 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:21 142.845 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:22 29.342 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:22 22.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:22 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:23 Critical 41.704 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:23 Critical 64.838 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:24 27.317 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:24 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:24 28.005 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:25 33.617 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:26 Critical 33.472 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:26 Critical 54.868 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:26 Critical 54.868 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:26 Critical 54.868 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:26 Critical 72.710 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:27 30.812 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:27 Critical 56.571 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:27 30.812 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:27 41.875 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:27 30.672 0 Suspicious Object
13:44:28 22.075 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:29 29.342 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:29 30.672 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:29 22.715 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:29 Critical 42.985 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:30 Critical 66.825 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:31 21.373 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:31 27.632 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:31 28.325 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:32 Critical 34.963 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:33 Critical 36.669 0 Kromede the Corrupt
13:44:33 19.940 0 Kromede the Corrupt