Kaehde - Stormwing

session: 12.08.2019 01:44:00 - 12.08.2019 01:55:24
reported: 12.08.2019 03:11:11
# Time Name Status Speed Motion Base Motion Damage Heal Target
1 01:44:00 [Server Speed: 50]
2 01:44:00 [Transform: Popoku]
3 01:44:00 [Weapon: Bow]
4 01:44:03 Explosive Arrow 69 452 653 39146 0 Lazy Kaileon
5 01:44:04 Shackling Arrow Torrent 43 400 933 40810 0 Lazy Kaileon
6 01:44:50 Stunning Shot 54 501 933 26785 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
7 01:44:51 Arrow Rain of Destruction 56 520 933 25550 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
8 01:44:51 Griffonix Arrow 54 553 1033 25440 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
9 01:48:40 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 29818 0 Lazy Kaileon
10 01:48:40 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Kaehde
11 01:48:41 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 238 Kaehde
12 01:48:41 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 3028 Kaehde
13 01:48:41 Devotion 0 0 0 Kaehde
14 01:48:42 Stunning Shot 8 71 933 54005 0 Lazy Kaileon
15 01:48:47 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
16 01:48:47 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
17 01:48:49 [Cast Speed: 1]
18 01:48:49 Bow of Blessing 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
19 01:48:50 Lethal Arrow 65 426 653 30652 0 Lazy Kaileon
20 01:48:50 Explosive Arrow 65 426 653 37850 0 Lazy Kaileon
21 01:52:30 Stunning Shot 49 454 933 27577 0 Lazy Kaileon
22 01:52:31 Explosive Arrow 77 505 653 36344 0 Lazy Kaileon
23 01:52:31 Auto-Attack 6087 Lazy Kaileon
24 01:52:31 Arrow of Annihilation 36 337 933 40575 0 Lazy Kaileon
25 01:52:35 Shackling Arrow Torrent 43 400 933 37890 0 Lazy Kaileon
26 01:52:36 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
27 01:52:36 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
28 01:52:37 [Cast Speed: 1]
29 01:52:37 Sniper Shot 43 402 933 20780 0 Lazy Kaileon
30 01:52:38 Arrow Strike 201 402 200 21405 0 Lazy Kaileon
31 01:53:12 Bow of Blessing 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
32 01:53:12 Stunning Shot 51 479 933 29464 0 Lazy Kaileon
33 01:53:13 Arrow Rain of Destruction Critical 51 479 933 21713 0 Lazy Kaileon
34 01:53:13 Arrow Rain of Destruction 0 0 0 Kaehde
35 01:53:14 Griffonix Arrow 52 540 1033 32277 0 Lazy Kaileon
36 01:53:18 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Kaehde
37 01:53:18 Stunning Shot 50 465 933 29464 0 Lazy Kaileon
38 01:53:19 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
39 01:53:19 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
40 01:53:21 [Cast Speed: 1]
41 01:53:21 Lethal Arrow 37 243 653 28590 0 Lazy Kaileon
42 01:53:21 Explosive Arrow 26 172 653 35302 0 Lazy Kaileon
43 01:53:30 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 32700 0 Lazy Kaileon
44 01:53:31 Devotion 0 0 0 Kaehde
45 01:53:31 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 3387 Kaehde
46 01:53:31 Stunning Shot 37 346 933 28717 0 Lazy Kaileon
47 01:53:32 Arrow of Annihilation 17 155 933 46482 0 Lazy Kaileon
48 01:54:25 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
49 01:54:25 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
50 01:54:27 [Cast Speed: 1]
51 01:54:27 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Kaehde
52 01:54:28 Stunning Shot 47 435 933 25070 0 Lazy Kaileon
53 01:54:29 Lethal Arrow 67 440 653 26757 0 Lazy Kaileon
54 01:54:29 Explosive Arrow 67 440 653 33040 0 Lazy Kaileon
55 01:54:31 Shackling Arrow Torrent 43 400 933 34445 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
56 01:54:32 Sniper Shot 19 178 933 20780 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
57 01:54:33 Arrow Strike Critical 88 177 200 27990 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
58 01:54:35 Spiral Arrow 37 347 933 18567 0 Lazy Kaileon
59 01:54:36 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
60 01:54:36 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
61 01:54:36 [Cast Speed: 1]
62 01:54:36 Arrow of Annihilation 31 289 933 40575 0 Lazy Kaileon
63 01:54:38 Arrow Deluge 8 71 933 19260 0 Lazy Kaileon
64 01:54:45 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 30602 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
65 01:54:45 Devotion 0 0 0 Kaehde
66 01:54:46 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 629 Kaehde
67 01:54:46 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 3538 Kaehde
68 01:54:46 Stunning Shot 32 298 933 29700 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
69 01:54:47 Arrow Rain of Destruction 9 82 933 12875 0 Foul-smelling Flappa
70 01:54:52 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
71 01:54:52 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
72 01:54:53 [Cast Speed: 1]
73 01:54:53 Lethal Arrow 77 501 653 31702 0 Lazy Kaileon
74 01:54:53 Auto-Attack 11168 Lazy Kaileon
75 01:54:54 Explosive Arrow 81 532 653 35587 0 Lazy Kaileon
76 01:54:58 Sniper Shot 48 444 933 22858 0 Lazy Kaileon
77 01:54:58 Arrow Strike 228 457 200 23545 0 Lazy Kaileon
78 01:54:59 Spiral Arrow 29 270 933 24140 0 Lazy Kaileon
79 01:55:00 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
80 01:55:00 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
81 01:55:04 [Cast Speed: 1]
82 01:55:04 Stunning Shot 47 440 933 27577 0 Lazy Kaileon
83 01:55:06 Shackling Arrow Torrent 43 400 933 34445 0 Lazy Kaileon
84 01:55:07 Sniper Shot 21 196 933 20780 0 Lazy Kaileon
85 01:55:08 Arrow Strike 180 361 200 21405 0 Lazy Kaileon
86 01:55:09 Spiral Arrow 27 254 933 24140 0 Lazy Kaileon
87 01:55:09 Focused Shots 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
88 01:55:09 [Cast Speed: 0,89]
89 01:55:11 [Cast Speed: 1]
90 01:55:11 Arrow Deluge 4 36 933 19260 0 Lazy Kaileon
91 01:55:13 Arrow Deluge 4 36 933 19260 0 Lazy Kaileon
92 01:55:22 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 30602 0 Lazy Kaileon
93 01:55:23 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 2898 Kaehde
94 01:55:23 Bow of Blessing 0 0 667 0 0 Kaehde
95 01:55:24 Devotion 0 0 0 Kaehde
96 01:55:24 Stunning Shot 8 77 933 57440 0 Lazy Kaileon