Huso - Stormwing

session: 31.08.2019 20:53:18 - 31.08.2019 21:12:32
reported: 31.08.2019 21:20:47
# Time Name Status Speed Motion Base Motion Damage Heal Target
1 20:53:18 [Server Speed: 80]
2 20:53:18 [Transform: Shugo]
3 20:53:18 [Weapon: Bow]
4 20:53:20 Entangling Shot 95 889 933 11429 0 Wild Dargor
5 20:53:21 Auto-Attack 4394 Wild Dargor
6 20:53:22 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Huso
7 20:53:23 Stunning Shot 72 668 933 17668 0 Wild Dargor
8 20:53:24 Auto-Attack 4650 Wild Dargor
9 20:53:24 Arrow Rain of Destruction 72 668 933 7942 0 Wild Dargor
10 21:04:18 [Server Speed: 54]
11 21:05:38 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Huso
12 21:05:39 Devotion 0 0 0 Huso
13 21:05:40 Auto-Attack 9112 Wild Dargor
14 21:05:42 Stunning Shot 64 594 933 21274 0 Wild Dargor
15 21:05:43 Auto-Attack Critical 13278 Wild Dargor
16 21:05:54 Entangling Shot 69 644 933 10630 0 Ranox
17 21:05:55 Auto-Attack 4078 Ranox
18 21:05:56 Stunning Shot 51 475 933 16432 0 Ranox
19 21:05:57 Auto-Attack 3882 Ranox
20 21:05:58 Auto-Attack 4440 Ranox
21 21:06:00 Auto-Attack 4719 Ranox
22 21:06:00 Lightning Arrow 47 437 933 12972 0 Ranox
23 21:06:01 Auto-Attack 4750 Ranox
24 21:06:02 Raging Wind Arrow 0 14242 0 Ranox
25 21:06:03 Auto-Attack 4853 Ranox
26 21:06:03 Focused Shots 32 211 667 0 0 Huso
27 21:06:04 Auto-Attack 3820 Ranox
28 21:06:04 Gale Arrow 0 9490 0 Ranox
29 21:06:05 Gale Arrow 0 9490 0 Ranox
30 21:06:06 Auto-Attack 4657 Ranox
31 21:06:07 Auto-Attack 4388 Ranox
32 21:06:08 Shackle Arrow 41 384 933 13994 0 Ranox
33 21:06:10 Sniper Shot 41 387 933 13620 0 Ranox
34 21:06:11 Auto-Attack 4698 Ranox
35 21:06:11 Arrow Strike Critical 78 155 200 23851 0 Ranox
36 21:06:11 Spiral Arrow 39 362 933 12170 0 Ranox
37 21:06:12 Auto-Attack 4564 Ranox
38 21:06:13 Auto-Attack 4099 Ranox
39 21:06:13 Focused Shots 32 211 667 0 0 Huso
40 21:06:15 Devotion 0 0 0 Huso
41 21:06:15 Arrow of Annihilation 38 357 933 29098 0 Ranox
42 21:06:16 Auto-Attack 7142 Ranox
43 21:06:16 Arrow Deluge 39 362 933 13812 0 Ranox
44 21:06:17 Auto-Attack 7647 Ranox
45 21:06:17 Arrow Deluge 39 362 933 13812 0 Ranox
46 21:06:18 Arrow Deluge Critical 39 362 933 23480 0 Ranox
47 21:06:18 Auto-Attack 7838 Ranox
48 21:06:20 Entangling Shot 41 387 933 10572 0 Ranox
49 21:06:21 Auto-Attack 7198 Ranox
50 21:06:21 Focused Shots 32 211 667 0 0 Huso
51 21:06:23 Auto-Attack 8164 Ranox
52 21:06:23 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 19950 0 Ranox
53 21:06:24 Auto-Attack 7512 Ranox
54 21:06:24 Stunning Shot 41 387 933 35958 0 Ranox
55 21:06:44 Strengthening Eye 0 0 0 Huso
56 21:06:45 Speed of the Wind 32 275 867 0 0 Huso
57 21:06:46 Entangling Shot 69 641 933 11605 0 Suspicious Merun
58 21:06:46 Auto-Attack Critical 7661 Suspicious Merun
59 21:06:47 Auto-Attack 4752 Suspicious Merun
60 21:06:47 Devotion 0 0 0 Huso
61 21:06:48 Auto-Attack 8969 Suspicious Merun
62 21:06:49 Stunning Shot 69 641 933 21275 0 Suspicious Merun
63 21:07:10 Entangling Shot 70 651 933 12764 0 Megafang Rynoce
64 21:07:11 Auto-Attack 4836 Megafang Rynoce
65 21:07:12 Stunning Shot 67 628 933 19728 0 Megafang Rynoce
66 21:07:13 Auto-Attack 5412 Megafang Rynoce
67 21:07:14 Arrow Rain of Destruction 56 522 933 26614 0 Megafang Rynoce
68 21:07:24 Focused Shots 32 211 667 0 0 Huso
69 21:07:57 Stunning Shot 52 486 933 21274 0 Rakeclaw Nojolf
70 21:08:16 Speed of the Wind 32 275 867 0 0 Huso
71 21:08:17 Auto-Attack 4641 Suspicious Merun
72 21:08:17 Entangling Shot 69 640 933 11605 0 Suspicious Merun
73 21:08:18 Auto-Attack 5707 Suspicious Merun
74 21:08:19 Ascended Soul Arrow 0 21895 0 Suspicious Merun
75 21:12:32 [Server Speed: 80]
76 21:12:32 Stunning Shot 66 614 933 19214 0 Megafang Rynoce